Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 1040 Slaying the King

Chapter 1040 Slaying the King
A pair of wings on Wentian's back glowed black and white, flapping loudly, his afterglow flashed, and he rushed out at a frightening speed, but in the blink of an eye, he was approaching Ba Lao and the Stone Demon King.

His intention is obvious, that is, to use the advantage of Ba Lao's strength to take this opportunity to kill Shitong King completely. After all, he can reach the Demon King, his strength and methods are powerful, even if he can defeat the opponent with Ba Lao's strength, it is still difficult Kill it.


This stone demon king is worthy of being the king of the stone demon clan. He turned into a monstrous stone demon. The stone body is covered with demon runes and exudes a powerful aura. Especially, every swing of the giant hammer in his hand caused the entire starry sky to tremble.

Suddenly, Ba Lao looked stunned, and then his eyes narrowed, boom boom, from his huge monster body, a more violent force than before erupted.

"Om!" In an instant, the runes on the innate stone tablet behind him suddenly shone brightly, emitting an incomparably heavy stone prestige. Started to fall downwards.

"Junior! Get hit by the old man's pinnacle! Let's see if the magic hammer in your hand is stronger, or the old man's stone tablet is stronger." The old man roared angrily, and his huge monster body fell violently.

Immediately, the stone tablet behind him came out, and it contained terrifying power and went straight to the stone demon king, as if trying to blast the opponent's stone body with the power of this blow.

"Damn old thing, don't think that the king is afraid of you. My stone demon clan is well-known in the entire demon clan. In terms of physical strength and defensive power, we can rank among the top three."

"Break the world with one blow!" the Stone Demon King roared.

bang bang bang! !His roar seemed to contain monstrous magic power, causing some meteorites and stars to explode in all directions, and he swallowed them instantly as pieces of gravel rushed towards him.

The next moment, his huge stone body swelled up again, standing in the void like an ancient giant, with runes against the sky on both arms, his eyes hardened, and he swung the magic hammer in his hand and swung it forcefully.

boom!The whole world trembled suddenly.

Suddenly, the Stone Demon King's eyes widened.

"Crack!" There was a cracking sound from the magic hammer in his hand, and a crack appeared in his giant hammer that once frightened the demons.

Although it was only one piece, it made his heart ache, his expression became extremely fierce, and he roared like crazy: "Damn old thing, break my magic hammer, this king will kill you."

"Roar!" When he was in a frenzy, the magic lines on his body seemed to be alive, and began to frantically pour into the magic hammer in his hand, causing it to tremble violently and hum violently.

However, despite this, Ba Lao's face did not change color, but an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Om!" Suddenly, there was a wave of waves in nothingness, and a pair of black and white wings could be seen faintly flapping. After a flash of light, a man covered in golden armor except for his facial features appeared strangely in front of the Stone Demon King.

"You..." The sudden change caused the Stone Demon King's expression to change suddenly, especially when he felt the powerful and noble coercion of the other party, his heart beat violently, and a breath of death enveloped his heart instantly.

"Although your offensive power and defensive power are strong, they are also the easiest to deal with from a certain point of view." Wen Tian's expression was extremely cold, black and white wings glowed with black and white light, as if darkness and light coexisted, looking very strange .

"Mie Sheng Fist!" With murderous intent in his eyes, he said loudly, and immediately gathered his five fingers together, and swung out a fist with bright dragon scales.

boom!With one punch, the situation changes!

The Mie Sheng Fist ruthlessly knocked down the Stone Demon King's chest, and the huge force in the fist even sent the opponent flying hundreds of miles, thousands of miles away.

bang bang bang! !The stars hit by his huge stone body were exploded without any suspense, and the explosions continued, not to mention Qinglong King, Jiu Ye and others, even the people on the ground below suddenly changed color, and felt a buzzing in their heads.

"This breath?"

"Oh my God! This is the real Wang Wei. Could it be that Brother Seven has broken through again, and his holy body has reached the realm of minor accomplishment?" A disciple of Immortal Peak screamed.

However, as soon as he said that, it can be said to be earth-shattering, leaving countless people dumbfounded, and their expressions are full of incredible.

"The realm of the holy body, the second king of the Immortal Peak!" An elder of a third-rate family murmured absentmindedly, as if he couldn't believe this fact.

The power of Mie Sheng Quan is not only brute force, it is stronger than Mie Sheng!

Visible to the naked eye, the magic talisman on the Stone Demon King's body began to go out, and with a click, cracks began to appear. In an instant, his eyes opened in fear, and a stormy sea arose in his heart.

"God power?" he screamed.

"Ba Lao!" Wentian shouted suddenly, not paying any attention to the other party's shock.

At the same time, Ba Lao's huge monster body was suddenly shaken, and his eyes opened angrily.

"Hum!" The stele trembled, followed by a bang, and rushed out again violently like thunder, bombarding the Stone Demon King in that flash of light and stone fire.


"Boom!" The Stone Demon King roared, his voice full of boundless fear.

If it was before, although the opponent's attack was powerful, he was only afraid and not afraid, but now there is a strange power in his body, which is destroying his vitality forcefully, causing his power to drop rapidly.

For a moment, his heart was filled with terror.

bang bang bang! !Suppressed by the Ba old stele, his whole body was rumbled continuously, his whole body was covered with cracks, and the stone body collapsed.

"This king is the king of the Stone Demon Clan. You can't kill me!" He roared wildly, as if he had cast some kind of secret technique to stop the collapsed body, and the shattered stones shot at him again. Cohesion.

"Can't you kill him?" A mocking laugh suddenly sounded from above his head. At some point, Wentian was already standing tall, and the corners of his mouth came up slightly, forming a charming arc.

"Boom!" A frightening bloody light suddenly shot straight into the starry sky, shining red for thousands of miles.

At the same time, the pupil demon king who was fighting with the wine master, and the feather demon king who was fighting fiercely with the Qinglong king, their expressions changed suddenly, and their pupils were filled with extreme disbelief.

"What? This fluctuation?"

"Not good! This is the pinnacle imperial weapon, and it's also the sacred weapon of the Dragon Emperor back then, the Blood Dragon Demon Sword." The Demon King Tong screamed, his pupils filled with boundless fear.

"Blood Dragon Demon Knife? No..." Sensing the violent movement of the Blood Dragon Demon Knife, the Stone Demon King roared wildly, his eyes tearing apart in fear.

Wentian's whole body was full of murderous intent, his expression suddenly became angry, and his black and white wings flapped suddenly, bang... In an instant, he turned into an afterimage, and rushed out at an extreme speed.

"Roar!!" The blood glowed enormously, and there was an earth-shattering, weeping dragon cry, and a monstrous blood dragon of millions of feet could be vaguely seen in the sky above him.

In a flash, he appeared in front of the Stone Demon King with an extremely cold expression. Without hesitation, he raised the Blood Dragon Yaowan with both hands, and with an extremely domineering force, he ruthlessly inserted into the cracked chest of the Stone Demon King.

After breaking through the Saint Body Xiaocheng Realm, this knife allowed him to exert [-]% of the power of the Bleeding Dragon Demon Sword. One must know that the Dragon Emperor back then could only exert [-]% of the power.

If you want to fully exert the power of this knife, you must obtain the approval of the million-foot-high blood dragon.It's just a pity that even though he was the son of the dragon, he still failed to achieve this step.


The entire starry sky exploded, and countless stones flew away, and then were blown away by the terrifying aftermath, turning into a cloud of dust.

(End of this chapter)

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