Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 812 At least there is a mother

Chapter 812 At least there is a mother
"I believe you and Tianyou didn't even do a paternity test, and besides, didn't I ask you to bring her back?"

Mr. Ji raised his eyes. He used to be a person who was more appreciative. An outstanding child like Ji Xinya was many times better than that child.

After all, it was cultivated by himself, and he was not willing to give up.

After all, the Ning family's resources are not comparable to the Ji's family, and he still wants Ji Xinya to marry Mo Chen.

If Xinya returns to the Ning family, the engagement may be voided.

And for Ningxia, he doesn't have any hope, he just needs to find a good man to marry.

Mr. Ji didn't even try to understand Ningxia's past thoughts.

Seeing how old man Ji was clutching his chest, Ji Zeyang couldn't help but tugged at Luo Man.

"Xiao Man, don't say a few words, it's good to have two daughters."

He tried his best to wink at Luo Man. His father's health was not good, and he was afraid that Luo Man would be angry with Mr. Ji.

"Okay, since your family is reunited, I will leave Ji's house. My daughter has no grandpa and father, but at least I have a mother."

Luo Man took a deep breath, took a deep look at Ji Zeyang, turned around and left without hesitation.

Mr. Ji trembled angrily, "Zeyang, look at your wife!"

"Grandpa, don't be angry, your body is the most important thing!"

Ji Xinya is the best at making Mr. Ji happy, and she has been the first to rush forward to comfort Mr. Ji.

Mr. Ji immediately patted her hand in relief, and even smiled faintly.

Before the Ning family got out of the shock just now, Ji Tianyou had already watched and chased them out silently.

Compared with those people, he cared more about his mother and sister.

Ji Tianyou didn't pay attention to the laughter of those people in the ward, but saw Luo Man taking a taxi at the entrance of the hospital.

"Mom, are you okay? I'll take you home."

"God Bless, your grandfather is too much. He didn't ask the reason of the matter, and he didn't even know what life Xia Xia lived before, so he set Ji Xinya's name like this."

Luo Man's eyes were red. She was wronged for her daughter, which was obviously in the heart of Mr. Ji.

Ningxia is just a stranger with the blood of the Ji family.

Ji Tianyou sighed, "I expected it a long time ago, that's why I didn't expose Ji Xinya.

The purpose is to get evidence that she hurt Xia Xia, so that father and grandpa can see through her true colors. "

After all, the old man and father spoiled and grew up, so of course they would be more inclined to Ji Xinya.

Only knowing Ji Xinya's character will consume their affection.

It's a pity that my mother didn't hold her breath and couldn't help telling the truth.

Luo Man wiped away her tears, "I know, but I just can't see Ji Xin Yajiu occupying the magpie's nest and smearing Xia Xia."

"But mom, Ji Xinya is my aunt's daughter, and also the blood of the old man."

Ji Tianyou supported Luo Man, if Ji Xinya was a stranger, they probably wouldn't have so many scruples.

But Ji Xinya is Ji Qing's daughter and the granddaughter of Mr. Ji.

Luo Man was silent, she rubbed the center of her eyebrows with a headache, and threw a bomb.

"I've thought about it, your father is foolish and filial, and he will definitely listen to the old man, so I want to divorce your father.

Since they don't care about Xia Xia, I will make it up to my daughter myself. "

"Mom?" Ji Tianyou couldn't believe it, he meant to help his sister take back everything that should belong to her.

Luo Man said very calmly: "I have been in contact with Xia Xia for so long, and I know her well.

She doesn't care about Ji's money and connections, what she cares about is feelings, since your father and grandpa didn't accept her wholeheartedly.

She won't go back, and I don't want to be mother and daughter with Ji Xinya anymore, so I have to leave Ji's house. "

(End of this chapter)

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