Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 813 Luo Man's Stubbornness

Chapter 813 Luo Man's Stubbornness

"Mom, don't worry, let's smooth it out."

Ji Tianyou sent Luo Man back home. What happened tonight was so unexpected that everyone's minds were in chaos.

After returning home, Ke Luoman packed her luggage and asked Ji Tianyou to send her to Ningxia's community.

Ningxia gave her the key before, and she usually lives in the guest room there.

This time she carried her luggage directly, and when Xia Xia came back, she wanted to spend more time with Xia Xia.

Luo Man was very satisfied to finally be able to compensate Ningxia openly.

Ji Tianyou wanted to persuade him again, but Luo Man stopped him directly:

"God bless, I know what you're going to say, but it's in such a chaotic situation.

Not only did the old man not investigate anything, he didn't even ask to meet Xia Xia, so he made a decision.

This further proves that he cares about Xia Xia. Xia Xia definitely doesn't want such a family. "

Luo Man's temperament is sometimes stubborn. When she married Ji Zeyang, it was Ji Zeyang's grandfather who liked her very much.

In fact, the old man doesn't like her that much, and she doesn't like old man Ji either, but she knows him well.

Ji Tianyou's lips moved, but he didn't say anything after all, because he couldn't seem to find the words to justify.

In fact, he could also see that grandpa didn't care much about Xia Xia, and grandpa was a utilitarian person.

And the father is stupid and filial, probably this is the reason for the disappointment of the mother.

Sending Luo Man to the small apartment in Ningxia, Ji Tianyou also returned to the house he bought outside.

The family was in dire straits, but he thought it would be okay if he and his mother didn't go back.

After all, with the company of Ji Xinya and her father, grandpa's illness will be cured soon.

Ningxia didn't know the frivolity that would greet her when she returned to the imperial capital. She was eating at Zhang's house now.

Zhang Tingting seems to be more sensible this year, and she is no longer as unreasonable as before.

She served them tea obediently with a gentle expression.

Ning Xia couldn't help sighing because his uncle had educated him well during this time.

A newborn child is actually a blank slate, and what kind of person she will become has a lot to do with her parents.

If Zhang Tingting was educated by someone like her former aunt, Zhang Tingting probably wouldn't have changed so much.

Maybe it will still be the selfish and unreasonable Zhang Tingting from before.

How children grow up depends on the example set by their parents.

Because when the child's three views have not yet formed, the first thing she imitates is her parents.

Seeing Zhang Tingting's well-behaved appearance, Zhang Fan also felt a lot of emotion.

"After this child followed me to the county town to go to school, he became much more obedient."

He worked as a security guard in Baiwei, but he didn't expect to give his children a good education by mistake.

Zhang Fang took it for granted, "That's not true, after all Tingting was raised by me, she is a good child.

You don't have to worry so much anymore, now, you should worry about yourself.

You are only in your 30s, you should find a partner and support each other. "

"Sister, don't worry, I haven't met the right one."

Zhang Fan scratched his head, he had already let go of Li Yu, and Li Yu had found an old man.

Now he can't stir up any waves in his heart, but it's really difficult to meet a woman who is also good to Tingting.

"Mom, uncle is such a big man, he has a sense of propriety."

Ren Hui tugged at Zhang Fang's sleeve, his mother was a caretaker.

I have to mention it once I see her, but my heart is good, I just need to be able to bear her nagging.

(End of this chapter)

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