Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 642 Penalty Run

Chapter 642 Penalty Run
Everyone looked at Jiang Li's pants, and sure enough, they saw several footprints.

At this time, the weather is dry, and the field they train on is grass. When the weather is dry, there is dust on everyone's feet.

And it is the unique color of playground dust, which looks very eye-catching.

Xu Yu was stunned, and immediately defended, "I didn't, maybe I kicked it unintentionally."

She didn't expect this to happen either. After all, with so many people, she kicked it accidentally and everyone must not have seen it.

It was because of this that she wanted to take revenge on Jiangli.

Ji Xinya didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly, she froze and didn't speak.

Jiang Li sneered, "There are only three things, one time is unintentional, and several times is also unintentional?"

"I think Xu Yu just remembers Jiangli, after all, she has been remembered."

"But Jiang Li didn't remember wrongly, who told Xu Yu to steal Ning Xia's and Jiang Li's clothes."

"But I heard that Xu Yu is a strange person, and he spread rumors last time."

"Stay away from her, she's terrible."

Xu Yu, who was originally isolated by the entire dormitory, faced isolation by the entire company this time.

The instructor looked at Xu Yu indifferently, "Why did you replace the classmate in front of you?"

"I didn't do it on purpose." Xu Yu bit her lip, she was very upset when she saw Jiang Li just now.

Because Ning Xia and Jiang Li were framed, they couldn't help kicking her.

She thought Jiang Li didn't dare to say it during training, but she didn't expect Jiang Li to be so fierce.

Someone couldn't help but sneered, "Every time you do something bad, you look innocent."

Combined with his behavior in the dormitory, everyone doesn't like Xu Yu very much now.

Just wait for the instructor to speak.

Considering that Jiang Li had also made a move, the instructor rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

"You two are not allowed to eat after training, and you will be fined to run two laps."

This punishment didn't favor anyone, but Xu Yu felt a burning pain in his face.

Those contemptuous gazes fell on her face, and she wished she could find a hole in the ground to hide.

For the slap he just slapped, Jiang Li readily responded.

So Xu Yu had no choice but to agree.

At noon, Ning Xia asked Xiang Sisi and Mo Han to have dinner, and ran with Jiang Li himself.

Jiang Li was very moved, "Ningxia is very kind, but you can go eat by yourself.

Otherwise, there will be no food later, and I can't implicate you. "

"Sisi and the others will cook for us, and I'll accompany you." Ning Xia couldn't help but dragged Jiang Li into a run.

Squad leader Pang Nan was supervising, and when he saw Ning Xia, his eyes flashed with surprise.

Ning Xia didn't care so much, and ran after Jiang Li at a leisurely pace.

Xu Yu in the back clenched his fists, Jiang Li was still accompanied by such things.

But what about her, now not only the people in the dormitory avoid her, but even the people in the team ignore her.

Looking at Ning Xia and Jiang Li talking and laughing in front of them, it was dazzling no matter how you looked at it.

After Ning Xia and Jiang Li finished running, there was sweat on their foreheads.

"My god, running two laps will kill me."

Jiang Li supported the tree with a sad face, but when she looked at Ning Xia, she had a smile on her face.

Ning Xia took out a tissue and handed it to Jiang Li, and wiped off his sweat.

"Aren't you very happy to slap Xu Yu?"

"Of course, why is she always rushing to be abused by me?"

Jiang Li snorted lightly, in the past, Xu Yu would have been tortured to death by her.

"Jiangli, Ningxia, hurry up and eat, there is nothing to eat today."

At this time, Xiang Sisi and Mo Han came over, holding steamed buns and pickles in their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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