Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 686 Knitting Sweaters

Chapter 686 Knitting Sweaters

After analyzing this matter, Ning Xia was dizzy all night, wishing to know the truth immediately.

But they all knew that if it was true, it would explain why Ji Qing treated Ning Xuan so well.

Ji Qing is a good mother, but she treats Ning Xia badly. She can only say that Ning Xia is not her daughter.

But if that's the case, doesn't it mean that Ji Qing knows that Ning Xia is not her daughter?

So, it can't be wrong!

It was a bit busy during this period, and Ningxia didn't find a chance to find Aunt Ji, but Ren Hui had been investigating this matter secretly.

But except for Aunt Ji and Ji Qing, there was no trace of the parties involved back then.

The more this happened, the more Ren Hui became skeptical about this matter. If the guess could not be verified, Ning Xia and Ren Hui could only shelve it for now.

Wait for the opportunity to find out the truth from Luo Man and Ji Qing.

Ning Xia felt a little uneasy. If this was the case, it would explain why she felt very close to Luo Man every time she saw her.

But she is timid now, with the examples of Yang Chunhua and Ji Qing, she dare not imagine other things.

Only when she finds the truth of the year can she dare to confirm some things. Before that, she can only be the same as before.

Winter is approaching, and the final exams at Teito University are about to begin.

Every day, Jiang Li began to frown and smile bitterly, "Ah, the exam is coming again, it's really terrible!"

"I'm also afraid that I will fail the exam this time." Xiang Sisi frowned, the final exam is related to credits.

Mo Han looked indifferent, as if he didn't really care.

Jiang Li couldn't help but glanced at the two people with the old god, "I said, Mo Han, aren't you worried at all?"

"It's okay." Mo Han closed the book and took another glass of water calmly.

There was no class this afternoon, so Ningxia also followed them to the dormitory to take a rest, and saw Jiang Li like this.

She said helplessly, "Since you are so afraid of exams, why are you still playing games now?

Review well, otherwise, what will Grandpa Jiang look like when he sees your grades? "

During this period of time, Jiangli got a game console from somewhere, and played it very happily.

Jiang Li curled her lips, "I thought about it too, but I'm just a scumbag."

When she came to study at Imperial University, she had to repeat for a year before barely reaching the mark.

And she is a native of the imperial capital, let's look at Ningxia's results.

She sighed again, how could there be such a big gap between people.

"Review well, if you don't know it, you can ask us." Ning Xia tidied up her books, took out a ball of wool from her bag, and knit her sweater.

Except for Jiang Li, everyone in their dormitory has good grades.

But Jiangli is just lazy, and this girl is also very smart, if you spend more time, you will definitely get good grades.

Jiang Li was noncommittal, watching Ning Xia's hands flipping quickly, she couldn't help asking:

"Xiao Xia, are you knitting a sweater?"

"That's right, it's cold, I'll knit a sweater for Ah Hui."

Ning Xia straightened the gray wool, her eyes were gentle, and she was also taking a break from her busy schedule.

Jiang Li clicked her tongue, "I really envy Brother Ren for having such a virtuous daughter-in-law like you."

"How did I hear the sour taste?"

Xiang Sisi raised her eyebrows and took out a ball of wool from her closet.

This is what she picked out while shopping with Ningxia. The white wool feels very comfortable to the touch.

"I'll go, Sisi, can you knit too?"

Jiang Li's eyes widened, why did she feel that she was a waste who knew nothing?

(End of this chapter)

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