Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 100 Battle of the Palace

Chapter 100 Battle of the Palace
"Fairy Qinglian, what do you mean? Are you really planning to break the relationship with Ji's family for many years because of Lin Wentian?" Feng Yunxuan wrinkled.

The five women who appeared were Fairy Qinglian and the four women who played piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

"Senior misunderstood! Our Xianfeng Pavilion did not intend to be against the Ji family, nor did we intend to be against the Fengyun royal family! However, Lin Wentian is my Chiyue's, this is a matter of our country, I do not want other The country will intervene in this matter!" Fairy Qinglian stepped lightly into the void, wrapped in colorful silk, and said lightly.

As for the four girls of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting beside her, they began to surround Feng Yunxuan in a vague manner, as if as long as Feng Yunxuan said no, they would launch a strong attack in an instant with lightning speed.

Fairy Qinglian and the other girls were only in the Spirit Transformation Realm, but when Feng Yunxuan faced them, the fear in his pupils was stronger than that of Master Mo.

His face turned blue and red, and there was a struggle in his eyes. He glanced at Wentian who was getting further and further away from him, and strong unwillingness surged in his heart.

But until the end, he still didn't make a move, just confronting Fairy Qinglian and the others in the void.

Sensing the strangeness behind him, Wentian felt very complicated, especially for Fairy Qinglian who was willing to stand up for him, his expression was even more complicated.

He did not have a good impression of Xianfeng Pavilion because of Granny Hua's matter, but Fairy Qinglian helped him many times, which made him feel warm in his heart.

In a flash, he came back to his senses in an instant, exerted his speed to the extreme, and fled like a race against time.

"The place of the imperial palace is the sacred place of Chiyue, how can you, a young boy, come and leave whenever you want!" A cold voice suddenly came from the depths of the palace.

"Boom!" A powerful aura suddenly exploded from the bottom of a mountain, and a figure rushed out instantly.

The Vientiane Realm, this is definitely the Vientiane Realm, Wentian's expression changed drastically again when he felt this powerful energy.

However, before he could react, an aura that was not weaker than before roared again from a lake, and an arrogant voice came: "Boy, stay! Resisting the royal family is the only way to die." one."

"Two Vientiane Realm!" Wentian roared in his heart, he didn't expect that he would wake up two elders of the royal family.

boom!The two people from behind chased him, their speed was extremely fast, they were close to Wentian in the blink of an eye, and they broke out a powerful offensive.

"Damn it!" Wentian cursed in his heart.

With a bang, he was instantly overwhelmed by the storm behind him.

"That kid is finally dead!" Seeing this scene on the ground below, Shangguan Muhua breathed a sigh of relief, and then laughed wildly on his face.

However, his smile soon stopped abruptly, replaced by a face full of shock and disbelief.

"It's impossible!" he growled ferociously.

"Peng!" The center of the storm exploded, and a distressed figure suddenly rushed out.

"Ahem!" Wentian coughed up blood, his face pale as paper.

During this time, he felt that there was not much energy left in his body, and there was an excruciating pain all over his body. If his physical body was not different from ordinary people, he might have been crushed to pieces by the opponent's attack.

"Hmph~ die!" A cold voice came from behind.

Boom, the wind howled, the waves rolled and churned, and they covered Wentian. It was obvious that the two people behind were strong men of wind and water attributes.

Wentian was shocked, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind at that moment.

"Wentian, hurry up. My Qian family will stop one of them for you, and the rest will be up to you!" At this moment, the voice of old man Qian rang in his head.

With a bang, an old man in the rear raised a strong aura, and immediately the ground shook, and a huge stone wall suddenly rushed out, stopping the turbulent waves in an instant.

Wentian came back to his senses and looked down at Mr. Qian. He felt grateful for a moment, and nodded to thank him. Immediately, his eyes flashed fiercely.

In the next moment, purple awns bloomed in his hand, and a long sword with a purple body was firmly held in his hand, and the long sword glowed with strange light, exuding an inexplicable aura.

It is Broken Star.

And when Wentian took out the Broken Star, whether it was Master Mo in the distance, or Mr. Qian below, they were all stunned for a moment, and their eyes flickered with a hint of anticipation.

The Broken Star Sword weighed one hundred thousand catties, and with a light swing, the mountain peak might collapse. However, at this moment, Wen Tian held the Broken Star, and the blade swung horizontally, and then it was lifted up in an arc and held high above his head.

Although there was not much energy left in his body, his aura instantly exploded. His thoughts and thoughts seemed to merge with broken stars at this moment. With the momentum of contemptuously looking at the four deserts, he burst into anger: "Thunderstorm style!"

With a violent, domineering and invincible posture, the veins in his hands burst out, and he suddenly slashed down with the Broken Star.


The void suddenly trembled, and immediately a monstrous sword light blasted out with violent power that seemed to destroy everything.

Wherever he passed, the void roared instantly, and the turbulent storm swept away in all directions. The sky was cut with a long sword mark by this sword, and it slashed angrily towards the violent storm that was rushing towards him.

"What? It's impossible!" The royal elder's exclamation sounded from the center of the storm.

However, soon, there was a loud bang in the void, completely exploding, completely covering up the old man's exclamation.

"Oh my god! What kind of sword style is this? How can it be so powerful?"

"This is impossible. Could it be that Lin Wentian is not only a physical cultivator, but also a powerful sword cultivator?"

When someone below saw this scene, they were shocked and exclaimed, their eyes full of shock and disbelief.

There are even some people with lower cultivation bases, and at this moment, they can't help but gasp, and their souls feel a tremor. At this moment, their hearts are no longer jealous, but fear.

When the opponent's strength far surpasses his own, what arises in his heart is not jealousy or resentment, but a strong fear in the bitterness.

Therefore, they can only look up at their opponents, without a trace of comparison in their hearts.

Especially below, a woman in a purple skirt, her face paled for a while, her arrogant body trembled slightly, as if her feet had softened, and her beautiful eyes were complicated.

"It seems that this time, the old man made the right bet. Maybe in the near future, this kid can lead my Qian family and become the first family of Tianyuan." Mr. Qian's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"This son is extraordinary, don't insult this sword!" Master Mo also murmured in a voice that only he could hear, with a hint of complexity in his expression.

"Ahem!!" Wentian coughed up blood, staining his white clothes with blood.

At this time, he felt a strong sense of weakness coming from his body, which made his eyelids begin to close smoothly as if they weighed tens of thousands of catties, but his eyes turned hard, and he bit the tip of his tongue lightly.

With a sound of "Zi", the smell of blood came from his tongue, instantly clearing his mind, his eyes flickered, his figure flickered, and he rushed out of the palace quickly.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! As long as I can rush out of the palace, as long as I can rush out of the palace..." He shouted crazily in his heart.

"Don't let him escape!"

"He's dying, let's go together and stop him!"

A group of guards and monks in the spiritual realm started chasing after Wentian frantically.

Because they could clearly sense that Wentian's body had reached its peak, which instantly boosted their confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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