Chapter 692
Ren Hui sighed and was about to say something, but Ning Xia suddenly said:

"You don't need to say too much, just give me the answer, yes or no?"

"Yes." An affirmative voice came from his throat, but Ning Xia almost lost his strength.

It was Ren Hui who grasped her arm quickly, otherwise she would have fallen to the ground.

"Daughter-in-law, calm down, you should be happy that you are not Ji Qing's daughter."

Ren Hui helped her sit down distressedly, and he said how could such a smart wife as his own have such an unreliable mother like Ji Qing.

It turns out that Xia Xia is not Ji Qing's daughter, but Aunt Ji's child.

Ning Xia shook his head with a wry smile, "I should be happy, but I'm also sad.

I want to know the truth back then, why I became Ji Qing's child, and whether Ji Xinya is Ji Qing's child. "

Speaking of this, it seems that her mind-reading skills did not work for her own blood relatives, because the people of the Ning family are not her relatives.

In the face of Ji's family, her mind-reading skills were completely ineffective.

"Let's take this matter slowly, dear, daughter-in-law, you go back and have a good rest first."

Ren Hui held her shoulders and looked at her dark circles helplessly.

These two days, in order to wait for the result, it can be said that she stayed up all night and cooked in the space at night.

It's just to divert your attention so that you don't think too much.

Ning Xia raised her eyes slowly, but her eyes were already red, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Go back and rest well, and then have the energy to find out the truth!

After returning home, Ren Hui took her back to the bedroom directly, in order for her to have a good rest.

He even made her a cup of herbal tea to help her sleep.

Ren Hui breathed a sigh of relief when Ning Xia's steady breathing sounded from the bedroom.

Recently, Ningxia has made himself mentally exhausted because of this matter, and he feels distressed when he looks at it.

Ning Xia frowned slightly in her sleep, as if she had returned to her previous dream.

This time she didn't stand by and watch, but returned to her body.

But the body is not under her command, she is like a soul at her disposal.

I can only look at myself and smile like a fool.

She looked at the master standing in front of her, and then sighed faintly.

"Girl Xia, get better soon, otherwise I'm afraid that Kid Hui won't want his life."

"I said why the lives of the two of you are so hard, a pair of fateful mandarin ducks."

"Master Xiaohui, let Xia Xia accompany Xiaohui. With her here, Xiaohui can recover better."

Zhang Fang opened the door and walked in. Thinking of her son lying on the bed at the moment, Zhang Fang felt a little resentful towards Ning Xia.

But she knew that Ningxia could not be blamed, it was all her son's choice.

Ningxia watched herself being led out by Zhang Fang, and went to find Ah Hui, but before she opened the door, she heard a shock from the master who went in first.

"who are you?!!"

When Zhang Fang heard the voice, she hurriedly opened the door, only Xiong Yingjun who was anxiously checking Ah Hui was left in the room.

Ningxia walked in, but she couldn't speak, so she could only stand there.

Zhang Fang looked at Ren Hui eagerly, "Master Xiaohui, what's going on???"

"I just saw someone gave Xiaohui an injection. I want to check it in detail now. You take Xia girl out first."

Xiong Yingjun's tone was serious, and he gave Zhang Fang orders unquestionably. At the same time, he had an extremely bad premonition in his heart.

The man ran straight from the window, and now he has no energy to chase the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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