Chapter 693

"Who?" Zhang Fang was at a loss, and they didn't even know that someone broke into the house.

But now knowing that Master Xiaohui was trying to save Xiaohui, Zhang Fang immediately dragged Ningxia who was standing stupidly out of the room.

Although Ning Xia still wanted to see how Ah Hui was doing, she couldn't control her body at all now.

But my heart felt like it was being pricked by a needle, densely aching.

Soon everyone in the family was alarmed, Ren Rong and Ren Yue's family stood outside the door hastily.

Ren Yue even gave Ning Xia a push, "It's all because of you, if it wasn't for you, my eldest brother wouldn't have broken his leg.

Now his leg is finally getting better, and he was given an injection by the bad guys again, woo woo woo."

Ren Yue in her previous life actually hated Ningxia very much, because Ningxia made her most respected elder brother lose his mind.

Because of Ningxia, the eldest brother almost became disabled! ! !

No one stopped her, because everyone felt some dissatisfaction with Ning Xia. In fact, Ning Xia herself felt extremely uncomfortable, even though she knew it was a matter of her previous life.

But Ning Xia knew that this happened for real, but her previous life didn't understand anything.

I don't understand everyone's sadness, I don't understand A Hui's dedication, I don't understand Ren Yue's resentment.

The waiting time was anxious. Although Ning Xia's face was still ignorant, at this moment her heart was extremely tormented.

Finally, Xiong Yingjun opened the door wearily, and he took a deep look at Ningxia.

Then I looked at everyone and said, "I'm sorry, I haven't found out what drug Xiaohui was injected with.

But he will reduce the effectiveness of all the medicines. Originally, Xiaohui's legs have been slowly recovering, but now it is very likely that they will not recover.

As for other side effects, I still need to check again. "

Xiong Yingjun pinched the center of his brows, a little weak, this is his disciple, and it has become like this at this moment.

More than anyone else, he hopes that Xiaohui will get better soon, is there no hope now?
But Ren Rong thought more, he asked anxiously: "Master Xiaohui, can you see who gave Xiaohui the medicine?
Could it be that as long as he finds that person, Xiaohui will be saved? ? ? "

"When I went in, I only saw him wearing a white coat and a mask, and I was anxious to check Xiaohui's body.

I didn't chase him out through the window, alas! "

For Xiong Yingjun, he was afraid that something unexpected would happen to Ren Hui.

The atmosphere suddenly became very dull, everyone was silent, Ning Xia felt his heart hurt even more.

She wanted to go in and see Ah Hui, but she couldn't move.

Her heart seemed to be breathless, and she was numb from the pain. She struggled hard.

Want to gain control of the body, but these are in vain.

"Ah Hui, Ah Hui, woo woo woo" Ning Xia woke up crying, and when she woke up, her heart was still so painful that she couldn't breathe.

Ren Hui, who ran in from the outside, hugged her, and gently wiped away the tears on her face with his fingertips.

"Daughter-in-law, did you have a nightmare?"

"Ahui, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you must be well in the future."

Ningxia, who was still immersed in the dream, kept murmuring these words because of that dream.

She felt as if all the strength in her body had been drained, and she was even covered in sweat.

Ren Hui took the handkerchief and wiped it carefully for her, "I will be fine and stay by your side forever."

"Ahui, I'm really sad, woo woo woo"

Ning Xia hugged him tightly, tears burst out, thinking about the scene in the dream.

She was so uncomfortable that she wanted to die, her heart was so painful that she was numb, and her whole body was exhausted.

(End of this chapter)

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