Chapter 1003

Wanchongfeng is a very special main peak of Leiyun Jiufeng. It is said that it is special because this peak is suspended in mid-air and surrounded by many sub-peaks in all directions.

Of course, these secondary peaks are the peaks where some personal disciples and elders live.

Multiple secondary peaks gather around the main peak to form a ten thousand peak, hence the name ten thousand peak. There is another extremely important factor, that is because the entire ten thousand peak is surrounded by a strong gravitational field.

It is difficult for disciples who are not from this peak to adapt to the gravity here, and it is even difficult for them to walk an inch. It is like being suppressed by a star, and they are under strong coercion.

Now in the base camp of Wan Chongfeng, there are only some disciples who are weak and in the realm of Shenyuan or True God, because of Wan Chongfeng's army, almost all of them went out to Immortal Peak.

At this moment, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh... One after another, figures in bloody clothes rushed into Ten Thousand Peaks. They looked terrified, and there was no trace of blood on their faces.

That's right!They are the elders and disciples of the Immortal Peak and Ten Thousand Peaks.

"Look, it's the elders and brothers who are back!"

" did this happen? Are they all injured?"

Some disciples guarding the mountain gate were stunned and screamed when they noticed it.

After all, the current Ten Thousand Peaks is in full swing in the Thunder Cloud Sect, apart from Lei Feng who is the head of the Nine Peaks, only Anwu Peak can stand shoulder to shoulder with it.

"Where is the peak master? Quickly inform the peak master, Lin Wentian, the seventh son of the Immortal Peak, wants to forcibly break into my Ten Thousand Chongfeng Peak!" As the elder of the Ten Thousand Chongfeng Peak, an old man with the peak of the four realms, he yelled in panic.

It's no wonder he is like this, even Lei Feng was defeated in a mess, and now only the masters of their peak and the master of Leiyun can take action to suppress that damn dragon's son.

"What? The seventh son of Immortal Peak, Lin Wentian, has returned? Now he wants to force his way into my Ten Thousand Layers Peak?" Immediately, many disciples cried out in surprise, their eyes filled with inconceivable wonder.

"Hmph! A mere Lin Wentian wants to break into my Myriad Chongfeng. It's a joke. Let alone a god general, even if he is a god king, as long as he dares to step into the Myriad Chongfeng, he will die."

Suddenly, an old man flew swiftly from the Ten Thousand Crest Peak. This man looked proud and his eyes were full of contempt. He seemed not to feel any uneasiness about the enemy's attack.

"It's the second elder!"

"That's right! This is my Ten Thousand Peaks, so what if he is strong? As long as he enters here, even if he is a dragon or a tiger, he will lie on his stomach like a dead dog."

In an instant, some disciples and elders who had been terrified once again became fierce and cruel again.

"Everyone take their positions immediately, start the Wanfeng killing formation." The Great Elder roared loudly.

"Buzz buzz buzz!!" Immediately, with the ten thousand peaks as the main one and the countless secondary peaks as the secondary ones, countless runes appeared, and the formations formed one after another, forming an impregnable ten thousand formation.

Once this formation was completed, all the monks of Myriad Chongfeng looked overjoyed, as if they were full of confidence again.


At the same time, Wentian took Shen Hu and the others to the Ten Thousand Peaks in a leisurely manner, as if he intentionally asked the other party to prepare and activate the peak protection formation.

Otherwise, with his current cultivation and speed, he would be able to break into Ten Thousand Chongfeng before the other party returned to Ten Thousand Chongfeng.

But he didn't!
Because this time he wants to poke a big hole in Leiyunzong, completely smash the confidence of the enemy, let some people live in fear forever, and let that fear occupy the hearts of the opponents little by little.

Not only that, but as time went by, more and more disciples, stewards, and other masters of the main peak gathered behind them.

"That's Brother Lin, he's finally home!"

"What? He is the genius disciple of my Spirit Pill Peak back then, and he even defeated Senior Brother Yichen and Senior Brother Mu Yi's dragon son Lin Wentian in the Medicine Boy Competition?"

"Not only that, but I also suspected to have seen the old man Danxin when he fell. It is rumored that he is the son of Danxin of this generation."

"Ah... Son of Pill... My Spirit Pill Peak still has such secrets?"

Some Lingdan Peak disciples who were moved by the wind were stunned and shocked.

Obviously, if it weren't for today's accident, they wouldn't have known such a secret.

Among the crowd, Elder Mu Fang, Mu Yi, Li Yunxiang, and even Da Gang and others also came.

After many years, they did not expect that when the other party returned, it would cause such a big uproar, and everyone's hearts would be so thunderbolt.

In today's Thunder Cloud Sect, apart from Leifeng, Wanchongfeng, and Anwufeng which are still in the base camp of the nine main peaks, only Lingdan Peak has not gone to the battlefield.

Although Spirit Pill Peak is ranked third in Jiufeng, all the disciples and elders are obsessed with alchemy, mainly in alchemy, and their strength is not outstanding, which is why they stay here.

Of course, in addition to the son of the dragon, Lingdan Peak has also produced a monstrous genius disciple over the years.

That is the demon Yichen. Not only is he superb in alchemy, but he is also extremely powerful. He is going after Lei Fengtian's favored son, the son of Thunder God.

It's just that in these years, he has already left Leiyunzong, and went to the city of burying demons to compete with the demon clan's genius, trying to break out a new world.

"Brother Lin!"

"Senior brother Lin..." Many disciples rushed over and yelled loudly, especially Da Gang, Li Wen, and those disciples and stewards of the miscellaneous courtyard back then, but their expressions were excited and their fighting spirit was high.

Because Lin Wentian's name has always existed in the Zayuan like a legend. He was the No.1 in the Zayuan back then, and he was a role model for all the disciples of the Zayuan, and he was their spiritual pillar.

Li Yunxiang's eyes were red, and Mu Yi held her hand tightly by the side. It can be seen that the relationship between the two has grown rapidly over the years, and they have become intimate.

But even so, the man in white in front of her was still like her biological elder brother in her heart.

Seemingly aware of the people behind, Wentian slowly raised his head, nodded slightly to Yun Xiang, Da Gang, Elder Mu Fang and others, showing a confident smile.

However, at the next moment, he turned his head suddenly, and looked at the Wan Chongfeng in front of him with an extremely cold expression, and a terrifying murderous intent began to emanate from his body.

"What a great formation, today I, Lin Wentian, want to see if this formation is as solid as the rumors say, it can be called an iron wall."

"Fifth senior brother, you just watch here. They forcefully broke into my Immortal Peak. Today I will forcefully break into their Ten Thousand Layers Peak to get justice for my Immortal Peak."

After the words fell, before Shen Hu and others could reply, he stepped out, and he disappeared in the same place instantly, standing in front of the formation with the speed of teleportation.

"Seventh Junior Brother, be careful, this grand formation contains the power of stars and peaks, and the gravity field in the formation may be ten or a hundred times that of the outside world." Shen Hu reminded from behind.

But regarding this, Wentian still looked as usual.

At the same time, in the main hall of the Ten Thousand Peaks, it seemed that he felt a change from the outside world. The expression of the Lord of the Ten Thousand Peaks suddenly changed, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and his face was extremely gloomy.

"What a Lin Wentian, what a kid who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth. Could it be that he really thought that he could do whatever he wanted in the Thunder Cloud Sect when he reached the level of a god general, and dared to forcibly break into my Ten Thousand Peaks." His expression was extremely cold.

"Hey... this little guy!" The wine master sighed, his face full of helplessness.

(End of this chapter)

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