Chapter 684
"I know, Xinya has been thoughtful since she was young, but it's okay.

Our relationship is our relationship, I don't care about you and her. "

Luo Man frowned slightly, Xinya was a high-minded child since she was a child, and she was not close to Xinya.

It's just that after meeting Ningxia, she wanted to take Ningxia as her goddaughter.

But Ningxia and Xinya are not in harmony with each other, so she can only prevent them from meeting each other.

Seeing the expectant look of the beautiful woman in front of her, Ning Xia, who used to be decisive in the past, felt a little tangled for the first time.

She bit her lower lip before saying: "Okay, Aunt Ji, but if Ji Xinya comes to provoke me.

I'm not going to be soft-hearted, I'm a person who likes an eye for an eye with an eye for an eye. "

"If she really came to you first and she did something wrong, what face do I have to help her?"

Luo Man was born in a scholarly family, so she has an elegant temperament.

Her three views are very righteous, even if her son and daughter do something wrong, they should be punished.

Ning Xia was a little moved by her direct answer.

"Okay, thank you, Aunt Ji, for your understanding."

"Are you going home now? Can Auntie come to your house as a guest?"

Luo Man giggled, worried that Ning Xia was just talking to her.

If you go home with Ningxia and know the address of their home, it will be convenient to find her next time.

Ning Xia naturally knew what Luo Man was thinking, and she had a nice smile on her face.

"Okay, let's go together."

When two people who just met walk together, it doesn't violate harmony at all, just like old friends who have known each other for a long time.

Ning Xia took Luo Man back to the small apartment, at this moment Ren Hui was already cooking at home and waiting for her.

The moment he opened the door, Ning Xia clearly saw a look of astonishment across Ren Hui's face.

"Ahui, this is Aunt Ji, Aunt Ji, this is my husband Ren Hui."

"Hello, Auntie, come in and sit down." Ren Hui quickly adjusted his mood, stood aside calmly and let them in.

Luo Man nodded slightly, but felt a little regretful in her heart, thinking that Tianyou lied to her.

Unexpectedly, Xia Xia was really married, so it seemed that a daughter-in-law was impossible.

Luo Man walked in and looked at the small apartment. It was not big, but it was very warmly furnished.

It makes people feel at home.

Unlike Ji's villa, which is large but deserted, the whole family usually gathers for a meal on weekends.

"Aunt Ji, I just made lunch, let's eat together."

Ren Hui was a family man at home, and he went to the kitchen to bring out the meals he made.

And Ning Xia called Luo Man to sit down, "Aunt Ji, sit down!"

After Ren Hui prepared the food, Ning Xia took Luo Man to the kitchen to wash his hands, and the three of them sat at the dining table.

A simple home-cooked dish, but it looks very appetizing.

"I heard that the level of food in the cafeteria has dropped recently, so eat more."

Ren Hui served Ningxia with vegetables, and he always felt that his wife had lost weight.

Ning Xia was obedient and did not forget to greet Luo Man.

"Aunt Ji, you should eat more too."

"It's delicious." Looking at Ning Xia and Ren Hui's intimacy, Luo Man sighed inwardly again.

It seems that the daughter-in-law is gone, but being a goddaughter is also good.

The three of them finished the meal in harmony, while Luo Man kept looking at Ning Xia and Ren Hui showing their affection.

This feeling made her feel like she was back when she was young, but unfortunately she couldn't get back that feeling now.

Luo Man was about to say goodbye after dinner, and Ning Xia and Ren Hui sent her to the gate of the community.

Ji's driver is waiting there, and Ningxia doesn't have to worry about Luo Man's safety.

(End of this chapter)

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