Chapter 632
"I didn't bring it here." Qiu Bai squeezed his fingertips, and his face turned pale again.

Her score was indeed not as high as Ningxia's, and she never thought that Ningxia would carry such an important thing with her.

Ningxia is actually placed in the space, so it is very convenient to take it out.

Seeing Qiu Bai's pale appearance as if he had been hit, Ning Xia curled his lips into a chuckle.

"I remember that we only discussed this matter in the dormitory, why would people outside know about it.

It seems that our dormitory really has no privacy. "

Her eyes fell on Qiu Bai, and the deputy squad leader's expression was really suspicious.

Qiu Bai didn't expect Ningxia to say that, she explained in a panic.

"Someone must have accidentally said it. Since Ning Xia has already proved his innocence, let's leave it at that."

How could this happen? Everyone should say that Ningxia is hypocritical. She is the proud girl of heaven.

"Oh, but everyone lives in the same dormitory, and outsiders know even a little bit of topics.

After that, we didn't dare to talk casually in the dormitory, after all, it was risky. "

Ning Xia's tone was neither urgent nor slow, but it made everyone in the dormitory change their faces.

Jiang Li immediately agreed, "That's right, I won't dare to say anything in the future.

In case any underwear I'm wearing gets out, it's not shameful to be ashamed! "

She has always been careless when speaking, and she doesn't have so many scruples at all.

Even Xiang Sisi said very carefully: "Then I won't dare to talk nonsense in the future."

"Yes, this is too scary. Everyone is just making a joke, why are people talking about it everywhere?"

"Then we have no privacy at all."

"Who said this thing???"

"Deputy squad leader, you can't let such a person go. Our safety will be a problem in the future."

"Ennuo, maybe that person is still outside how to spread rumors about us."

"Deputy squad leader, you must find that person. This is your duty."

Everyone chattered to Qiu Bai, but Qiu Bai was forced to do nothing.

This matter is led by her, where is she going to find this person now!

"Vice squad leader, do you think I'm ugly and short?" Ning Xia smiled suddenly, her dimples looked very charming.

Qiu Bai couldn't help being taken aback, how could such Ningxia be ugly, she answered almost instinctively.

"Not ugly"

"People outside said that I was ugly, short, and I liked comparisons, and my grades were poor.

Except for people in our dormitory who can pass it on, others will never know me Ningxia for no reason! "

Ning Xia slowly approached Qiu Bai, and Qiu Bai choked for breath.

Only feeling that the other party's clear eyes reflected her distressed appearance, she clenched her fists fiercely.

"I will look into this matter carefully!"

"That's natural. Let's return our dormitory to peace. Besides, I hope there will be no more rumors like this tomorrow."

"I'll clarify, really!"

Qiu Bai was a little scared, he didn't know why the girl's gaze made her scalp tingle.

Others in the dormitory immediately echoed, "Since it's nonsense, of course we have to explain it clearly for Ningxia."

"Yes, reputation is very important, and the hateful one is the one who spreads it."

"We usually just make a joke in the dormitory, and this person went out to talk nonsense."

"Ningxia, don't worry, the deputy squad leader will definitely find the person who spread the rumor!"

"Well, I'm not worried, the deputy squad leader will definitely explain to me."

Ning Xia raised her lips slightly, with a hint of sarcasm in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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