Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 2 Forced Marriage in the Palace

Chapter 2 Forced Marriage in the Palace
Lin Wentian didn't sleep that night, and he was intoxicated in the practice all night, because he knew that there were only three years left before the destruction of the Lin family. During these three years, he had to restore his previous cultivation. occur.

Early the next morning, Lin Wentian, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes, and in his pupils a faint shadow of a golden dragon flashed past.

"I really thought that this ancient spirit scripture is so miraculous. It not only allowed me to have a thousand catties of strength overnight, but also allowed all the injuries in my body to recover, and my physical body was better than before."

Now that he has reshaped the dragon veins, has the strength of a thousand catties, coupled with the combat experience in his previous life, Lin Wentian is no longer afraid of any martial artist in the vein-opening state.


The room was suddenly opened, and immediately Lan Meng's scream sounded: "Ah! The young master is a big villain, the young master is a pervert."

I saw that little girl Lan Meng's face was flushed, full of shame, she looked very charming.

Lin Wentian just got up from the potion, his whole body happened to be naked, but unexpectedly the room was suddenly opened, and his sexy figure was really seen by that little girl, including his hideous thing.

Hearing Lan Meng's exclamation, he was taken aback for a moment, and then felt bitter.

Although he used to be a dandy, after experiencing the tragedy of the Lin family, his disposition has changed, and this scene really made him feel at a loss.

Fortunately, after all, he is no longer what he used to be. A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind. In order to hide his embarrassment, he coughed lightly and continued, "By the way, Meng'er, where is my grandpa?"

When he said this, his figure flashed, and he had already picked up his clothes and put them on.

Lan Meng was still shy, but when she heard Lin Wentian's words, she still replied weakly: "The old man has already entered the palace early this morning."

"Oh!" Lin Wentian replied casually.

However, not long after, his expression suddenly changed, and he shouted urgently: "What? My grandfather entered the palace today?"

A bad premonition suddenly hit his heart.

"That's right!" Seeing Lin Wentian's big reaction, Lan Meng's little girl was completely puzzled.

"Oops! I almost forgot about this, I hope this can be stopped." Lin Wentian was so anxious that he didn't say anything more to Lan Meng. His whole body flashed and he rushed out of the room quickly, leaving only his face full of doubts. blue dream.

As soon as he left the room, Lin Wentian yelled, "Come on, quickly bring that wind-chasing horse here."

"What? This dude actually wants the third master's chasing horse? Does he want to tame it?"

"No! That's impossible! The Chasing Wind God Horse is a strong-tempered BMW. Except for the third master who has tamed it before, no one in the Lin family can tame it. tame?"

Some servants murmured in their hearts, but they didn't dare to speak out.

At the same time, in a wooden house in the backyard of the Lin Mansion, a middle-aged man sitting in a wheelchair with disheveled hair and a beard that hadn't been trimmed in more than ten years suddenly opened his eyes, and doubts flashed in his eyes.

He is Lin Wentian's third uncle, Mr. Lin's third son Lin Yefeng, and the original owner of Zhuifeng Shenma.


"Why are you still in a daze, why don't you hurry up and bring the chasing horse over here!" Seeing that the servants were still in a daze, Lin Wentian couldn't help being angry, and shouted loudly.

"Quick, bring the horse up quickly!" Everyone reacted, and fear quickly appeared on their faces. After all, this person in front of them is the number one rich man in Chiyue. If he is provoked, his head might be lost.

Soon, someone brought the horse.

This is a black horse, its limbs are strong and strong, especially its eyes, which are full of arrogance, looking at Lin Wentian, even showing a superior posture, as if it doesn't bother to look at Lin Wentian.

"What a chasing wind horse!" Lin Wentian's eyes lit up, and he turned around beautifully, and jumped onto the horse's back.


Feeling that Lin Wentian was riding on his back, the Fengshen horse immediately let out a strong roar, its limbs jumped vigorously, trying to throw Lin Wentian off its back.

Seeing such a thrilling scene, the hearts of some servants were instantly suspended, especially Lan Meng who rushed over, his face was full of panic: "Master, be careful, come down quickly."

"Master, be careful!"

Although many people were dissatisfied with Lin Wentian, a dude, dissatisfaction was nothing but dissatisfaction. He was always the third generation heir of the Lin family. If he made any mistakes, these servants would probably be questioned by the old man.

"Beast! If you are stubborn, you will have to die!" Seeing the chasing horse go crazy, Lin Wentian, who was burning with anxiety, yelled violently, and an astonishing killing intent surged from his body.

Sensing this killing intent, the pupils of Zhuifeng Shenma quickly burst into fear, and with a cry, it quickly calmed down, because it believed that if it was not tamed again, the other party would definitely kill it.

"Drive!" Grabbing the rope of the horse, Lin Wentian slapped his feet, and the chasing wind horse let out a long roar, his limbs exerted strength suddenly, and disappeared into the Lin mansion with a cloud of sand and dust.

All of them were left stunned, and those who opened their mouths wide open, with unbelievable dreams in their eyes.

"What a boy, I didn't expect you to be so capable that you even tamed third uncle's mount." The man in the wheelchair in the backyard murmured to himself.


