Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 819 Cell Phone

Chapter 819 Cell Phone
Xiang Sisi also grinned, "Xiaohan, don't worry about it so much, we just want to share with our friends what we like.

And it's not something expensive, so don't worry about it. "

"That's right, I just think this bracelet looks good, so I gave one to each of you."

Jiang Li smiled all over her face, and suddenly the phone in her hand started beeping.

She raised her hand and pressed the answer button, "Hey, Grandpa, I'm at school, don't worry."

After hanging up the phone, I realized that the three people in the dormitory were all looking at her, and Ning Xia's eyes were shining.

"Jiang Li, the mobile phone you bought there, can you help me buy one too?"

Everyone's eyes fell on Jiangli's mobile phone, which was small and compact, with a black button.

Pagers are rare in this day and age, let alone cell phones.

Jiang Li said calmly, "I asked someone to buy it from Hong Kong City. If you want it, I will buy it for you."

"Okay, how much is it, I'll give you the money."

What Ningxia has always been worried about is that it is very inconvenient to make a phone call, and she has to travel far every time.

Although it is expensive to use the mobile phone card to make calls at this time, it is really trouble-free and convenient.

Jiang Li said casually: "It's about five or six thousand in Hong Kong City, but it doesn't seem to be listed in the mainland."

At this time, people in the mainland still use pagers and mobile phones.

Although Ningxia thought about buying a mobile phone, it was too bulky and inconvenient to carry.

"Five or six thousand???" Xiang Sisi took a deep breath, her family's conditions were average.

Five or six thousand is a sky-high price for her, so she can only envy it.

Although Mo Han is from the Mo family, he actually doesn't have much money on him.

There are quite a few valuable things, but these are all given by the Mo family, so she doesn't want to use Mo's money to buy them.

In the end, only Ningxia was the one to buy. She took out a wad of money from her bag.

"Buy me two."

"There's another one for your husband, right?" Jiang Li smiled teasingly, and then said angrily:
"Although my family is rich, I don't dare to put a large stack of money in my bag. You are really amazing!"

"Isn't this a tuition fee?"

Ningxia laughed, she couldn't say that she got the money from the space, right?

And she really wanted a mobile phone, otherwise she always felt inconvenient.

Jiang Li casually accepted the money and called her friend again.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Li said to Ningxia:

"It will arrive in about a week, and I will give it to you directly."

Ningxia said happily: "Thank you, please come to my house for dinner then."

"Is this what you said? Don't go back on your word!"

Jiang Li immediately pushed forward, and she was determined not to let go of the opportunity to go to Ningxia for dinner.

Ning Xia nodded amusedly, "Of course, I won't go back on my word."

As she said that, she said to Mo Han and Xiang Sisi, "When the time comes, you two will be together."

"Okay, okay." Xiang Sisi looked at Jiang Li with joy and changed his face.

The dormitory of the four friends was full of laughter.

Ning Xia got together with them and left the dormitory. After all, the formal class starts tomorrow.

After walking to the school gate, I saw Ji Xinya standing there gritting her teeth.

Because everyone surrounded Ji Xinya and asked her about Xu Yu.

Xu Yu has disappeared since testifying before, and Ji Xinya has never come to school.

Now that she came to school, the gossip people in the school stopped Ji Xinya.

Ji Xinya was speechless, no matter how she explained, no one would listen.

The moment she looked up and saw Ning Xia, strong hatred burst out in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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