Chapter 636
"If it wasn't for Qiu Bai, I would twist my head off and kick it like a ball!"

Jiang Li rubbed her clothes angrily, she had seen many such things.

Xiang Sisi opened her lips in disbelief, "Deputy squad leader?"

Of the four people, she was probably the only one who didn't know anything about it. She really thought that Xu Yu was the one who spread the rumors.

"Ninety-nine are inseparable." Ning Xia slowly wrung out the water stains on her clothes, as if she wasn't the one who was spreading the rumors.

Xiang Sisi was very puzzled, "Since you know it's her, why didn't you expose her?"

"One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, it's nothing.

Besides, it's not a big deal, at most the people in the dormitory don't like her. "

Ning Xia curled her lips slightly, what's the point of that, what she wanted was to anger Qiu Bai.

Wouldn't it be better if Qiu Bai did something more egregious at that time.

But Ning Xia would not intentionally let the other party frame her, she just took it as a chance for the other party.

If the other party stops here, hello, hello, hello, everyone.

If Qiu Bai still clings to her tightly, then she can only use her tricks.

The other three people didn't know what Ning Xia was thinking, and they were still fighting for her.

Ning Xia shook the water off his hand and said very calmly, "Let's go back to the dormitory."

Jiang Li hated that iron could not be made into steel, "Oh! Our little Xia is just too kind."

"I don't think so." Mo Han's eyes flickered, what should I do, she seems to like such a roommate more.

The black-bellied one suits her taste very well, it looks a bit like her.

As soon as they returned to the dormitory, they saw Ji Xinya talking to everyone with a smile.

"You go to bed early at night, so that you have the energy to train normally."

"Senior Ji, you too, the beauty came out of sleep."

"Sister Ji is so beautiful, why is your skin so good?"

"I'm not very clear about this, have all the people in your dormitory come back?"

Ji Xinya brushed the broken hair beside her cochlea, showing a smile that she thought was very charming.

The people in the dormitory quickly glanced around.

"Well, there are still a few students washing up, and they will be back soon."

"Okay, then you all go to bed early, and don't talk at night.

Otherwise, the dormitory aunt will check the dormitory and find out that your class grade will be deducted.

This can be related to the final competition of military training. "

As an assistant to the counselor, Ji Xinya naturally hopes that the class she leads can win a good ranking.

In this way, she also has face, which is why she took the time to build a good relationship with these school girls.

When Ning Xia came in, she raised her eyes slightly, and then gave a friendly smile.

Only Ningxia could feel some different emotions in her smile, but she still didn't know what Ji Xinya meant.

After all, Ji Xinya is Ning Xuan's cousin.

But Ningxia found that their relationship was not as good as expected.

So it is impossible for Ji Xinya to stand up for Ning Xuan, and she doesn't know the details.

When Ji Xinya left, Ningxia lay under the mosquito net and heard people in the dormitory discussing her.

But almost everyone thinks that Ji Xinya is a gentle senior.

"Senior Xinya is so beautiful."

"Senior Xinya's clothes are extraordinary at first glance, she must be a child of a big family."

"It makes sense, she has such a good temperament, she must not be compared with us."

"We are so lucky to be able to see Senior Sister Ji up close."

Seeing everyone's appearance, Jiang Li raised her head secretly and whispered to Ning Xia:

"This Ji Xinya's means are really high!"

"You know her?" Ning Xia raised his eyebrows a little strangely, but he didn't realize that Jiang Li's ability to identify whores is also very good.

(End of this chapter)

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