Chapter 810

"Brother, what are you talking about, why can't I understand?"

Ji Xinya is not stupid, countless guesses popped up in her mind for a while, but the most urgent thing is to get this matter out of the way first.

But how did Luo Man and Ji Tianyou know? ? ?Ji Xinya had a question mark on her forehead!
Since Ke Luoman had already exploded, she didn't plan to expose it, she smiled mockingly.

"Pretend, you can continue to pretend, if you don't know, you will be so affectionate to Ji Qing???"

She was also to blame, with Ji Qing's temperament, it was abnormal for her to be so concerned about Xinya.

But she didn't find out for so many years, Luo Man was extremely annoyed.

Ji Xinya wiped her tears, "That's because she is my aunt."

She clasped her palms fiercely, trying to calm herself down, but her normally sober brain was in chaos at this moment.

Ji Xinya tried hard to think of a perfect solution, but her brain seemed to be tied up at this moment.

Ji Zeyang put down the newspaper in his hand in a daze, and looked at his wife with some doubts.

"Xiao Man, what's going on here?"

"What's the matter? Ask your good "daughter"!"

Luo Man turned her face away and stopped talking, feeling wronged for Ningxia countless times in her heart.

Her Xia Xia used to suffer, while Ji Xinya enjoyed everyone's warmth at Ji's house.

Ji Xinya was flustered, what should she do?Do you admit that you are my aunt's daughter?

No, she can't do this, she has to pretend that she doesn't know anything, after all, it was my aunt who dropped the bag back then.

It has nothing to do with her, she was just a child at the time, a child who knew nothing.

Ji Xinya opened her lips, trying to organize her words, trying to explain.

But Ji Tianyou looked at Ji Xinya's stubborn mouth, and didn't intend to give Ji Xinya a chance to organize her words.

He explained the matter concisely, and finally said seriously:
"So, in fact, Ningxia is my own sister, my grandfather's own granddaughter, and my father's own daughter.

And this Miss Ji is my aunt's daughter! "

"I am not, how could this be? I don't know."

I have to say that Ji Xinya's acting skills are really good, she looked at Mr. Ji with tears in her eyes.

"Grandpa, I really don't know what's going on? Am I not your granddaughter?"

She is very smart. Grandpa is the master of the family, so she can only catch old man Ji.

Now it doesn't matter whether Ningxia has harmed her or not. What is important is that everyone knows what she is trying to hide.

Mr. Ji didn't speak all the time, he stood up abruptly, but suddenly rolled his eyes and passed out.



Ji's family was in turmoil, and everyone quickly sent Mr. Ji to the hospital.

It was also because Luo Man and Ji Tianyou were too excited to see that old man Ji was very excited.

During the discussion, everyone almost forgot Mr. Ji, but Ji Xinya knew it.

It was also because Ji Xinya knew about Mr. Ji's body that Ji Xinya did that on purpose.

Because of such an interruption, Ji Zeyang's anger that should have been greatly reduced.

He even stared at Ji Tianyou, "You know your grandfather is not in good health, why did you say it in front of him?"

"It's what I want to say, my daughter has suffered outside for 20 years, my heart aches!!!"

Luo Man didn't feel that she had done anything wrong, but regretted not paying attention to the old man at that time.

In fact, the old man's health is not so bad at all, Luo Man knows that he probably just wants to give Ji Xinya a step down.

(End of this chapter)

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