Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 694 1 Straight One Straight One Up

Chapter 694

"Silly girl, that's just a dream, and dreams are all fake." Ren Hui licked the back of her hand.

His pious actions and gentle tone gradually warmed Ning Xia's numb heart.

She raised her hand to caress his knife-like face, and asked foolishly:

"Ah Hui, we will always be together, forever, okay?"

"Okay, we'll be together forever." Ren Hui softly coaxed the silly girl in his arms, feeling extremely distressed.

It took a while for Ning Xia to calm down, her cold hands began to warm up, and her mind gradually became clear.

She squinted her eyes, "Ah Hui, I don't want to make it public now that I am a child of Ji's family.

I want to talk to Aunt Ji first, do you still remember the assassination we encountered in the provincial capital?

I suspect it has something to do with my identity. I don't know if this matter was written by Ji Qing or Ji Xinya.

If it's them, it's okay, I'm afraid there will be other people involved. "

Originally, she planned to rest and go find Luo Man, but what happened in her dream told her that they still had potential enemies.

In the previous life, he was stupid because he was given an injection, and Ah Hui's legs couldn't recover because he was given an injection.

She must find out this person to avenge the hatred in her previous life!
Now Ah Hui still doesn't know about the past life, she can only use this suspicion as an excuse, but in fact she also wants to hide in the dark.

Ren Hui nodded, "Okay, I'll listen to you, let's take our time, there's no rush."

Thinking of Ji Xinya enjoying everything Xia Xia should have, Ren Hui really wanted to expose Ji Xinya's true colors immediately.

But he knew that her Xia Xia had her own plans, and Ning Xia did have her own plans, she frowned slightly.

"First of all, I want to know if Ji Xinya knows about her life experience.

If she is really Ji Qing's daughter, and she says she doesn't know her background, then the Ji family will definitely still regard her as the daughter of the Ji family.

After all, she has been in pain for 20 years, and she doesn't know about it, and Ah Hui, don't forget, she has another identity, Ji Xinya is the granddaughter of the Ji family. "

In fact, it is true, after all, it is the child that the Ji family has loved for 20 years.

Even a stranger has feelings, let alone that person may be the granddaughter of the Ji family.

Ren Hui also frowned, he just thought it was unfair to Xia Xia.

"Okay, listen to me, and I'm not a Baba, I must recognize relatives, Aunt Ji is a nice person.

I think about it, and I don't want to recognize others for the time being. "

Ning Xia pinched her eyebrows, she had no feelings for Ji's family.

It's just that she didn't feel that bad when she thought that she might not have been abandoned on purpose.

After all, it is impossible for her to pretend to be affectionate with someone she hasn't been with for 20 years.

But the blood relationship is there, and she will obey her own will in the future development.

You will also look at the attitude of the other party and decide your own attitude towards the other party.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Ren Hui rested his chin on her head, smelling the fragrance of her hair.

His eyes deepened, and he remembered that it was not the first time Xia Xia had a nightmare.

But the strange thing is that every time she has a nightmare, she always calls his name, which means that she has him in her dreams?
He looked at Ning Xia with deep eyes, "Xia Xia, what nightmare did you have?"

"It's nothing, I just dreamed that you were not well, so I'm so sad."

Ning Xia didn't want to tell him about his previous life, he had shouldered so much in his previous life.

Let her bear these for the rest of her life!
Ren Hui didn't ask any more questions, he just gently slashed her forehead.

"Don't worry, I will definitely accompany you well, now go to dinner with me."

(End of this chapter)

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