Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 1053 Power of Dao Dream

Chapter 1053 Power of Dao Dream
Unexpectedly, with only one piece of blue crystal block, the other party has not even fully stimulated its power, so that the life and death world is full of cracks, and then with the punch of the seventh patriarch of light, the life and death world is completely shattered.

Not only that, after destroying the world of life and death, the Seventh Patriarch of Light was even more murderous, violently suppressing and killing Yu Wentian.

"This son must not stay, otherwise it will be a fatal threat to my Guangming family." His eyes were extremely vicious.

Thinking back to these years, the other party's name has been in the sky. Although he is a sinner, many people have begun to ignore his identity. If this continues, the future future is absolutely limitless, and it will even be the second immortal legend of Lei Yunzong .

"Kill!" he roared.

"Old man, since you insist on courting death, I'll give you a ride first." Wentian looked cold, and the Dragon Emperor's armor glowed dazzling golden light, making him look majestic.

The next moment he raised his head to the sky and roared, the powerful force in his body erupted completely, and he punched out, shaking the heavens and the earth, making the sun and the moon tremble, and the mountains and rivers collapsed.

This is the ultimate punch of his physical body, which not only contains the power of the Dragon Emperor, but also contains the indestructible energy.

Boom!The two fists collided, and the wind surged instantly, and the entire sky seemed to be pierced. If it weren't for the special land on this side, with a huge dragon vein lurking, I am afraid that this continuous mountain range would have been wiped out.

"Not good! Go back!"

"Oh my god... is this the battle of gods and kings?" Countless people were in an uproar, their hearts shattered, but in the next breath, their faces were all pale, and they fled at a frightening speed.

bang bang bang! !Some cultivators who had no time to dodge exploded instantly under the violent force, turning into a cloud of blood and covering the world in all directions.

Boom boom boom!Wentian and the Seventh Patriarch fought until the sky was dark and the earth was dark, the space was shattered, and the sky and stars fell.

Although everyone retreated hundreds or thousands of miles, they still looked terrified and their souls trembled when they felt the coercion from the sky.

"Wow! The Son of Dragon's power has reached this level. Could it be that the rumor at the beginning is true, that he once beheaded a demon king?" Someone shouted, his eyes full of shock.

As for the monks of the Guangming Family and the Myriad Beast Sect, they were already panicked and their faces were pale.

Especially the black and thin old man, his eyes were tearing apart in fear, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

You must know that he is the strongest person of their Wanshouzong going to the barren sea this time, how could he expect that not long after entering this barren sea, there will be a battle between gods and kings.

"One finger to destroy the immortal!" In the berserk sky, Wen Tianhei's hair danced wildly, and an invincible aura leaked from his whole body.

When his eyes flashed, all the power in his body, as well as the spiritual consciousness and the power of the rules of the small world, were crazily gathered at the point, making his finger burst into an unprecedented brilliance.

Kill God with one finger!Destroy Immortals with Two Fingers!The power of this Immortal Extinguishing Finger is by no means comparable to that of the previous Killing God Finger.

boom!As soon as Miexian pointed out that the situation was changing and the sky and the earth were collapsing, it was a shocking blow, pointing out that the entire void was shattered beyond the passing of the prestige, even the distant stars were blasted out one after another, it seemed to be able to penetrate the long river of time and go back to the ages.

"This prestige... Impossible... How long have you been king!" Although he has practiced for thousands of years and is the ancestor of the Guangming family, the seventh patriarch still opened his eyes in fear in the face of this blow, with an unbelievable expression on his face Let out a heart-piercing roar.

"Bang bang bang!!" However, under Wentian's incomparably powerful strength, no matter how he roared, his body still exploded, blood staining everywhere.

His whole body was covered with cracks. If he hadn't been a god king with strong vitality, he might have been wiped out with just one blow.

