Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 1 Rebirth with Hate

Chapter 1 Rebirth with Hate
"Today, all of you are going to die!" A man with flying black hair and eyes that shot out like sharp knives shouted at the crowd below.

"Bengdi Mahamudra!" He roared, and his hands quickly formed a mudra.

A series of mysterious traces of heaven and earth suddenly appeared out of thin air as the seals formed in his hands.

Boom!Boom!At the same time, there was a sudden muffled thunder in the void, as if the sky was about to collapse.

A huge palm suddenly appeared in the air. As soon as the giant palm came out, a pressure as heavy as lead and iron suddenly descended.

"Death to me!" The man looked crazy, his mind moved, and with a bang, a giant palm suddenly fell from the sky, as if to destroy the entire earth.

"Lin Wentian, you goddammit."

"Lin Wentian, you will die a terrible death."

"Lin Wentian, you are a devil." Vicious curses came from below, but this person remained unmoved.

boom!There was a loud noise, deafening, the giant palm pressed down, and the ground below collapsed inch by inch... All the curses stopped abruptly...

"Grandpa, third uncle... I have endured humiliation for 30 years, and today I finally avenged you." The man's eyes were red, and the uncontrollable tears flowed down like never-ending.

"Bastard! How dare an ant-like existence be so arrogant, let me die!" Just when the man thought that his revenge would be avenged, a violent shout fell from the sky.

boom!Just as he finished drinking, a breath so strong that it suffocated him suddenly exploded.

Sensing this aura, the man's expression suddenly changed, but before he could think too much, a crimson sky-reaching giant finger poked down from the sky with raging fire.
Seeing the giant finger poking down like a punishment from heaven, the man felt deep despair in his heart.

"I'm not reconciled, I, Lin Wentian, am not reconciled."


"I can not be reconciled."

"Young Master, Young Master, what's wrong with you?" Lin Wentian felt familiar voices came from beside his ear.

"Who? Who is calling me? Why is this voice so familiar?" Lin Wentian opened those heavy eyelids with difficulty.

The moment he opened his eyes, a familiar face appeared in his line of sight. At that moment, his heart was ecstatic, and tears of excitement scattered from his eyes.

However, at the next moment, he suddenly closed his eyes, and said to himself: "No, this is not real, this is a dream, this is a dream after my death."

"Huh? No! This is not a dream, this is real!" Suddenly, Lin Wentian opened his eyes, his expression extremely excited.

Because at this moment, his whole body was filled with a sharp pain, which was real pain.

"Master, what's the matter with you? Is there something uncomfortable? I'll call the old man over now." There was a panic in my ear.

Immediately, that familiar face left in a hurry.

Seeing this familiar face leave, Lin Wentian opened his mouth to speak, but in the end, he still couldn't speak.

Then, he showed a bitter smile.

"I never thought that I, Lin Wentian, would be reborn to be 16 years old. Could it be that God wants to torture me one more time?"

"No~ Since God let me return to the age of 16, then no matter how much I pay, I, Lin Wentian, will stop all of this. God took away my relatives once, and I will never allow it to take away a second time."

"I, Lin Wentian, will go against the sky from now on."

In his previous life, when he was 19 years old, the Lin Mansion faced a catastrophe of annihilation. On that day, the entire Lin Manor was bloody and screamed. Until now, he seems to be still experiencing it himself.

Those familiar faces spattered blood on the spot in order to protect him. At that time, his heart was throbbing, and he realized how powerless he was. It was not until the Lin family went from old to young that more than 700 lives were brutally killed.

In the end, although he survived under the desperate protection of his grandfather, since then, he has lost all his relatives and everything he owned, and the only thing left behind is hatred.

Thirty years later, he had achieved great cultivation and had broken through to the Divine Origin Realm, so with the long-suppressed hatred in his heart, he broke into the tiger's den alone, came to the land of the enemy, and started killing wildly.

But just when he thought his revenge would be avenged, a mysterious man suddenly appeared.

The cultivation of this mysterious person was unfathomable, and the power of that finger made him feel irresistible until he was wiped out.

This is a strong man, a peerless strong man in the late stage of Shenyuan Realm, but until now, he does not know who this person is.

This is a mystery that cannot be solved for the time being.

"What? What the hell is going on here?"

"Why are all the meridians in my body shattered? Isn't I a complete waste?" Lin Wentian exclaimed, his expression suddenly changed.

At this moment, a lot of information flooded into his mind, until a moment later, he said with a bitter smile: "It's because of that bitch again."

The bitch he was talking about was Zhou Zilan, who was the granddaughter of the prime minister of the Chiyue Empire. In his last life, Lin Wentian was infatuated with this Zhou Zilan, so he let her set up many traps, which finally led to the extermination of the entire Lin family.

Although someone else was the culprit, Zhou Zilan was also involved. If Zhou Zilan hadn't been a hindrance, the Lin family might not have ended up like this.

I didn't expect to be harmed by this bitch in the previous life, and now my meridians are completely destroyed, and it was also harmed by Zhou Zilan.

In his previous life, he was simply a full-fledged dude who didn't practice martial arts, but also ate, drank and had fun on a daily basis. Relying on the fact that he was the only child of three generations of the Lin family, he was domineering and tyrannical, causing trouble everywhere.

