Chapter 679
Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

On the contrary, the protagonist of the story has been standing casually beside Ren Hui with his arms folded, as if he is not the protagonist of this matter.

Jiang Li looked at Ning Xia reassuringly, "Xiao Xia, don't worry, I will take care of this matter."

"I have nothing to worry about. I didn't take it anyway."

Ning Xia spread her hands, looking very innocent.

Xin Tong almost couldn't help laughing out loud, hehe, you won't be able to be so calm later! ! !
After all, she, Xin Tong, has never missed a shot.

The smile on Xin Tong's face continued to enlarge, as if he could foresee Ning Xia crying and begging for mercy.

Just like Ji Xinya crying and apologizing just now, she must be very embarrassed.

Everyone gathered around, Xin Tong's little sister snorted coldly.

"Miss Ning, don't pretend, our sister Tong only showed you the pink diamond just now, who is it not you?!"

"That's right, the pink diamond was lost after Tongtong left here."

"Even if Miss Jiang wants to protect your friend, she must pay attention to evidence."

They are all a group of little girls, so the men over there are naturally not good at participating in the affairs here.

So these little girls don't have so many scruples about speaking.

Jiang Li frowned fiercely, "Xin Tong, don't go too far!!!"

Based on her understanding of Xin Tong, this is definitely Xin Tong's frame, after all, Xin Tong is a scheming bitch!

Xin Tong pulled her lips, "Jiang Li, don't be angry, I didn't mean to target your friend.

It's just that my pink diamond was given to me by my father, and the last person I met was Miss Ning, so it's not too much for me to ask her to cooperate, right? "

She lowered her posture and said this on purpose, but it was Jiang Li who made people feel that it was unreasonable.

"Then what do you want?" Jiang Li took a deep breath, if today wasn't grandpa's birthday party.

She may not want to be scruples at all, of course it is Mo Han who is pulling her now.

Mo Han's voice was very soft, "Jiang Li, calm down, we, Xiao Xia, are the victim."

If this continues, Xin Tong can turn Ning Xia into a thief.

Xin Tong ignored Mo Han and Jiang Li's whispered ears, she just glanced at her little sister faintly.

Immediately, someone stood up to stand up for her, "It's not easy, search yourself!"

"The banquet is not over yet. She took something and must put it in her bag."

"Yes, don't you want evidence? There will be evidence after searching."

"Shut up!" Jiang Li clenched her fist and gave Sisi a pull.

"Jiang Li, you have to trust Ningxia, calm down first!"

Xin Tong looked at Ning Xia helplessly, "Miss Ning, this pink diamond was given to me by my father.

It's worth tens of millions, if it's something else, it's fine, but this thing is very important to me.

So I have to take offense, if you take it out now, I can forget about it. "

As the eldest miss of the Xin family, she knew how to stand on the commanding heights since she was a child.

She is now waiting for Ningxia to be ruined. If so, Xinya should be more grateful to her, right?

Ning Xia pulled her lips, and suddenly let out a light snort.

"You said that if you lost your pink diamond, you lost it? You said that I took it? Who would believe it???"

She casually glanced at everyone present, and what she said made everyone feel cold around them.

Ren Hui raised his hand and gently rubbed her hair, "Based on your one-sided words, you are not eligible for a body search.

And my wife doesn't know you, and you suddenly came over to strike up a conversation for no reason.

Then you took out your pink diamonds inexplicably to show off, I have every reason to suspect that you were framed. "

(End of this chapter)

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