Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 820 Is This Really Ji Xinya?

Chapter 820 Is This Really Ji Xinya?

Ning Xia didn't want to attract everyone's attention, she wanted to leave.

But Ji Xinya didn't give Ning Xia a chance, she pushed away everyone and chased after her.

"Ningxia, you did it, right? Where did Xu Yu go?"

"What does it have to do with me? Ji Xinya, don't bite people!"

Ning Xia looked up at Ji Xinya with disdain, she helped Xu Yu, so what?
She never took the initiative to provoke people, it was others who took the initiative to provoke her!

"Sister Ji, don't frame people, we all know the situation at that time."

"Yeah, Xu Yu has come out to testify, Ji Xinya, did you kill someone to silence you?"

"We haven't seen Xu Yu since we testified last year. Where did you get Xu Yu?"

"Ji Xinya, I advise you to be kind!"

"Shut up! How do I know where Xu Yu went!"

Ji Xinya was a little overwhelmed, she looked at Ningxia's pretty face and screamed.

"Ningxia, did you do it on purpose?!! You already know that you are the child of Ji's family.

You watch me find someone to deal with you, and then fight back, isn't it very fulfilling? "

Ningxia: (⊙o⊙)...

It seems that you are right, it is really a sense of accomplishment.

Before Ning Xia could speak, Ji Xinya suddenly smiled, "But so what?
Grandpa loves me the most. After all, I am his granddaughter, and I was raised by him since childhood.

As for you, even if you are the young lady of the Ji family, but you grew up in the countryside, your grandfather has long since given up on you. "

She was a little proud. If she had known that her grandfather was protecting her so much, she would have just ignored Ning Xia.

It's not because of aunt, aunt is always too timid, and now she hopes that grandpa will not find out what she did.

Ning Xia looked up at her deeply, "Ji Xinya, it doesn't matter if I go back to Ji's house or not.

One thing is obvious, that is, your mother deliberately switched us back then, and then let you enjoy everything that should belong to me in Ji's house.

And leaving me in a remote place shows that she planned it beforehand, not only that.

You know the truth, but you still want to prevent me from coming to the imperial capital, prevent me from seeing Ji's family, and even hurt me at all costs.

Ji Xinya, you have robbed me of everything, what right do you have to target me? "

Ning Xia felt that even if Ji Xinya didn't know about it, the last person she should target was Ning Xia.

After all, she indirectly enjoys everything about Ji's family.

After saying this, Ningxia stepped forward and left when Ji Xinya and everyone were in a daze. It's good to tear up your face.

When I see Ji Xinya in the future, she can hate her as much as she wants!
"Oh my God, there are so many grievances from wealthy families!"

"It turns out that Ningxia is the real daughter of the Ji family."

"So Ji Xinya dealt with Ningxia because she was afraid that Ji's family would know Ningxia's identity, and she didn't want Ningxia to get her identity back?"

"That's not necessarily true, maybe Ji Xinya doesn't know about it."

"How can you not know, how can you target Ningxia if you don't know."

"It's scary, it's so bloody, it could be written as a novel."

Ji Xinya was a little overwhelmed by the chatter, she glared at these people.

"Shut up! Shut up, all of you! I'm still the Ji family's miss no matter what, and I don't know how many times better than you country bumpkins!"

Everyone: (⊙o⊙)...

Is this really Ji Xinya?

"Is this really the beautiful and powerful Senior Sister Ji in my mind?"

"You won't be dropped, right? Senior Sister Ji is so kind."

(End of this chapter)

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