Chapter 3
It was Lin Wentian who came.

In the previous life, his grandfather turned against the royal family because of this incident, which also accelerated the tragedy of the Lin family. Now that he has been reborn, he will never allow this to happen again, even if he is asked to welcome Princess Xuelian.

Everyone in the Scarlet Moon Empire knew about this Princess Xuelian, not because she was Princess Xuelian, but because she was a disgrace to the royal family.

She was born with dementia and lost her mind all day long. To put it bluntly, she is a stupid girl. Therefore, when Mr. Lin heard that the Holy Majesty married her to his grandson, he had such a big reaction.

This is the holy majesty suppressing Lin Zhentian in a disguised form.

Perhaps this is what the so-called meritorious deeds cover the master.

Although Mr. Lin has ignored political affairs for many years, his prestige and cultivation still exist, which is also the reason why the Holy One is afraid of the Lin family.

Seeing that it was Lin Wentian who walked in, everyone in the hall looked surprised, wondering what kind of play this first dandy would sing in the palace today.

Did he already know about his marriage to Princess Xuelian?
No~~ This is absolutely impossible, because this matter was also decided by the Holy Majesty not long ago.

"Lin Wentian, see Your Majesty." Lin Wentian cupped his hands in salute.

He is the only child of three generations of the Lin family. Long ago, the Holy Majesty pardoned him to kneel down and salute.

"Haha! It turned out to be Wentian. I haven't seen him for a few years. I didn't expect that he is already a good-looking talent. I am very comforted. Finally, Marshal Lin has someone to succeed him." Shengshang Long Rong rejoiced.

Lin Wentian with his head down heard this, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and immediately puffed up his chest and said: "Thank you, my lord."

"Tian'er, why are you?" Mr. Lin wanted to speak.

Lin Wentian turned around abruptly, and gave his grandfather a wink, signaling to reassure him.

"What is this kid's plan? After waking up, he not only asked the little girl Lanmeng to help him buy medicinal materials, but now she suddenly came to the palace. However, I want to see what kind of medicine is sold in this kid's gourd." Mr. Lin calmed down, and looked at his grandson with deep meaning.

"Lin Wentian, just now you said that you agreed to marry Princess Xuelian, are you serious?" Zhou Wentong pinched his beard and raised his eyes.

As soon as these words came out, no matter if it was old man Lin, or the sage, or Shangguan Muhua, they all set their sights on Lin Wentian.

With a sneer on his face, Lin Wentian suddenly turned to look at Prime Minister Zhou.

However, at the next moment, his face changed rapidly, and he shouted solemnly: "Prime Minister Zhou, you are so courageous. Your Majesty is here, and you dare to despise the Majesty Longwei. You should be punished."

Lin Wentian's words were astonishing, and his firm and powerful shout directly shocked everyone in the hall, even the old man Lin suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"Bastard! How dare you slander me in the Golden Dragon Hall, a brat with no official position, and ask the Holy One to punish this brat." Zhou Wentong's face turned livid, and he waved his sleeves.

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister Zhou despises Longwei, and hopes that His Majesty will launch him at noon and ask him to kill him, so as to straighten my court." However, Lin Wentian was still unyielding.

"You..." Zhou Wentong was very angry.

"Qiantian, why did you say that? Since when did Prime Minister Zhou despise Long Wei?" The Holy One raised his brows and said.

Lin Wentian raised the corner of his mouth, and immediately said righteously: "Prime Minister Zhou, let me ask you, who is the biggest in the Golden Dragon Hall?"

"Of course it is His Majesty, the world is vast, but His Majesty is the greatest." Zhou Wentong replied without thinking.

Hearing this, the sage on the dragon chair showed a satisfied expression, and he even glanced at Mr. Lin inadvertently, but the master seemed not to notice.

"Prime Minister Zhou, since you said that the sage is the biggest in the hall, why did you say something before I first entered the hall, the sage did not open his mouth? Could it be that you rely on the position of prime minister to not put the sage on the throne?" In the eye?"

"Contempt for the holy dragon prestige, this is one of your crimes."

"Secondly, just now I personally agreed to marry Princess Xuelian in front of the Holy Master, but you dare to question me in front of the Holy Master, as if you were questioning the Holy Master, this is your second crime."

"Since the founding of the Chiyue Empire, I have focused on the policy of the court. As a first-rank official of the current court, if you know that you have violated the law, you should be pulled out immediately and asked to be executed. Otherwise, where is the policy of our country?"

"I also hope that the holy decree will punish this person who despises the dragon's prestige and commits crimes below. He dares to question the holy man, so that he can straighten our country." Lin Wentian's sentences pierced Zhou Wentong's heart like a knife, and then he cupped his hands and faced the holy man. A salute.

"You bastard! Stop talking nonsense!" Zhou Wentong's expression changed drastically.

"Presumptuous! Your Majesty is here, do you still want to deny it? Your Majesty Shangguan can also testify to this matter. I believe that under the might of the Majesty, your Majesty Shangguan would never dare to tell a lie. Am I right, my Majesty Shangguan?" Wen Tianhua Turning around, he looked at Shangguan Muhua seriously.

"This ouch...why does the old man's stomach suddenly hurt. Hey, I must have eaten something wrong in the morning." Shangguan Muhua hugged his stomach suddenly, and his face turned pale.

"This old fox!" Wentian's eyes narrowed, but he recovered quickly.

Zhou Wentong's face was livid, he gritted his teeth, he hated Wentian so much, he suddenly felt a cold light coming, looked up, and saw Sheng Shang Ji Zhuoyang's face was ugly, with cold eyes.

Zhou Wentong suddenly babbled, and was about to speak, but unexpectedly, the Holy Majesty took the first step.

