Chapter 1041
In the extremely violent nothingness, Wentian spread his black and white wings and stood there. His long hair danced wildly, and the golden dragon armor on his body was extremely bright, exuding an astonishing dragon power.

His expression was extremely calm, as if no matter how fierce the wind was, no matter how violent the divine thunder was, it would not be able to move his will, especially at this time, the blood dragon sword in his hand was flickering and dripping with strange blood.

"The Stone Demon King has fallen!"

"Not good! Run away!" Two panicked voices instantly rang through the entire starry sky.

I saw the Pupil Demon King and the Feather Demon King, their expressions were extremely terrified, and they screamed in disbelief, because at this moment, they could not perceive any ray of aura from the Stone Demon King at all.

The opponent has completely fallen!
"Lin Wentian, you wait for this king. Soon, my entire army of demons will definitely crush your entire Thunder Cloud Sect, as well as Fang Mortal Realm Tianyuan Continent."

"Boom!!" The two roared viciously, and at this moment, the demonic energy soared into the sky, and the nothingness twisted for a while, and a terrifying vortex appeared, and they quickly entered it in the form of light beams.

"Hmph! I, Lin Wentian, will accompany you at any time!" Wentian snorted coldly, the divine energy, immortal energy, and dragon power in his body were completely violently fused into the Blood Dragon Demon Saber, and he slashed wildly with the momentum of breaking the world.

Chi!In an instant, a shocking blood-colored saber light slashed out with astonishing saber power, and instantly slashed into the vortex.

boom!Suddenly, the entire nothingness exploded, and a monstrous aftermath swept across the sky.

It seemed that after a long time, the entire starry sky gradually calmed down. Jiu Ye and Tian Yan rushed over, looking at Wen Tian, ​​who had wings on his back and was covered in golden dragon armor, they were dumbstruck, their expressions in extreme shock.

"After this battle, neither the White Tiger Clan nor the Demon Clan will give up. It seems that time is running out." Wen Tian raised his head and looked at the starry sky, his expression became extremely dignified.

Although he beheaded a stone demon king, for the powerful demon clan, he could not damage its foundation at all. The strength of the demon clan was absolutely superior to that of the human race. Once the city of burying demons was breached, the consequences would be absolutely unimaginable.

But anyway, they won this battle!I believe that it won't be long before the entire Sky Cloud Sea will be completely shaken by this incident.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, the blood dragon demon knife in his hand disappeared, the black and white wings on his back retracted, a golden light burst from his body, and the golden dragon armor turned into countless light spots and merged into his body...


In the blink of an eye, seven days have passed.

During this period of time, Wentian has been lurking in the Immortal Peak, and he has begun to get familiar with the surge of power in his body. After all, whether it is a breakthrough in physical body or cultivation, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

And in these seven inner days, the name of Dragon's Son can be said to have caused a sensation in the entire human race, and no one knew it. Like the peak god emperor, it shocked the world.

"Hmph! It's a joke to become a king in the flesh and kill the stone demon king!"

"That's right! What is he a son of a dragon? He wants to become a king after less than a hundred years of practice. This is undoubtedly a dream. I really can't imagine that Leiyunzong, who was the head of the seven sects back then, is so unbearable now."

Many monks dismissed this, thinking that it was Lei Yunzong boasting, and its purpose was to get more small sects and small families to join.

It's no wonder they are like this, after all, after less than a hundred years of practice, they were able to become kings in the flesh, and even beheaded a demon king. Less than this step.

But despite this, there are still many people who are convinced, so some third-rate forces, second-rate forces, and even first-rate forces have begun to move around and want to defect to Leiyunzong.

After all, now that troubled times have broken out, forces like them also need a backer, and the Thunder Cloud Sect, which is now in full swing, is undoubtedly the best choice.

Time flies, and another month has passed.

Although another month has passed, there is still no sign of exiting the Xingguan hidden in the depths of the Immortal Peak. On the contrary, Wentian has tried several times to condense the sixth realm, but still failed.

However, on this day, a piece of news once again shocked the entire human race. As a first-class force, its financial resources were comparable to that of the Qian family of the five clans and seven sects, and it was wiped out overnight.

The most shocking and unbelievable thing is that the sudden changes in the Qian family were all caused by a disciple of the Qian family, that is the extraordinary genius of the Qian family, Qian Jinyin.

"What? Qian Jinyin colluded with the ghost clan, and the Qian family was defeated. If the living fossils of the Qian family were not alarmed and fought to the death, the entire Qian family might have been wiped out?"

"Oh my god! How did this happen? Why did this money, gold and silver collude with the ghost clan?"

Boom!Countless people in the Leiyun Sect were startled, and there was constant uproar and hatred.

"Traitor! This damn money, gold and silver, is a traitor to the human race with no conscience!"

"Although there have been rumors that this person is full of resentment, but I really didn't expect his hatred for the Qian family to reach such a level." Someone said harshly.

But what everyone cares more about is the death and whereabouts of that monstrous fat man in the Yin family. After all, everyone knows that Qian Fugui, who looks like the reincarnation of an ancient giant, has the same brotherhood with the current Leiyunzong's famous figure, Dragon Son.

Thinking of this, many people's hearts are extremely dignified.

But no matter how everyone inquired, Fatty didn't make any noise, not only him, but the entire Qian family has completely disappeared since Qian Yu turned into purgatory.

Wentian sat cross-legged in a special space, with his eyes closed, and every breath seemed extremely even, but at this moment, a mark flickered from between his brows, faintly visible.


Also at this moment, his expression showed a hideous look like a beast.

Suddenly, his eyes widened, his pupils were bloodshot, and a terrifying murderous intent leaked from his whole body. This murderous intent erupted like a volcano, quickly covering the entire Thunder Cloud Sect.

In an instant, countless people's expressions changed drastically, and their complexions turned pale.

"It's Brother Lin, what happened?"

"Not good! Such a terrifying murderous intent, could it be that the demons, or the white tigers, or the black palace attacked?" Someone exclaimed, their hearts beating rapidly.

"Barbarians, you are looking for death!" A roar full of hatred suddenly resounded through the entire Thunder Cloud Sect, causing countless people to buzz in their heads and set off turbulent waves in their hearts.

The ancient, barbaric, and barren clans were the three ancient clans back then.

It is rumored that every tribe in the ancient Manhuang has a heaven-defying sacred weapon, the ancient ring of the ancient tribe, the barbarian chain of the barbarian tribe, and the wild jade of the barbarian tribe. It is said that whoever can get it can crush all his peers and even sit on the top throne.

However, at this moment, through the perception of the ancient seal and the ancient ring, Wentian realized that the ancient sword was in danger. Although he could not know the real situation, he could deduce that it had something to do with the barbarians.

In an instant, raging anger burned in his heart.

"The City of Buried Demons!" He said coldly with an extremely gloomy face.

(End of this chapter)

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