Chapter 641 Slap
"So Jiangli and Ningxia must be trying to frame me, and they want to take revenge on me!"

Xu Yu quickly thought of this, if it wasn't like this, why did she only search her and Qiu Bai's locker.

Qiu Bai bit his lips, "No way, maybe they are afraid that others will take it wrong."

"Qiu Bai, stop defending them, it must be like this."

Xu Yu gritted her teeth angrily, she didn't care about what happened before.

Why are Ning Xia and Jiang Li not going to let themselves go?

Seeing Xu Yu's attention diverted from himself, Qiu Bai couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She patted Xu Yu's shoulder lightly, "Go wash up."

"I won't let them go!" Xu Yu gritted her teeth, feeling very sad at the thought of being demerited.

This will be put in my file, all because of Ning Xia and Jiang Li! ! !

And because of the previous incident, the people in the dormitory have already alienated themselves.

After this incident, it is estimated that everyone will isolate her even more.

Now only Qiu Bai still believes in him, Xu Yu's heart warms slightly.

But he didn't see the faint light flashing in Qiu Bai's eyes beside him.

Ever since this matter was exposed, Ning Xia and Jiang Li had disliked Xu Yu.

Today is military training, everyone is learning to walk.

Ning Xia and Jiang Li were standing together, and suddenly Jiang Li felt someone kicked him.

Thinking of Xu Yu behind her, Jiang Li's expression changed.

Taking another step, I felt that she kicked me again!
Originally, Xu Yu wasn't standing behind Jiangli, but a classmate happened to be sick and asked for leave.

So Xu Yu stood behind Jiang Li.

Sensing Xu Yu's small movements, Jiang Li sneered, and then slapped Xu Yu backhandedly.

This slap not only stunned Ning Xia and the students, but also the instructors.

"You hit me!!!" Xu Yu covered his face, and now everyone has stopped.

That's why she was particularly conspicuous when she was beaten, and her eyes were filled with water vapor.

Jiang Li snorted, "You kick me, why can't I hit you."

Miss Jiang used to be a bully, but now that she is with Ningxia, her temper has calmed down a lot.

The instructor walked over with an angry face, as well as Ji Xinya and Mo Chen.

"What's going on?!" The instructor's voice was cool, and his sharp eyes fell on Jiang Li and Xu Yu.

Xu Yu immediately cried and said, "Instructor, I was training, and Jiang Li suddenly hit me!"

"Then why did you kick me when you were going forward?"

Jiang Li squinted her eyes, feeling very upset in her heart, if what happened that night hadn't been for Ningxia pulling her.

She secretly wanted to teach Xu Yu a lesson, but she didn't expect Xu Yu to be so ignorant!

Xu Yu stiffened his neck and refused to admit it, "I didn't kick you, but everyone saw you hit me."

The slap just now was very clear, not to mention the people next to her, even the instructor heard it.

"Jiang Li really hit Xu Yu."

"Why did she beat Xu Yu? Did Xu Yu offend her?"

"Don't you know? Xu Yu stole her clothes, so she is revenge."

"Didn't you hear her say that Xu Yu kicked her?"

Ji Xinya frowned slightly, every time it was these few people, she felt a little bored.

She softened her voice, "Jiang Li, we all saw that you hit her, otherwise you should apologize."

In front of everyone, she still has to maintain her gentle and kind side.

"Jiang Li said she kicked her, otherwise Jiang Li wouldn't hit her!"

Ning Xia narrowed her eyes and added, "If you don't believe me, you can look at Jiang Li's pants.

I saw footprints on her trousers, which were kicked by someone. "

(End of this chapter)

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