Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 803 Borrowing Money

Chapter 803 Borrowing Money
Sun Jiao couldn't help sniggering, she didn't answer the conversation, and they went to the kitchen.

Helping Zhang Fang prepare lunch, Ning Xia kept paying attention to the big cousin at the dinner table.

As if she hadn't eaten meat for a long time, she swept up the meat on the table.

The same is true for Boss Jiang and Ren Li. Jiang Shu is now pregnant and eats a lot.

On the other hand, He Bin, who was concerned about his status, ate a little slowly.

Ningxia, who originally wanted to eat, saw her cousin's chopsticks flying over every bowl.

Ningxia felt a little queasy, um, it's not just Ningxia, it's a member of the Ren family.

Probably Ren Rong didn't expect her eldest sister to be like this, so let her be like this.

It's a shame to bring a whole family like this!
"Watch what I do, you eat too."

Ren Li wiped the oil all over her mouth, and sighed contentedly, she hasn't eaten so much for a long time.

Ren Rong frowned fiercely, "Why didn't brother-in-law come???"

With her brother-in-law around, she could probably take care of her elder sister, but Ren Rong couldn't bear her brother-in-law's absence.

Ren Li's eyes flashed guiltily, "Oh, he's busy, our relatives are getting married today."

She would never admit that she came here today without telling her man.

Ren Rong didn't ask any more questions, and at the table, he saw only a few members of the Jiang family gobbling it up.

After finally finishing the meal, Ningxia had nothing in his stomach.

Helping Zhang Fang take the bowl to the kitchen, there are many people outside to pay New Year's greetings intermittently.

And Ren Li had no intention of leaving at all.

After grinding for a while, seeing that the juniors were not there, Ren Li said hesitantly:
"Xiao Rong, you also know that your sister and I are under a lot of pressure, and your nephew is married, has a child and still owes foreign debts.

It's not that Xiaoshu got married and spent money. I'm thinking about building a house for your nephew.

But the money is not enough, why don't you borrow some? "

Ren Rong glanced at the few people standing in the yard, obviously they were all waiting for Ren Li.

He took a puff of dry cigarette, "How much do you want to borrow?"

He wants to see what kind of mess this big sister is going to do!

As soon as Ren Li heard Ren Rong's tone, she immediately felt something was going on, and she raised her paw.

"Five thousand, I'll just borrow five thousand!"

She heard that her younger brother and younger siblings worked as small leaders in the Baiwei factory in the city, so the salary must be very high.

Looking at the clothes her younger brother and his family are wearing now, she knows that they are doing well.

Ren Rong almost choked on the dry smoke, he frowned fiercely.

"How many?!!"

"Five thousand!" Ren Li raised her five fingers and looked at Ren Rong with bright eyes.

Ren Rong twitched his lips speechlessly, this is five thousand, not five hundred.

In the era when [-] yuan households were rich, [-] is already a lot of money, okay?

His sister really had the nerve to start, and he said in a muffled voice:
"Do you know what 5000 yuan represents?!!"

"It seems to be a little too much, so you can lend us two thousand."

Ren Li smiled embarrassingly, knowing that she opened her mouth like a lion, and immediately reduced the number.

Ren Rong raised his eyes, not knowing what to say.

Just at this time, there seemed to be a commotion in the yard, and Ren Rong got up and walked out.

Ren Li followed immediately, "Xiao Rong, there is no two thousand, one thousand is fine!"

"Not a dime!"

Ren Rong knew that his sister was not poor, so he just wanted to play the autumn wind.

After all, my brother-in-law is a carpenter, and there are many people making furniture these days.

Not to mention how rich, but the food and clothing of the family is still enough, but Ren Li is used to frugality.

Habitually wanting money from her natal family.

(End of this chapter)

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