Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 804 The Lost Thing

Chapter 804 The Lost Thing

Ren Li's face suddenly became ugly, and when she turned her head, she saw her daughter-in-law standing in front of Ning Xia and Sun Jiao.

Sun Jiao stood beside Ningxia, "Cousin, why did you enter sister-in-law's room?"

"I didn't!" Mrs. Jiang denied with a loud voice, as if the louder the voice, the more confident she was.

Ning Xia frowned fiercely, "Jiaojiao said she saw you entering my room."

"When I came out of the kitchen just now, I saw my cousin come out of your room, sister-in-law."

What Sun Jiao didn't say was that she saw this cousin looking around, obviously looking like a thief.

At this time, Zhang Fang just came out and heard these words, and she looked at Mrs. Jiang's daughter-in-law with a straight face.

"Nephew, what's the matter with you?" The tone was clearly directed at Ning Xia,
"Auntie, I didn't go to my cousin's room, I just went to pee!"

Mrs. Jiang's daughter-in-law hastily denied that she would never admit that she had entered Ning Xia's room anyway.

Ning Xia smiled coldly, looking directly at her, "If I remember correctly.

There is no need to go through my room to go from the living room to the bathroom. "

"I went around for a while!"

Mrs. Jiang's daughter-in-law drooped her eyes a little guilty, not daring to look directly into Ning Xia's eyes.

[Anyway, except for that outsider, no one saw me enter the room, and I can't admit it even if I'm killed! 】

Ning Xia, who hadn't used mind reading for a long time, sensed her thoughts and rolled her eyes speechlessly.

"Okay, let's go around for a while, then what are you doing in my room?"

"I told you I didn't enter your room!"

Jiang Da's daughter-in-law denied it with a stiff neck, thinking, [Oh, what a pity, I didn't expect my cousin to dress so well, and there was no dime in the house, so I had to take a lipstick. 】

"You're talking nonsense! I saw you coming out of sister-in-law's room!"

Sun Jiao looked angrily at the woman in front of her, she really didn't expect her to be such a person.

Ning Xia pulled Sun Jiao behind her. She already knew what the other party had done, and her eyes turned around the other party's pocket.

"What are you looking at me for? I really didn't go to your room!"

Jiang's daughter-in-law is actually a little guilty, but the lipstick is so small, she doesn't think it's obvious.

She had never worn makeup before, and she was very envious when she saw Ning Xia wearing light makeup.

Ningxia hooked her lips with a sneer, turned around and said to Zhang Fang:
"Mom, I'll go in and see if I lost anything!"

"Oh, good!" Zhang Fang looked Jiang Da's daughter-in-law up and down, and Ren Li couldn't help but rushed over.

"Okay, brother and sister, you also doubt my daughter-in-law's feelings, I understand my daughter-in-law, she is not such a person at all!"

Zhang Fang looked at each other coolly. She believed in her daughter-in-law.

And even though she didn't get along with Sun Jiao not long ago, after staying in the factory for so long, she already knew how to look after people.

Sun Jiao didn't look like she was lying either, so it was this nephew and daughter-in-law who lied! ! !
Seeing that Zhang Fang didn't speak, Ren Li put on a face.

"Brothers and sisters, I'm not talking about you, you can't be like this.

Forget it, for Xiaorong's sake, let's leave this matter as it is. "

Ren Li looked at Ren Rong full of hope, hoping that the other party would see her generosity and take the initiative to borrow money to compensate her.

"That can't be done. I lost my things, so I can't forget it."

Ningxia walked out with a cold face, and looked up at Mrs. Jiang's daughter-in-law coldly.

Mrs. Jiang shrank her neck, and couldn't help covering her pockets with her hands.

But he still insisted, "I didn't enter your room."

Ning Xia's eyes moved slightly, "If I guess correctly, the lipstick I lost is in your pocket."

(End of this chapter)

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