"Nothing is impossible! Although you are the seventh patriarch of the Guangming family, your strength is still too weak compared to the stone demon king." Wentian looked at the blood-stained seventh patriarch with a calm expression, and there was no expression in his eyes. A trace of mercy.

Although the seventh patriarch of the Guangming family in front of him is a strong god king, he is only at the beginning of the god king, and although he is in the realm of a small holy body, his strength can crush the ordinary first stage of the god king, and even the middle rank of the god king can compete with him. one battle.

"Three thousand blue silk, cut!" Suddenly, a loud shout came.

At some point, Dao Meng was already standing above his head, and her three thousand blue silk danced wildly, spreading continuously, turning into three thousand divine blades and slashing out fiercely, her hair was as powerful as cutting off stars.

Hiss... If such a weird method is seen by others, they will definitely be dumbfounded, and their hearts will be filled with turmoil.

Her cultivation is clearly in the realm of the gods, but her methods are endless. Now that the three thousand blue silks are cut out, the fierce aura seems to be able to kill the king of gods.

Wentian's heart skipped a beat.

"Puff!" But at the next moment, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and the flesh and blood on his back exploded when his mind moved. The black and white celestial light shines like the sun and the moon, one wing is white and the other is black, and yin and yang wings grow out.

Immediately, his aura increased sharply again, and the divine power in his body seemed to break through the middle of the god king.

He arrives at his peak!

Without the slightest hesitation, the yin and yang wings slapped fiercely, and suddenly black and white celestial lights surged into the sky, as if evolving into two worlds, one representing darkness and the other representing light.

"Ho Ho!!" The next moment, two giant dragons, one black and one white, appeared, and the sound of the dragon's chant was earth-shattering, and they struck violently with a bang.

"Boom boom boom boom!!" In an instant, the sky continued to rumble, nothingness and space continued to shatter, and the wind roared like a beast.

"Bastard!" The Seventh Patriarch of Light roared angrily, his face was ferocious like a beast, he bit the tip of his tongue fiercely, as if he had cast some kind of secret technique, his breath increased sharply in an instant, and his flesh and blood reorganized.

Peng!His murderous intent was overwhelming, and he charged out again like a ferocious humanoid beast.

"Qinglong King!" Wentian seemed to be prepared, he shouted.

"哐!" The sky split, and a vortex gushed out, and the Azure Dragon King appeared, and with a wave of his hand, he instantly brought the Seventh Patriarch of Light to an unknown space.

"Lin Wentian..." When he disappeared, the seventh patriarch's hateful roar still resounded in the sky.

At the same time, Wentian's expression was extremely cold, and a compelling killing intent rose from his body.

This is the killing intent for Dao Meng!
He quickly formed seals with both hands, and the six artifacts appeared in the immortal array, and the fairy light was extremely bright. At this moment, the six artifacts reversed and began to shift shape. The tower artifact in the center disappeared, replaced by black and white beads.

"The Realm of Life and Death!" With the power of the Immortal Formation, he sacrificed to the Realm of Life and Death again.

"Bang!" Immediately, a huge enchantment instantly enveloped a radius of hundreds or thousands of miles, turning into a cage.

" can't trap me!" Even though he was in the world of life and death, Dao Meng was still as cold as ice, and there was no trace of fear on his expression.

Immediately, her hands were continuously forming seals, and the seal method was so mysterious that even if Wen Tian opened his yin and yang pupils, he could only catch a trace.

"Hum!" For a moment, she was covered with blue light, and a frightening cold energy gushed out of her body, which seemed to be able to freeze the heavens and the world. A blue crystal block was suspended above her head, emitting a gust of wind. machine.

Fairy Crystal!

"Do you really think that this method can be used a second time?" The corner of Wen Tian's mouth was slightly drawn, revealing a sneer.

The next moment, he tapped his eyebrows.

"Buzz buzz buzz!" The eyebrows were extremely bright, and three ancient monuments rushed out.

(End of this chapter)

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