A special person came to the palace today, that is Lin Zhentian, Marshal Lin Zhentian who has never set foot in the palace for ten years.

In the Golden Dragon Hall, sitting high on the dragon chair is none other than Ji Zhuoyang, the current sage. This person is wearing a dragon robe, a dragon crown on his head, and a rather large jasper ring in his index finger. A domineering air.

"I haven't seen Marshal Lin for ten years. I never thought he's still as vigorous as a tiger. He's always going strong! Come, give Marshal Lin a seat." The man on the dragon chair smiled, but his words carried a deep majesty.

"No need! The old man can just stand up. I don't know what the Holy Majesty called me into the palace today, what is it?" Mr. Lin faced the Holy Majesty without changing his face.

Hearing this, the current Holy Majesty was still smiling, and he didn't get angry because of it, and then said with a smile: "I heard that boy Wentian has been feeling a little unwell recently, so I have prepared some medicinal materials, and someone will send them to Lin's residence later."

After hearing this, Mr. Lin didn't say a word, as if he didn't take it to heart.

"Lin Zhentian, the Holy Majesty called you here today because he wanted to ask about the Longying incident last night. As the marshal of the country, you must give the Holy Majesty an explanation." A tit-for-tat voice suddenly came from the side of Old Master Lin.

The one who spoke was Zhou Wentong, the current Prime Minister, Zhou Zilan's grandfather. This person had been at odds with Mr. Lin since he was a child, and the two had been fighting for decades.

Mr. Lin opened his eyes fiercely, like a lion: "Zhou Gouzi, don't say I don't know, even if I know, I won't tell you."

"Bastard! What do you mean by that? Don't you take the Holy Majesty seriously? According to me, you are the most powerful person in Chiyue, and this matter must have nothing to do with you." Zhou Wentong went directly to the forest The old man put a big hat on his head.

"Brother Lin! The matter is very important, so you should tell the truth! lest the Holy One punish you for not telling you." At the same time, another old man also said with deep meaning.

The name of this person is Shangguan Muhua, he is a high-ranking member of the dynasty, and his status is comparable to that of Zhou Wentong. The one who severely injured Lin Wentian before was his grandson Shangguan Chong. In the past two years, this Shangguan Muhua They are very close to Zhou Wentong, and there is a faint intention of joining forces.

boom!A powerful coercion suddenly erupted from Mr. Lin's body. At this moment, he was like a raging lion.

"Zhou Gouzi, Shangguan kid, don't think that I don't know what your juniors are doing. Believe it or not, I will go to your house right now and help you discipline those juniors." Mr. Lin is very domineering, It made Zhou Wentong and Shangguan Muhua change their colors instantly.

"Lin Zhentian, don't bully people too much!"

Zhou Wentong couldn't help trembling all over, and a sense of fear welled up in his heart. Facing the angry Mr. Lin was like facing an enraged lion.

Shangguan Muhua's eyes were gloomy, and his hands were clenched into fists, but he didn't dare to say any more, because the other party was the number one strongest in Chiyue, if he got angry, even in this palace where the strong were like clouds, the other party would be able to take him away. Go to the head on his neck.

This is the invisible power of Mr. Lin, the number one powerhouse in Chiyue.

"Marshal Lin, please calm down. Your body is important. Don't get angry because of these trivial matters. You are always the commander of my Chiyue Empire. You must focus on the overall situation." When the three were in a stalemate, the one above spoke .

"Hmph!" Old Master Lin snorted coldly, and then restrained his breath.

"Lin Zhentian, don't think that you, as the Grand Marshal of Zhenguo, can be so arrogant because of your own strength. No matter how powerful you are, you are the only one in your Lin family. If someone falls down, I'd rather not Who can keep your precious grandson." Zhou Wentong said viciously in his heart.

"Marshal Lin, I call you here today, as long as there is a happy event." Sheng Shang Ji Zhuoyang continued.

Mr. Lin frowned slightly, and asked: "I wonder if there is any happy event, it is worth the old man's visit to the palace?"

"Haha! I heard that Wen Tian is very talented and possesses extraordinary qualities. Therefore, I decided to betroth Princess Xuelian to him." Sitting on the dragon chair, the Holy Majesty smiled happily.

"What? Ask Tian'er to take Princess Xuelian?" Elder Lin immediately shouted, his eyes widened, and he blew on his beard.

"Lin Zhentian, this is a great thing. Being able to take Princess Xuelian is a blessing from your grandson's previous life. I don't want to thank the sage Long En." Zhou Wentong looked righteous, but the corners of his mouth could not help revealing a sneer. meaning.

Shangguan Muhua also said with a smile on his face: "Brother Lin! Congratulations! I will definitely bring an expensive gift and come to drink this glass of wedding wine."

Seeing the ironic smiles on the faces of these two people, Mr. Lin was furious, and he was so angry that his white hair became stiff: "This old man is different."

"I agree!" However, at this moment, a bright voice came with a firm meaning.

Immediately, several people in the hall turned their eyes to the entrance of the hall.

A young man with a slender figure, delicate features, and bright eyes stepped up and stepped into the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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