Chapter 631
"It's okay, your man will love you after you don't have a brother."

Ning Xia patted Xiang Sisi on the shoulder with deep words, her man loves her very much.

Speaking of living in a dormitory recently, she has no time to look at the space.

I don't know if Ah Hui has come back, and I don't know what he is busy with.

Speaking of Xiang Sisi's blushing, in this reserved age, of course she would feel embarrassed about such a thing.

She lowered her eyes and whispered coquettishly, "Ningxia, what are you talking about?"

"Hey, is that girl Ningxia from your dormitory?"

"Yes, it's her, with her good friend next to her."

"Didn't you say that she was bragging in the dormitory? She also said that she got more than 600 points in the exam."

"Well, yes, she did it on purpose. In fact, Qiu Bai in our dormitory is the real top student."

"Qiu Bai, I know. She is in the same high school as me, and she ranks first in the school every year."

"I've never heard of Ningxia, so I guess it's just bragging."

"Tch, vanity saves face, I'm afraid we don't know that she has good grades."

"But she looks pretty good, and she has beautiful dimples when she smiles."

"You can't judge by appearance, what's the use of good looks!"


Someone next to them pointed at Ningxia and the others!

"What are you doing?" Ning Xia grabbed Jiang Li who was about to run away, and Jiang Li squeezed her wrist.

"They slandered you, of course I want to seek justice for you!"

"No, those who clean up will clean up themselves, and it's useless for you to scold them, it mainly depends on who spread the rumors."

There was no other emotion in Ningxia's cold eyes, as if the person they were talking about was not her.

Xiang Sisi couldn't hold back her timid temper, "Ningxia, they speak ill of you, how can you bear it?"

"Let's go together!" Mo's cold eyes swept over those people, and she had already regarded Ningxia and the others as good friends during this time together.

Ningxia smiled lightly, "Fighting is not allowed during military training, there is no need to deduct credits because of them.

And it's interesting to catch the people behind the scenes, besides, I prefer face slapping. "

"What face slap?" Jiang Li looked at Ning Xia in confusion, but Ning Xia smiled mysteriously.

Then I went to the cafeteria very calmly, not starving myself.

In fact, as Ningxia predicted, such rumors quickly spread to other companies in their military training.

At least the companies next door know that there is a student named Ning Xia who likes to brag and others to praise her.

In the end, it became the ugly monster named Ning Xia among the freshmen, who was short, ugly and loved to compare.

When Ning Xia and Jiang Li came out after eating, they were a little amazed to hear this.

She has to admire the power of the masses, and her ability to spread rumors is too strong.

Resisting Miss Jiang who wanted to get mad, Ning Xia calmly took out her admission notice the next day.

Her school's admission letter had her college entrance examination scores on it.

So as soon as she revealed this thing, those people who were talking bad things about Ningxia all shut their mouths.

And Ningxia clearly saw Qiu Bai's face turn pale, obviously he didn't expect Ningxia's score in the college entrance examination to be even higher.

"My God, it turns out that Ningxia is really a master of learning."

"But there is no score on my notice."

"You are a native of the imperial capital, right? Because the admission scores for locals and foreigners are different, so our school printed the scores on the notices for foreigners."

"So, it should be in the vice monitor's notice, after all, it's more than 600 points."

"That's right, deputy squad leader, can you show us your notice? It's just right to slap Ning Xia in the face."

(End of this chapter)

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