Chapter 657 So kind?

Talking about this Jiangli, she clutched her stomach again, "All right, I'll take a good rest first.

When I free up my hands, I will settle accounts with Qiu Bai and Xu Yu. I am a vegetarian if I am really an aunt! ! ! "

Jiang Li was taken back to the dormitory by everyone to have a good rest.

Ningxia didn't know the result of dealing with Qiu Bai until the next day, when get out of class was over.

It was revealed by a member of the class who joined the literature and art department that Qiu Bai originally joined the study department.

This time, he was directly expelled from the study department, and the counselor revoked Qiu Bai's position as deputy squad leader after knowing about it.

Originally, he was acting as the deputy squad leader, but now the word "acting" has been revoked directly.

The counselor also specially picked a time to select the class cadres of the class, and they are not interested in this in Ningxia.

She didn't even have a choice in clubs, let alone class cadres.

Probably in order to let his daughter-in-law show the feeling of being chased, Ren Hui worked very hard during this time.

Every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner, sometimes I come to deliver snacks to Ningxia in front of the whole class.

Sometimes I went to the class to send roses to Ningxia.

It is so meticulous that the entire economics and management department knows that there is a student from the clinical department who comes to their economics and management department every day.

And it's here to take care of my girlfriend! ! !

Soon Ning Xia and Ren Hui became well-known in Imperial University, not because of their grades, but because of their high-profile attitude as a couple.

Ningxia probably didn't expect her husband's so-called chase to be such a sensation.

The days passed unhurriedly like this, and winter soon ushered in.

Ningxia has more things to do every day. He has to go to school during the day and practice cooking in the space when he gets home.

Sometimes I have to follow Ren Hui to learn medical skills, as well as the respective homework left by the master.

She feels like a sponge, trying to absorb knowledge!

Just after Ningxia finished class that day, Jiang Li pulled Ningxia mysteriously and whispered:
"Xiao Xia, let me tell you something very important. I heard that many people are looking for your husband now!!!"

"What?!" Ningxia raised her eyebrows, what did she want to do with Ah Hui? ! !
Seeing Ning Xia's bewildered expression, Jiang Li stammered:

"Before... Didn't your husband save my grandpa before?

I don't know how this news got known by others, and now many people are looking for him for treatment.

But I tested my grandfather, and my grandfather has ordered our family not to reveal your husband's identity.

So everyone now only knows that someone saved my grandfather, who is that person?What it looks like no one knows.

They are just looking for a "mysterious man" with excellent medical skills. "

Originally, she was worried that Ning Xia would be angry, but Jiang Li told all she knew as soon as she opened her mouth.

Not to mention that Ning Xia is his good friend, Ren Hui is also his grandfather's savior.

The Jiang family will not be such a treacherous villain!
Ning Xia frowned, "Does your grandfather know Ah Hui's identity?"

"My grandfather knows that he is codenamed "Hui", and he is an apprentice of his old friend, your master."

Jiang Li shook her head, probably she was the one who said it most clearly.

But once Ren Hui appeared in the Jiang family, those grandfather's subordinates should know him.

After all, he had appeared in Jiang's house before, so Ren Hui avoided appearing in Jiang's house when he was in school.

It's also because I was young at that time, and I didn't think about changing clothes or anything.

"I see, I will let Ah Hui pay attention during this time."

Ningxia felt a little heavy. Those people were looking for a mysterious person who could cure diseases, that is to say, a genius doctor.

Looks like someone important needs a doctor!
(End of this chapter)

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