Chapter 811
Ji Zeyang wanted to say something more, but Luo Man didn't want to hear any more.

She is a daughter-in-law, but she is also a mother at the same time, she can't watch Ji Xinya dominate Ji's family.

Enjoying everything her daughter should be enjoying, but trying her best to discredit Ningxia.

So Luo Man sat quietly in the corridor of the hospital, while Ji Xinya looked worried.

This acting deserves an Oscar.

Soon the door of the emergency room was opened, the doctor took off his mask and said seriously:

"The patient is fine, but your family members must not stimulate the patient again."

"Yeah, we understand!" Ji Zeyang nodded repeatedly, but Luo Man didn't speak.

Soon old man Ji was pushed out, his face was still a little pale.

Ji Xinya ran over in a hurry, "Grandpa, how are you doing? I'm almost dying of worry."

"I'm fine." Mr. Ji said slowly, and was quickly pushed into the ward.

But Ning Xuan's family finally rushed over, Ji Qing panicked.

"Dad, are you okay???"

"You all go out, I have something to ask Qingqing."

Mr. Ji waved his hand, and all the people were kicked out, except Ji Qing.

Ning Wenhua and his son looked at each other in dismay, Ning Xuan looked strange, she sensitively noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

She is envious of Ji's family, so when facing Luo Man, she shouted flatteringly:

"Auntie, how is grandpa?"

Luo Man turned her face away and didn't speak. Now Luo Man doesn't want to talk to any of the Ning family and Ji Qing.

Such ignorance made Ning Xuan a little embarrassed, and it was still Ji Zeyang who made things right.

"Xuanxuan, don't worry, the old man is fine."

"Brother, what's going on? Isn't the old man still fine this morning?"

Ning Wenhua was a little puzzled, they had dinner together in the morning, and the old man was still blushing at that time.

How did you end up in the hospital not long after you left?

Ji Zeyang didn't know what to say, and Ji Tianyou had no intention of explaining.

Seeing Ning Wenhua's embarrassed expression, Ji Zeyang said helplessly:

"It's okay, Dad has an old problem too."

Regarding whether Ji Xinya is his daughter, Ji Zeyang is still a little confused.

Ji Xinya even hid aside and pretended to be an ostrich, wishing everyone would forget what happened just now.

No one knew what the old man said to Ji Qing, but when Ji Qing came out, there was a faint smile on his face.

Although she tried her best to suppress it, Luo Man could still see it, and a bad premonition emerged in her heart.

Sure enough, after everyone entered the ward, Mr. Ji sat up with difficulty.

Then he said slowly: "I have already asked Qingqing just now, and it was true that she did something wrong back then.

Forfeiting the two children and hiding Qingqing in H province all these years can be regarded as atonement.

But Xinya didn't know about this matter, so Xinya will still be a child of our family in the future, as for that Ningxia.

Zeyang, find a time to pick it up, after all, he is a child of our Ji family. "

The old man didn't care much. The child grew up in the countryside, so he must have been raised poorly.

Compared with Ji Xinya, whom he raised carefully, he naturally favors Ji Xinya, after all, Ji Xinya is not an outsider, but also his blood.

Except for Ji Qing, the Ning family was dumbfounded, but Luo Man, who had been paying attention to this matter, reacted faster.

She looked at the old man on the hospital bed in disbelief, and almost couldn't help screaming.

"Dad, you are unfair to Xia Xia like this. You made a decision without investigating everything!"

(End of this chapter)

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