Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 685 The Secret of Life Experience

Chapter 685 The Secret of Life Experience

After sending Luo Man back, Ren Hui suppressed the smile in his eyes and said to Ning Xia:

"Daughter-in-law, at first I thought you said that you looked like an ordinary person with Aunt Ji.

But when I saw her today, I realized that you are really similar to her, even more alike than Ji Xinya standing with her. "

"What do you mean?" Ning Xia frowned slightly, recalling Luo Man's appearance in his mind.

Ren Hui took out a pen from the table, and slowly wrote Ji Qingning Wenhua's name on it.

"Do you still remember that you can't hear Ji Qing's heart?"

"Remember, I'm also very strange, and I can't hear Ji Xinya's heart."

When Ningxia was in his hometown, mind reading was very useful, but for some reason, it completely failed when he met these people.

Ren Hui drew a picture on the paper, "You and Ji Qing have similar looks, so they should be related by blood.

If it is because of blood relationship, then you can hear the voices of Ning Wenhua and Ning Yi, which means you are not from the Ning family.

But it has something to do with Ji Qing, you can't hear the voices of Aunt Ji and Ji Xinya, so you are also related to them by blood. "

"Yes, Ji Qing is the daughter of the Ji family, and I have a blood relationship with them."

Ning Xia rubbed his chin, eyes widened in the next second, "You mean Aunt Ji and Ji Qing are not related by blood! Unless"

"Unless you are her daughter! You will have blood relationship with Ji Qing and Aunt Ji!"

Ren Hui narrowed his eyes, if there were only Ji Xinya and Ji Tianyou, he wouldn't think so.

But Aunt Ji is not the Ji family who is related to the Ji family, she is the daughter-in-law of the Ji family!

Ning Xia stood up abruptly, feeling a little dazed, and her mind was even a little blank.

In the past, she didn't want to recognize her relatives because the Ning family didn't welcome her, and Ji Qing was hypocritical.

Ning Wenhua didn't like her, and Ning Xuan hated her even more, and she also hated the abandonment of her by the Ning family.

But how could she be from Ji's family? Has Aunt Ji lost a daughter?

Now her mind is full of dizziness, and she no longer knows what is real and what is fake.

Or did Ji's family give her to Ji Qing?
"Xia Xia, calm down, leave this matter to me." Ren Hui embraced Ning Xia, rubbing her hair distressedly.

It's also his fault. Originally, Xia Xia had no hope for her relatives, but now, her mood should be very complicated.

Ning Xia took a deep breath, "Okay, let's check slowly, there is no rush."

If Ji's family abandoned her, she would still not recognize her relatives.

When she calmed down, Ren Hui said slowly: "Daughter-in-law, don't you realize that Ji Xinya is more like Ji Qing than Aunt Ji?"

Speaking of which, there is actually no similarity between Ji Xinya and Luo Man.

Maybe everyone thought she was like Ji Qing's aunt.

"It seems to be." Hearing Ren Hui's mention, Ning Xia thought about Ji Xinya, and really found that Ji Xinya seemed more like Ji Qing's daughter than she was.

Wait, Ji Qing's daughter! ! !Ning Xia's eyes widened.

"Could it be that Ji Qing and I were hugged wrong when I was young???"

"I can't rule out this possibility, and I will investigate it carefully." Ren Hui sighed, the daughter-in-law's life experience is really tortuous.

Originally thought that the daughter-in-law was from the Ning family, and they naturally didn't intend to recognize the virtues of the Ning family.

But now things have turned around, at least Aunt Ji is a nice person.

There is also Ji Tianyou, although he is a bit narcissistic, but his character seems to be not bad.

 Recommend a fantasy novel: "Is the Way of Heaven Dead Today?"

  "Master, I have decided to help you break through the rank nine sequence!"


  "The condition is to agree with your body."

  "Fuck off! This girl is wrong, I haven't lived the life of three thousand in the harem yet, even if you are the way of heaven!"

  Traveling through another world, Nangong Jin was attracted by the little milk dog of the Heavenly Dao. The billions of creatures in the universe are proud to understand a little bit of the Heavenly Dao, but this guy is so arrogant and inappropriate. What if he insists on dying by his side?
  And this group of apprentices are so swollen and fat four, they are calling the wind and calling the rain outside, and they are lazy when they come back?
  "Emperor Donghuang, if you don't wash the bowl clean, you'll pack up and leave tonight!"

  "The Overlord of Central Continent, will you use some strength to drag the land? Where is the strength to move mountains and fill seas?"

  "Mozun Yeku, why don't you bring me the mask made from the essence of the Nine Heavens?"

  If you don't teach, you can't do it. As the leader of the Sovereign Sect, Nangong Jin feels that every day is very busy.


(End of this chapter)

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