Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 101 Imperial prestige?

Chapter 101 Imperial prestige?

"Boy! Where can I escape!" Below, a middle-aged man galloped up, and there was still a touch of excitement and excitement in the depths of his pupils.

"This kid can't do it anymore. As long as I kill him and get his secrets, I will be able to rise quickly in the future. Maybe the whole world of Chiyue will also belong to me." This person shouted crazily in his heart.

He was just the middle-aged man who wanted to trade his skills in exchange for the scriptures of Wentian's return to the beginning. He did not expect that this person was so lucky that he could escape from the stormy attack before Wentian. .

But when this person saw Wentian was seriously injured, the greed in his heart completely swallowed up the fear, he wanted to get the secret technique from Wentian, he wanted to become stronger, he wanted to dominate the entire Chiyue, and the entire Tianyuan Continent.

Unknowingly, this person's eyes became bloody, covered with spider webs of blood, and his heart had already lost his mind.

"Looking for death!" Wen Tian's eyes flashed fiercely.

After hitting him again and again, the murderous intent in his heart had already exploded. If there were not too many enemies before, he would have killed this person immediately.

With a murderous thought in his heart, his flying body suddenly turned around, pointed at the opponent with the broken star sword in his hand, and immediately his mind moved, and he shouted in his mouth: "Hurry up!"


Broken Star shook violently, and immediately charged violently, leaving Wentian's hand in an instant, galloping towards the middle-aged cultivator with the tendency to pierce the void.

"What?" Seeing this scene, the middle-aged monk's heart skipped a beat, and panic appeared in his eyes.

However, at the next moment, his eyes were stern, and he shouted with a ferocious expression: "Extremely arrogant, even a mere weapon wants to kill me."

As soon as the words fell, flames exploded from his body, entwined around his body, and condensed on his right fist, causing a monstrous scorching power to pass from his fist.

"Break!" He roared wildly, and the fist of fire, surrounded by the flames, suddenly swung towards the flying Broken Star.

"Huh? Impossible..." But soon, his fear-filled roar came from the void.

Lie Yan burned his Broken Star's purple sword body, but there was no dazzling light, and there was no loud noise, but at this moment, a strange pattern appeared on Broken Star's body, constantly changing as if alive.

The flames burning on his body, when encountering these strange lines, it was like encountering a natural nemesis, and wanted to escape quickly, but in the end it was a step slower.

I saw Broken Star's body, following the way out of these strange lines, there was a trace of strange light on its body, and a creepy aura came from it. At this moment, it completely turned into a black hole that could swallow everything, and began to Gobbling like a wolf, devouring the flames that burned his body.

In less than a moment, the flames on the middle-aged man's fist were completely devoured, and the middle-aged man felt terrified as if he had seen a ghost when he noticed such a strange thing.

"Ghost sword! This is definitely a ghost sword!" He exclaimed.

But at the next moment, there was a cracking sound from his right fist, and then his expression suddenly changed, his eyes were extremely shocked, and he roared like a heart-piercing lung.

"This is impossible... This is absolutely impossible... I will not die... I am a person who will become a god in the future..."

His roar was full of resentment, unwillingness, and deep fear.

Just as he was roaring, the bone-crushing sound of "Crack! Crack!" was heard continuously, making his whole soul tremble, and he saw an irresistible force coming from Sui Xing's body, like owning a star. The gravity, roaring.

First his right arm, then his right shoulder, immediately spread all over his body. Under this monstrous force, his body was like a shell, with numerous cracks.

With a sound of "click", it seemed that his life had come to an end, and his body exploded completely in the eyes of everyone's terrified and unbelievable eyes, splashing a beautiful blood in the air, adding more to the void. A touch of color.

"Hiss..." Seeing this shocking scene, the monks chasing after him couldn't help but gasped.

They felt creepy, and a coolness drifted behind them, as if behind them, there was a pair of blood-red ghost eyes staring at them.

Involuntarily, their sprinting bodies stopped, trembling with fear, looking at Wentian who was sprinting outside the palace, as frightened as they were looking at a peerless ghost.

"Cough..." Wentian's face became even paler, but his eyes were still as sharp as a blade. Wherever their eyes passed, everyone lowered their heads, not daring to look at him, as if they were afraid of becoming his next target.

With the strength of the sword body of one hundred thousand catties, coupled with the blessing of galloping speed, after blasting and killing the middle-aged monk, the Broken Star was suspended in the air like this, with a faint purple glow.

Wentian's expression froze, and he glanced indifferently at the monks who were trembling and had lost their will to fight. Immediately, he made a sudden move.


Broken Star trembled lightly, and immediately the blade flicked, flying towards Wentian in an instant.

After taking back the Broken Star, his eyes flashed, and his figure exploded again, his speed seemed to break through the limit, a little faster than before.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the outside of the palace, joy flashed in his eyes, and his face was even more excited: "It's here!"

However, at this moment, as if he had sensed something, his expression suddenly changed.

"Crack!" Then there was a broken sound.

There came a majestic voice filled with outrageous anger: "No one can reverse my holy power, not even Lin Zhentian, and you, Lin Wentian, are even more invincible."

With a sound of "哐", the golden light in the Golden Dragon Hall exploded, rushing towards the outside of the hall like a rainbow, and at that moment, the Golden Dragon condensed a domineering and imperial aura of a hundred-foot giant.

This is a golden giant with radiant golden light that makes one's soul tremble. It stands in the void, like the emperor of the spirits of all things, the pinnacle of power and power.

All the guards and maids of the palace knelt down one after another at this moment. While their expressions were full of piety, they also concealed a touch of fear from their souls. This was a natural fear of the emperor.

"Wow... this is the image of a saint, the majesty of an emperor! Could it be that something happened in the palace?"

Seeing this astonishing scene, the people in the capital immediately turned pale with shock, and their hearts were filled with incomparable shock.

"The power of the saint, the power of the emperor! In the realm of the Vientiane Realm, the Holy One is invincible!"

"Hey... I don't know which unlucky person has violated the authority of the Holy One. This is completely seeking death."

A monk of the older generation sighed, with a hint of pity on his face, as if he had blind faith in their lord.

However, some people with flexible minds flashed an unbelievable thought: "Today is Princess Xuelian's birthday banquet, and Lin's residence has just been attacked at night and summoned into the palace. Will this matter have something to do with Lin Wentian?" related?"

But not long after, this person shook his head lightly, and murmured: "This should be impossible. Then Lin Wentian is only at the Spirit Transformation Realm, so how can he be qualified to let the Holy One take action?"

(End of this chapter)

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