Chapter 630
Probably because Ningxia's military training life is too boring, that day Ningxia was sitting with Jiang Li and the others to rest.

Jiang Li seemed to see a familiar figure in the distance, and she couldn't help tugging at Ning Xia's sleeve.

"Ningxia, isn't that guy Ding Tao? Why is he here???"

Ning Xia also raised her eyes and saw her third senior brother running over with a smile, "Xiao Xia, Jiang Li, are you surprised or surprised when you see me!"

After he finished speaking, he blinked at Ning Xia and Jiang Li, and then smiled innocently.

Ning Xia helped his forehead helplessly, "Brother Sansan, why are you here?"

For their identities, she wisely replaced the third senior brother with the third elder brother.

"Yes, why are you here?" Jiang Li looked at Ding Tao fiercely.

I haven't seen her for a while, and she still seems to miss this big guy a little bit.

Wait, stop, how could she think of such a big man!
Jiang Li covered her head, comforting herself that it must be because of Ningxia.

Yes, she and Ning Xia are good friends, and Ding Tao is Ning Xia's brother.

That's it!She likes handsome guys, handsome guys! ! !
Ding Tao scratched his head and said with a smile: "My task is not finished yet."

As he spoke, he said to Ning Xia in a very low voice: "Master asked me to protect you."

Before he disappeared, he came to Imperial University secretly.

"Big man, are you also a student of Imperial University?"

Jiang Li shook off the messy thoughts in her heart, seeing Ning Xia and Ding Tao getting so close, she felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

Ding Tao chuckled, "That's right, but I have another identity, and I'm also a counselor assistant.

Although I am a junior, it does not prevent me from supervising your juniors. "

The class he leads is not in the Department of Economics and Management, so it took so long to find his junior sister, because he was busy before.

"Well, let me introduce you, this is Jiang Li and I's roommates, Mo Han and Xiang Sisi."

Ning Xia pointed to Mo Han and Xiang Sisi, and Ding Tao immediately laughed and said:
"Hello, I'm the third... third brother from Ningxia."

He pinched himself and almost slipped the tongue, but fortunately he saved it quickly enough.

Mo Han just nodded slightly, and said to Sisi in a low voice:

"Hi, I'm Xiang Sisi."

"Military training is about to start. I'll treat you to something to eat after the military training is over."

Ding Tao chuckled, Ningxia and the others only took him as a polite remark.

Unexpectedly, after the military training was over in the afternoon, Ding Tao ran over again, holding a bag in his hand.

"Xiao Xia, I told you to invite you to drink soda."

Ningxia took the bag, and inside it was the most popular soft drink Jianlibao.

He handed the can-like bag to Ning Xia and ran away in a hurry.

"Hey, my third brother invited me to drink together." Ning Xia handed the soda to Jiang Li and the three of them with a smile.

Xiang Sisi took it shyly, and then sighed, "Ningxia, your third brother treats you so well!"

"That's right, my third brother is a person, although he is careless, he is actually quite a good person, Jiang Li, don't you think so?"

Ning Xia glanced at Jiang Li meaningfully, well, these two haven't realized how they feel for each other yet.

Jiang Li opened the soda and took a sip, then said dryly:
"It's okay, it's your third brother after all, so it will definitely treat you well."

Just thinking of that foodie always grabbing her own food, she decided not to praise him.

Xiang Sisi nodded very seriously, "Yeah, I think he is really good, and I really want to have such a brother, but unfortunately I don't have a brother."

(End of this chapter)

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