Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 1004 Forcefully Entering the Killing Formation

Chapter 1004

"Lin Wentian, don't bully people too much!"

"Hmph! This is my Ten Thousand Layers Peak. Don't say that you are only the first stage of a god general. Even a strong god king can hardly break through this ten thousand layers of killing formation. If you know your senses, get out, or you will die if you take a step forward!"

Looking at Wentian outside the formation, the elders and disciples of Wan Chongfeng roared furiously, their faces were ferocious like beasts, and the vicious light in their eyes made some people shudder.

But for this, the corners of Wentian's mouth rose slightly, outlining a mocking arc.

"It seems that you have healed your scars and forgot about the pain. If that's the case, then I'll remind you again." After saying that, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and his mind moved.

Immediately, countless Wan Chongfeng's disciples and elders changed their colors one after another, their wide-open pupils were full of fear.

"Don't... stop!"

"Please, let us go..."


bang bang bang! !They looked crazy, holding their heads tightly with their hands, and some of them kept hitting the ground and stone pillars with their heads, causing a sound of collision.

Many people had their heads smashed through, their blood stained their black hair red, and they were extremely terrifying, but they still screamed, and the horrifying screams made one's hair stand on end, as if their souls were being forcibly torn apart.

The restriction is that the restriction in their bodies was aroused by Wentian.

"Puff puff!"

Countless people were coughing up blood, and their eyes were filled with fear. They had an incredible feeling, as if the other party could wipe out all of them instantly with just one thought.

"Devil! Lin Wentian, you are a devil..."

"Lin will die a terrible death!" Some people begged for mercy, but others roared with hatred, and when their faces were ferocious, their roars were full of viciousness.

"Hmph!" Wentian's expression was as cold as ice, and he snorted coldly like disdain.

However, this seemingly innocuous cold snort landed in some people's minds, as if being struck by divine thunder.

Bang bang bang... Their bodies flew upside down uncontrollably, hitting the ground and blood staining the ground.

In an instant, the blood mist filled the air, screams continued, and the entire Wanzhong Peak seemed to turn into a blood prison.

Some monks who didn't know the inside story were stunned when they saw this scene. It seemed that an egg could be stuffed in that big mouth, because the scene in front of them was so unimaginable.

"Great elders, you..." The second elder of Wanchongfeng's heart skipped a beat, as if he was extremely puzzled and horrified by the strange scene in front of him.

"Restriction, we are all restricted by him."

"Quick... find the peak master quickly, let him be the master for us, and kill this evil!" The great elder was full of hatred, his pupils were covered with bloodshot like spider webs.


"Lin Wentian, you are so despicable, it seems that this is your true face as a member of the sinful clan!"

"Traitor of the human race! Everyone gets it and kills it!"

"Hohoho!!" Wan Chongfeng's second elder and the others glared angrily and roared with a dignified look.

These roars fell into the ears of Shen Hu, Da Gang, Li Wen and others, and immediately made them gnash their teeth with hatred on their faces.

Because it is no secret that Wentian is a member of the sin clan, but they did not expect that these Ten Thousand Peaks cultivators would insult him face to face.

Sure enough, after hearing his words, Wentian's original cold expression showed a hint of ferocity.

"You're looking for death!" After saying that, he flicked his sleeves, and with a hum, he broke into the ten thousand heavy killing formation in front of him instantly.

"Senior brother be careful!"

"Brother Lin..." He entered the killing formation, and suddenly many people's expressions changed and they screamed loudly.

At the same time, the Second Elder of Wan Chongfeng seemed to have succeeded in his trickery, a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Boy, you are still too young, if you enter this killing array, you will die."

Obviously, what he said before was only to provoke the other party and let Wen Tian break into the killing formation.

"Hundred layers of killing formation, kill!" Immediately, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and his hands kept forming seals as he roared.

"Buzz buzz!!" In an instant, the runes of the formation were shining brightly, and the power of the rules surged even more violently. In just a split second, a coercion that was a hundred times heavier than the outside world ruthlessly landed on Wentian.

His expression changed slightly, but he returned to normal in an instant. When the black hair danced wildly, his whole body exuded a compelling murderous intent.

Obviously, in the name of the criminal clan, he had a murderous intent on the second elder of Wan Chongfeng in front of him.

The heavy peaks formed by the gods, runes, and rules suddenly condensed, they were heavy with energy, without the slightest hesitation, and violently raged against Wentian when the second elder was making a decision.

A hundred heavy kills.

"Jie Jie! Kid die!"

"Don't say that you are only the first stage of a general, even if you are a middle stage general, there is only one way to die. Back then, in this hundred-fold killing formation, you killed a demon general in the late stage, and his power was monstrous." For a moment, the man in white in front of him spattered blood in his stool and disappeared on the spot.

At the same time, the people outside the formation were nervous, staring at the inside of the formation intently, as if they were afraid that they would miss something.

"This is the Ten Thousand Layers Killing Formation? But it's too weak!" The strange thing is that despite facing such a violent attack, Wentian's face not only showed no fear, but showed contempt on the contrary.

His calm demeanor made many people stunned, as if they suspected that they had heard wrong.

"Big words! Don't say that you can break through this formation. Under a hundred times the gravity, it is difficult for you to move even a single step to reach the sky." The second elder looked disdainful, as if he had heard the biggest joke in the sky.


Just as he finished speaking, Wentian smiled strangely, and then he moved.

His figure suddenly shook, and then a domineering aura rose up into the sky, which actually made the entire formation buzz. Immediately, under the attention of everyone, he flicked his sleeve, raised his left leg and took a step forward.

"Boom!" This seemingly simple step burst out with monstrous power, not to mention the momentum like a rainbow, and an invisible force gushed out overwhelmingly.

Click!Click! !There were crackling sounds one after another.

I saw the hundreds of heavy peaks that came from the town, and they were full of cracks, as if they would collapse completely with just a light touch, and disappear into the world.

Also at this moment, Wentian's expression was icy cold, and then he suddenly waved his hand.

"Bang bang bang bang!!" The rumbling sound was overwhelming, the wind swept through the clouds, and the remaining power swept the sky. With a wave of his understatement, hundreds of peaks exploded and disappeared without a trace.

Everything happened in that instant, and everyone outside the formation was dumbfounded when they saw this scene, and turbulent waves set off in their hearts.

"No... This is absolutely impossible! Your cultivation is no more than the first stage of a god general, and no matter how strong you are, you are no better than that demon general back then." The second elder who presided over the killing formation opened his eyes and roared, his pupils full of disbelief.

"Pfft!!" But the destruction of the Hundred Layer Killing Formation also caused the blood in his body to churn, and he coughed up blood.

Obviously, this is the backlash he suffered when the formation was destroyed.

But at the next moment, his eyes flickered fiercely, with a look of extreme madness: "Damn it, you are just a kid in the first stage of the general, I don't believe that I can't kill you."

"Thousand layers of killing formation, show me!" He roared madly, and when his hands were sealed, he sprayed three mouthfuls of blood into the formation, as if trying to use the power of blood essence to activate the thousand layers of killing formation.

(End of this chapter)

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