Chapter 678 Not Found
"No, Miss Ning is not such a person." Xin Tong put on a cover-up look.

This made everyone couldn't help but think, "Tongtong, you are just too kind."

"Yes, the human heart is sinister, let's go and ask."

"Miss Ning? Could it be the Ningxia from before?"

"Although that Miss Ning is from a small place, she doesn't seem to be short of money."

"It's not about money, can you buy this pink diamond with money?"

"I can't buy it even if I have money. Who doesn't know that this is a rare pink diamond."

"That's it, Tongtong, let's go and have a look."

A group of people surrounded Xin Tong and came to Ningxia and the others. Looking at this group of people, Xiang Sisi was a little confused.

"What's wrong with you?"

"It's like this, the pink diamond I showed you just now is lost, can I look for it here?"

Xin Tong had a look of irritability on his face, but his attitude was pretty good, and no one could give a reason to refuse.

After all, this was the last place she stayed, and she hasn't seen Pink Diamond since she left here.

Ning Xia raised her lips with a half-smile, "Okay, take your time looking for it."

As she spoke, she pulled Ren Hui to stand aside to watch the play, while Mo Han frowned impatiently.

Looking at Xin Tong's expression was a little bored, but Xiang Sisi obediently stood beside Ning Xia.

Xin Tong's little sisters searched around the place where they were sitting, but they still couldn't find the so-called pink diamond.

Xin Tong bit her lips, "Miss Ning, I was sitting next to you just now, have you seen my pink diamond?"

"Tongtong, what are you doing with so much nonsense, she must have taken your pink diamond."

"That's right. After all, it's from a small place. How can such a good thing not be tempted?"

"Miss Ning, take it out yourself if you are sensible."

"Ningxia, don't force us to do a body search. When we find you, everyone's face will be ugly."

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could Xiao Xia take her pink diamond!"

Xiang Sisi is like an erupting little beast, she believes in Ning Xia, Ning Xia is not such a person at all!

"Tongtong was sitting next to her at the time, who took what she didn't take?!"

Xin Tong's little follower pointed at Ningxia and was filled with righteous indignation. The noise here gradually attracted everyone's attention.

Xin Tong said very kindly: "Xinxin, don't talk nonsense, maybe Miss Ning just accidentally picked up my pink diamond.

How could she steal it, maybe she didn't have time to give it to me. "

She lowered her eyes to hide the pride in her eyes, hehe, aren't you very arrogant in Ningxia? ! !

A little trick is broken in minutes, and I don't know what happened to Xinya.

Such an opponent would be angered away, and now she gave Xinya a big gift.

Xinya must be very happy, right? ! !
"Xin Tong, I warn you, don't talk nonsense without proof, you can slander my Jiang Li's friend!"

The crowd was getting more and more, Jiang Li naturally saw the movement here, and when she heard Xin Tong's words, her head exploded immediately.

Xin Tong is Jiang Li's old enemy since she was a child, and the two have never been in harmony when they meet.

This is also the reason why Xin Tong would kindly help Ji Xinya, after all Ning Xia is Jiang Li's friend.

To bully Ningxia is to slap Jiang Li in the face!

Jiang Li stood in front of Ningxia and the others like a defender, which shocked many people.

Just now everyone saw Mr. Jiang's attitude towards Ningxia, neither enthusiastic nor indifferent.

For a while, everyone couldn't understand Jiang Lao's thoughts, so they let Xin Tong speak.

It's just that it's a bit uncomfortable to watch now.

(End of this chapter)

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