Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 624 Prohibited Items

Chapter 624 Prohibited Items
"Don't mess with my things."

"Instructor, what are you doing?!"

"Be careful, my thing is very expensive!"

The seniors didn't hear everyone's wailing at all, but put the sunscreen, repeater and other things in their luggage in a box.

Even Ningxia saw people stuffing a lot of cosmetics.

Jiang Li tugged at Ning Xia's sleeve again, then quietly gave her a thumbs up.

When they set off in the morning, Ningxia specially helped them pick out the prohibited items.

So the four of them in Ningxia have nothing to pay for, simply because there are few rich people in this era.

Although there are many rich people, most of them still don't bring any prohibited items.

In this way, Ningxia and the others are not outstanding, only Ji Xinya who looked at Ningxia narrowed her eyes slightly.

Based on her understanding of Ningxia, Ningxia's family background should be average.

The inspection was almost done, and the instructor waved his hand.

"We will take these things away first, and we will return them to you after the military training is over."

After talking, the seniors from the student union carried their things and left, and Ji Xinya naturally followed suit.

After all they have to check other dormitories.

The dormitory wailed again, "Without that sunscreen, I would definitely get tanned."

"I originally planned to listen to songs on the repeater, alas, the tapes were all taken away."

"Is the school so strict? We are not soldiers!"

"Instructor, are you really incapable of accommodating?"

"We will never use it indiscriminately."

"My thing is very valuable, I don't know if it will be thrown away!"

"Whoever says one more word, just go down and run around."

The instructor's face was dark, and everyone shut up immediately. The deterrent of running is still very useful.

They are all delicate and soft girls, especially those who have been punished in the morning, and they are even more afraid to speak.

The instructor stood by the door and picked up the quilt of the first bed.

"I'll only teach it once, and credits will be deducted if I fail the internal affairs inspection."

He looked serious. In order not to deduct credits for running, everyone gathered together and watched the instructor fold the quilt into tofu cubes very seriously.

"Wow, the instructor's action is so handsome."

"Don't tell me I haven't noticed yet, the instructor is so manly."

"The instructor is fierce, it would be nice if he were more gentle."

"Shh, keep your voice down, the instructor will punish us to run later."

"I'm not wrong, the instructor is really handsome."

Ning Xia pulled her lips helplessly, these girls are really cute.

Just now I was still worrying about the poor living place, but now the topic has jumped to the question of whether the instructor is handsome or not.

And the voice was not too low, the instructor must have heard it.

He just pretended to be nonchalant, but Ning Xia could still notice that the tips of the instructor's ears were slightly red.

This instructor's appearance is indeed not bad, his skin is tanned, so it's no wonder that these girls are nympho.

However, Ningxia has a top class like Ren Hui, so it is naturally immune to these men.

The instructor gestured unhurriedly, and then stood aside with arms folded.

"The process is like this, which one of you will try it."

"Me!" Qiu Bai thought that as the deputy squad leader, she had to take the lead.

So she was really serious when she was studying, and Qiu Bai studied it decently.

Although it is not very square, it has a serious attitude.

The instructor nodded and corrected: "The stack on your side is too long, if this is just right"

He folded it again, then looked up at everyone.

"Now everyone folds their own quilts, and you can ask me if you don't understand."

(End of this chapter)

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