"Okay! You don't have to argue any more. Today is a good day. You can't spoil everyone's happiness like this. Let's let this matter go. Don't bring it up again." The Holy One said.

"Thank you, Shengshang Longen!" Zhou Wentong quickly knelt down.

The Holy Majesty waved his hands impatiently, and Zhou Wentong got up quickly, but at this moment, the hatred in his heart was strong, and he stared at Wentian with vicious eyes.

Wentian smiled contemptuously at this, and Zhou Wentong was so angry that flames could burst out of Zhou Wentong's eyes.

"Huh! Your stomach doesn't hurt anymore, Mr. Shangguan?" Wentian said with a sense of wonder.

"It's all thanks to the great blessing of the sage, that the illness of the lower official can be cured without treatment." When Shangguan Muhua spoke, his face did not change color.

At this moment, everyone looked at Wentian differently than before, especially Sheng Shangji Zhuoyang, with a shadow hidden deep in his pupils.

Mr. Lin looked puzzled.

"I didn't expect that Chiyue's number one dandy would have such abilities. It seems that the rumors are false, or maybe this person has been hiding all the time. If this is the case, this son must not be left behind." The holy majesty's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Immediately he said: "It turns out that Wentian has agreed to this marriage, so I will send a decree for you to choose a good day to get married."

Hearing this, Mr. Lin frowned, but he didn't say much in the end.

"My lord, Wentian has something to say."

"Oh! What's the matter?"

Wentian showed a frivolous look, with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Sir Qisheng, I Wentian is the only child of the third generation of the Lin family, with a prominent status, and Xuelian is a princess, with an even more noble status. Our marriage is a happy event for the entire Scarlet Moon Empire." , now that the marriage contract has been signed, all common people should be happy together for three days."

"Also, in order to protect the face of the royal family, I implore the emperor to issue a decree that on the day of the wedding, the major officials in the court should not give gifts that are too light. First-rank officials like Prime Minister Zhou and Lord Shangguan must give at least [-] gold coins as gifts." Congratulations, so as not to lose the identity of Princess Xuelian."

When Wentian said this, his expression remained unchanged, his face was as thick as a wall.

"What? Why don't you go grab it?" Zhou Wentong was furious at the moment and couldn't help shouting.

"Prime Minister Zhou, I am going to marry the Dragon Girl of the Holy Majesty, the princess of Chiyue. Is it possible that you want to send a copper coin as a congratulatory gift? This is to look down on the Holy Majesty, if the Holy Majesty blames it."

"Okay! This matter is settled like this, I suddenly feel a little headache, you all step back!" The Holy Majesty interrupted Wentian, then rested his forehead with his left hand, showing a headache.

"The holy dragon's body is the most important thing, the old minister resigns!"

"The old minister also resigns!" Seeing this, everyone left the hall one after another.

After everyone left, Sheng Shang Ji Zhuoyang suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were brilliant: "Come here, help me pass on Mei Miracle Doctor."


"Tian'er, why did you agree to this marriage? You clearly know that Princess Xuelian is..." As soon as he left the Golden Dragon Palace, Old Master Lin couldn't help asking.

Wentian looked at his grandfather seriously, and said with a serious expression: "Grandpa, do you trust your grandson?"

"Do you need to ask? You are the only child of three generations of my Lin family. If grandpa doesn't believe you, who else will you believe in?" Mr. Lin said directly.

Hearing this, Wentian felt warm in his heart, and continued: "Since grandpa trusts grandson, I hope grandpa will not ask too much about this matter, grandson is doing this for my Lin family."

Seeing his grandson's seriousness, Mr. Lin suddenly thought deeply.

After a while, he sighed softly, and continued: "Since this is the case, then grandpa will not ask about your affairs in the future, but you must remember that the entire Lin family, including grandpa, is behind you. When the sky falls, grandpa will support you." .”

"Grandpa, don't worry! In this life, I, Wentian, will help you shelter from the wind and rain." Wentian didn't say these words, but just hid them deeply in his heart.

"Hey! Isn't this the youngest's chasing wind horse? Why is it here?"

"Grandpa, I rode this."

Under the shocked eyes of Mr. Lin, Wentian lightly jumped on the back of Chasing Fengshen's horse.

"My boy, I have tamed this fierce horse. It seems that I underestimated him before." Mr. Lin was greatly comforted.


Under the shocked eyes of all the servants and guards in Lin's mansion, Wentian rode back to Lin's mansion with the God of Wind Chasing Horse.

Until now, those people still don't believe that Wentian can tame the third master's chasing wind horse.

Is this still Chiyue's number one dandy?
As soon as he returned to Lin Mansion, Wentian went back to his room, but not long after, people from the palace came.

"According to the Holy Majesty's will, Young Master Wentian of Lin's Mansion has been feeling unwell recently, so he bestowed 30 parts of [-]-year-old medicinal materials, [-] parts of [-]-year-old medicinal materials, and specially sent Dr. Mei to come and have a look." An eunuch read in a sharp voice.

"Meng'er, take all these herbs into my room." Looking at these herbs, Wentian's eyes brightened.

"Yes, master!" Meng'er took the herbs.

"Master Wentian, I hope the old man can feel his pulse." An old man who seemed to be nearly eighty said to Wentian.

This person is the Miracle Doctor Mei in the palace, and he is even an alchemist, but it is rumored that he can only refine low-grade Xuan-level pills, so he can only be regarded as an early-stage Xuan-level alchemist.

"Boy, I have the genius doctor Laomei." Wentian smiled and stretched out his right hand.

Miracle Doctor Mei caught Wentian's pulse, and the next moment, he saw his eyes contract suddenly...

(End of this chapter)

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