Chapter 687
Xiang Sisi smiled slightly, "I'm not very skilled, so I just knit a neckband, and the weather is getting colder."

The winter in the imperial capital is different from that in the south, the winter here is extremely cold.

When it comes to winter, everyone just wants to keep the cat at home, and the cold wind is biting when going out.

Mo Han patted Jiang Li on the shoulder, "Don't worry, you are not alone, and I can't knit either."

Jiang Li found a little comfort from Mo Han, but the next second she saw Mo Han's small test paper with full marks.

"Sure enough, I'm still a useless person."

"No, you know how to play games." Ning Xia looked at her with a smile, and Jiang Li twitched angrily.

"If this is considered a skill, it's a pity that it doesn't count."

"There's no class in the afternoon, so I'll go back first." Ning Xia put the half-knitted sweater on the bed.

Because it was a surprise for Ren Hui, she didn't bring it back, but put it in the dormitory.

Jiang Li quickly put on her coat and followed, "I'll be with you, I'm going home today."

As she spoke, she and Ning Xia left the girls' dormitory building and walked side by side towards the school gate.

While walking Jiangli, he sighed, "I haven't eaten the delicious food you made for a long time, otherwise I will go to your house for dinner today."

"That's your goal today." Ning Xia rolled her eyes angrily, and sure enough, Jiangli is still a foodie.

But today Ah Hui has more classes, and it is true that Ningxia cooks by herself.

Following Ning Xia back to the small apartment, the two of them saw a beautiful woman standing at the door.

Luo Man was very happy to see Ningxia, "Xia Xia, you are back."

Jiang Li's eyes widened for a moment, "Xiao Xia, what is this?"

"Jiang Li, this is Aunt Ji." Ning Xia smiled, and finally found a chance to ask about the past.

Jiang Li immediately said with a smile, "Hello, Aunt Ji, I'm Jiang Li."

"Hello, Jiang Li." Luo Man knew Jiang Li, and she was quite pleasing to see the child's lively personality.

The three entered the house, and Ningxia poured tea for them.

"Aunt Ji, sit down first, and I'll cook."

"Okay." Sitting here, Luo Man felt comfortable all over, and actually wanted to sleep.

"Xiao Xia, I'll help you." Jiang Li immediately followed Ning Xia to the kitchen, then asked Ning Xia in a low voice.

"Xiao Xia, I thought you looked familiar before, but now you two are standing together.

I just realized that you and Aunt Ji are really similar. "

Jiang Li had met Luo Man when she was a child, but only a few times.

So when I saw Ningxia, I didn't feel much. When the two stood side by side and compared each other, Jiang Li was shocked.

Ningxia lowered her eyes, took out the ingredients and began to prepare.

"People are similar, maybe I have a better fate with her."

"But doesn't Ji Xinya hate you very much? You still know her mother so well?"

Jiang Li didn't think too much, and didn't mean to gossip, but just thought of Ji Xinya.

She was worried that Ningxia would suffer. Compared with Ji Xinya, she became a fine white lotus.

Ning Xia shook her head, "It's okay, Aunt Ji and I got to know each other because of our business."

Now she actually has some expectations in her heart. A gentle woman like Luo Man should be a good mother.

But will she really be Luo Man's daughter?Ningxia was very confused.

"Anyway, you should pay attention to yourself, last time Ji Xinya and Xin Tong lost face.

The two of them must have hated you in their hearts. "Jiang Li helped Ningxia take out the bowl from the cupboard.

Miss Jiang, who has five fingers not touching the spring water, is a serious assistant to Ningxia.

The portion for four people was prepared by Ningxia very quickly. As soon as the dishes were served on the table, Ren Hui just came back with his textbooks in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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