The old man of the Lin family, Lin Zhentian, was conferred by the late emperor as the Grand Marshal of the country, and his status is extremely prominent.

Maybe it was God's will, his eldest son died in battle ten years ago, his second son was missing, his third son's meridians in both legs were blocked, and he lost his ability to act. In the third generation, only his second son From Lin Wentian.

It is also for this reason that, out of weak favor, Mr. Lin allowed Lin Wentian to act mischievously all day long, which also made Lin Wentian a dandy for the rest of his life.

It can be said that Lin Wentian in his previous life was the number one playboy in the Scarlet Moon Empire.

A day ago, Zhou Zilan tempted Lin Wentian to steal the Pomai Pill.

This Breaking Vessel Pill is a panacea that Mr. Lin has cherished for a long time. It is said that as long as one takes this Breaking Vessel Pill, twenty meridians can be broken in a row by virtue of the magical effect of this pill.

That's why Zhou Zilan tempted Lin Wentian to steal.

Originally, Old Master Lin planned to leave this pill to Lin Wentian, but unexpectedly, Wentian had no intention of turning to martial arts, and spent all day idle, willing to fall, so Old Master Lin kept this pill away.

Unexpectedly, it is difficult to guard against family thieves day and night, but Lin Wentian actually stole this pill from the Lin residence for a woman.

That day, when Lin Wentian triumphantly took the Pomai Pill to give to Zhou Zilan at the agreed point, something unexpected happened. He did not expect that not only Zhou Zilan but also Lin Wentian's nemesis, Shangguan Chong, would come.

Seeing Zhou Zilan and Shangguan Chong appear together, Lin Wentian was furious at that moment, and with a wave of anger, he went straight to Shangguan Chong.

Who is Shangguan Chong?He is a well-known genius in the Scarlet Moon Empire, Lin Wentian, who has not opened his meridians, is his opponent, Lin Wentian was knocked down by the opponent with just one move.

But that was not the only thing, Shangguan Chong's methods were extremely vicious, perhaps out of selfishness, he continued to beat and kick Lin Wentian until he was beaten half to death, destroying all the meridians in his body.

Until now, Shangguan Chong's insolent laughter and Zhou Zilan's indifferent eyes are still vivid in Lin Wentian's mind.

"Shangguan Chong, Zhou Zilan, what happened the day before yesterday, I, Lin Wentian, will one day repay you double." Lin Wentian's eyes shot fiercely.

It's just that I don't understand. Although he was seriously injured because of this incident in his previous life, his meridians were not completely destroyed. Could it be that due to his rebirth, the trajectory of things has changed in some way?

Since he couldn't find the answer, he could only bury it deeply in his heart.

"By the way, the ancient ring?" Suddenly, Lin Wentian seemed to think of something, he saw his expression changed suddenly, and he quickly searched through his clothes.

Soon, he took out a simple ring from the placket.

"Fortunately, this ancient ring is still there. As long as it is still there, everything that happens in the future can be changed." He breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes revealed a firm light.

This ancient ring was an important thing for his rise in the previous life.

According to his grandfather, this ancient ring was the only thing left to him by his mother. Back then when his Lin family was destroyed, he survived alone. Later, by chance, he opened this ancient ring and obtained the exercises inside, which is also Therefore, after 30 years, his cultivation will reach the Divine Origin Realm.

"Chick!" He suddenly bit his finger, and a drop of bright and eye-catching blood dripped onto the ancient ring.

The next moment, his drop of blood was strangely absorbed by the ancient ring, and immediately, the ancient ring suddenly glowed with golden light.

Lin Wentian closed his eyes lightly, all his mind was immersed in this ring, the next moment, his eyes suddenly opened, and his pupils faintly flickered.

hum!The golden light of the ancient ring bloomed, and then a golden light rushed out, the light converged, and a secret book was suspended in the air.

Lingyun Kungfu, an earth-level high-grade kungfu, this is the kungfu practiced by Lin Wentian in his previous life.

Whether it's martial arts or pills and weapons, they are all divided into four levels of heaven, earth, black and yellow. a legend.

"Sure enough, these things are still there." Seeing this, Lin Wentian couldn't help being overjoyed.

However, it didn't take long for the joy on his face to fade away, and he showed a wry smile, because he just remembered that now that his meridians were destroyed, no matter how good the exercises were, they were of no use to him.

"No, I remember that in the ancient ring, there seems to be a secret book, which is suitable for those who have destroyed their meridians to practice." Lin Wentian's eyes lit up suddenly.

The ancient ring flashed golden light again, and a very old secret book appeared out of thin air again.

"The ancient spirit scripture, anyone who cultivates the ancient spirit scripture must destroy his own meridians and cultivate himself before he can practice."

"That's right! That's it, this ancient spirit scripture." Seeing the words on the secret book, Lin Wentian was a little ecstatic.

"Qiantian, are you awake?" However, before he could think about it, an excited voice came from outside the door.

The voice was very loud, as if the entire Lin Mansion could hear it.

 (for collection)
(End of this chapter)

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