Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 658 The Beautiful Woman

Chapter 658 The Beautiful Woman

"Don't worry, my grandpa keeps his promises, and our Jiang family will keep their mouths shut!"

Jiang Li is very confident about this, her grandfather's status is unusual, and those who have met Ren Hui are all grandfather's cronies.

These cronies have always been devoted to grandpa and have no second thoughts.

Knowing this from Jiang Li, Ningxia told Ren Hui directly after returning home, but Ren Hui just smiled.

"It's okay, the Jiang family won't talk nonsense, even if those people know my identity.

Don't dare to provoke me, after all, who would fight against a genius doctor?
Besides, there is still a master, but you will be in trouble in the future, because I have moved my account.

Those people can't find out their parents, after all, parents can't protect themselves. "

In fact, Ren Hui had thought about this a long time ago. In order to protect his parents, he asked his master to forge his hometown.

He also temporarily hid his relationship with his parents, waiting for him to become famous in the future.

Let's talk when no one else dares to touch your parents.

It's just that Xia Xia will be wronged, because everyone will know that Ning Xia is his wife.

I thought Ning Xia would be angry, but I didn't expect Ning Xia to be very happy. She held his hand.

"I'm happy that you don't hide our relationship as husband and wife.

Because this can prove that you are willing to bear the future with me, after all, I don't want to be your burden. "

She would be sad if he concealed himself, because that would prove that he was not ready to bear it together.

"Daughter-in-law, you have to take care of me more in the future."

Ren Hui looked around her with gentle eyes and a soft tone.

"It's okay, I'm very happy." Ning Xia smiled back, she didn't waste her time in vain.

Practice self-defense every day, and don't forget to follow Ah Hui to learn how to refine poison.

Although she can't activate Ah Hui's medicine stove, she has already learned how to make simple medicines.

Basic self-preservation is no problem at all.

Knowing that Ning Xia did not alienate herself because of Ren Hui, Jiang Li was very happy.

She smiled and handed Ning Xia a bronzing post, "Xiao Xia, it will be my grandpa's birthday soon.

I would like to invite you to participate, do you have time this weekend? "

"Okay, what about Mo Han and Sisi?" Ning Xia took the post, and Jiang Li treated her as a friend before delivering the post in person.

Naturally, she would not refuse, and she would take Ah Hui with her.

Jiang Li smiled brightly, "Don't worry, I will notify them individually about their dormitory.

Because you don't live in the dormitory, you can come to my house by yourself when the time comes, right?with an address on it. "

Jiang Li is not worried about Mo Han's words, but Xiang Sisi is a child of an ordinary family.

She was a little worried, and she had to prepare a dress for Xiang Sisi.

"Okay." Ning Xia was holding the book, class was over, she was going to the school gate now, after all someone was still waiting for her at the school gate.

"Ah Hui, do you want to go with me to Mr. Jiang's birthday banquet this weekend?"

Ning Xia ran over and handed the book in his hand to Ren Hui, then smiled and took his arm.

Ren Hui raised his hand and rubbed her hair, "Of course I'm going, maybe you want to go alone?"

"No, I know you want to be with me."

"It's almost there."

Handsome men and beautiful women form a beautiful landscape at the gate of Imperial University.

At this moment, a beautiful woman was standing at the door, she looked up suspiciously, why did she feel that that person looked a bit like her?
Is there really such a similar person in the world?It must be my own dazzled.

Just thinking about a pretty girl ran out, "Mom, why are you here?"

"Xinya, I'll come to see you, and I'll take you to buy a dress by the way, and I'm going to attend Elder Jiang's birthday banquet this weekend."

The beautiful woman has a nice voice and soft eyebrows.

(End of this chapter)

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