Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 635 Slap a slap and give a sweet date

Chapter 635 slap a sweet date
Qiu Bai was taken aback, and wanted to say something more, but the people in the dormitory obviously didn't want to hear any more.

"Xu Yu, any gossip in our dormitory in the future must have something to do with you."

"Don't talk nonsense in the future. If you let me know what you said about me, I will definitely not forgive you."

"Forget it, let's go to sleep, we will stay away from her in the future."

"Well, as long as you don't say things in front of her."

"We still have to be careful, after all, we don't know who she is."

Everyone got busy rustling, but Qiu Bai and Xu Yu's expressions became ugly.

What made Qiu Bai speechless the most was that many people kindly persuaded her.

"Deputy squad leader, don't get too close to her, it will be bad if she talks nonsense."

"Yes, she is jealous of Ningxia, not because Ningxia did well in the exam, and you did well in the exam, maybe she will be jealous of you too."

"It makes sense, then I am so rich, maybe she will be jealous, hahaha."

"Vice monitor, don't be fooled by her."

"I see, thank you!" Qiu Bai smiled gratefully, but he was already so angry that he was dying.

The person involved, Xu Yu, was even more annoyed. She bit her lip, and couldn't help being a little annoyed at Qiu Bai in her heart.

After all, it was Qiu Bai who asked her to do this in the first place, but in the end he had to come out to top the bag.

Now that she is alienated by everyone, she doesn't know what to do?
I even have some regrets, is it worth it?
Qiu Bai smiled at Xu Yu, "Xu Yu, I have something to tell you."

Afraid of misunderstanding, she added:

"I want to persuade Xu Yu well, she won't do such a thing in the future."

"Yeah." Xu Yu followed Qiu Bai nonchalantly, but everyone didn't take it seriously.

It's just that Qiu Baifa has good intentions and wants to save Xu Yu, a vicious person in his heart.

After walking out of the dormitory building and standing under the dark tree, Qiu Bai's gentle expression changed.

"That's the end of this matter, you have to feel wronged during this time."

"I see." Xu Yu replied in a low voice, still somewhat resentful towards Qiu Bai.

After all, Qiu Bai is a member of the big family and understands Xu Yu's thoughts.

"After the military training is over, 1 yuan will not be missing from you."

Slapping a sweet date, Xu Yu's grievances immediately lessened.

"Okay, thank you, deputy squad leader."

Although everyone doesn't like her now, it is good to get a sum of money.

After all, there were still very few million-dollar households at this time.

Seeing Xu Yu being so knowledgeable, Qiu Bai's complexion improved a lot.

"I'm sorry for this matter, and I will make it up to you in the future."

"Okay." Xu Yu obediently agreed. Although her reputation is bad, she can also get some benefits.

Anyway, it's just spreading rumors. After a long time, everyone will forget about it.

The two went back to the dormitory together after talking, but they didn't see a pair of eyes watching them leave where they were standing just now.

While doing laundry, Jiang Li couldn't help complaining, "Ningxia, you are so easy to talk to."

"Yes, I think so too." The always timid Xiang Sisi actually agreed with Jiang Li's words.

Ning Xia's long eyelashes trembled, "What's the matter, Xu Yu is just running errands.

Anyway, it's not the person behind the scenes, so it's pointless to abuse her. "

This kind of person buys a lot of people with money. Anyway, everyone doesn't like Xu Yu anymore.

Xiang Sisi opened his lips in surprise, "You mean someone ordered Xu Yu???"

"Xu Yu and Xiao Xia have no conflicts, she has no reason to target Xiao Xia."

It was the first time Mo Han spoke such a long word, but it hit the nail on the head.

(End of this chapter)

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