Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 1054: One Body and Two Souls

Chapter 1054

In an instant, the three ancient steles rapidly transformed into a giant stele reaching to the sky, especially the Lin character Gu Lin, which exploded with countless runes, and these runes condensed together, as if turning into countless ancient and incomparably mysterious characters.

This seems to be an ancient character, and it seems to be born in the beginning of chaos, which is mysterious and unpredictable.

The three sky-reaching huge monuments instantly surrounded Daomeng in a triangular manner, and the aura leaked from them was so powerful that the blue crystal block suspended above her head hummed violently, as if about to lose control, or be caught by the three Monument suppression.

You must know that no matter it is the ancient stele of Linzi, or the other two steles that record the three most powerful immortal arts of the immortal clan, they are all things against the sky, and their power far surpasses that of ordinary god king weapons, and can even be compared with peak emperor weapons.

Because of this, despite the mystery of the blue crystal, it was still suppressed by the three steles.

Dao Meng's expression changed drastically for the first time, especially in the depths of her eyes, there was a touch of extreme disbelief, as if she recognized the three steles.

"Return to the beginning, immortality, the coming of the Nine Secrets..." She murmured in a daze, as if recalling something at this moment.

However, as soon as she said this, Wentian's expression suddenly changed, and he looked at the woman occupying Meng'er's body in front of him with incredible eyes.

"Who the hell are you? Are you a fairy?" His face was extremely gloomy, but his hands did not drop at all, and he kept forming seals, suppressing the opponent with the power of three ancient monuments, trying to destroy the soul of this mysterious woman.

Suppressed by the power of the three ancient monuments, although Dao Meng resisted with all her strength, her complexion was extremely pale after a while, she bit her lip, and there was a hint of struggle in her eyes.

"What is the fairy clan?"

"Who am I? Lan Meng...or Dao Meng?"

"Ah..." She seemed to be in severe pain in her head, and she screamed frantically, holding her head in her hands like this, as if two souls were fighting in her body.

" that you? Is it really you?" A cry of grief suddenly came from her mouth.

At some point, Dao Meng's icy expression disappeared, replaced by a face full of sadness, and two tears fell mercilessly.

Hearing the sound of pulling souls, Wentian's whole body trembled immediately, and an indescribable emotion rushed into his heart, and the murderous intent in him gradually disappeared, and his face was full of tenderness: "Meng'er is me, the young master is here to pick you up." gone."

Meng'er showed her face and smiled, this smile is overwhelming, like a thousand flowers blooming, it can melt the ice of a thousand years...

Wen Tianduo hopes that time can stop at this second forever.

"Ah..." But the next moment, Meng'er screamed crazily, revealing extreme pain, her expression kept changing, sometimes gentle, sometimes extremely cold.

In an instant, Wentian's expression changed drastically, and even showed a hint of ferocity: "Get out!"

"Master...Meng'er, please, don't kill sister..."

"Who am I? What is the fairy clan? Why am I in your body again?"


"Is the fairy... really dead?"

A different voice came from a body, making Wentian growl in his heart. He had never felt so anxious like this moment.

He wanted to kill the soul of this mysterious woman, but soon he discovered that the soul of this woman and Meng'er were one.

That is to say, once Dao Meng's soul is extinguished, Meng'er will also be completely dissipated.

"How could this could this be...why?" He roared wildly, his heart seemed to be bleeding, and for the first time he felt so powerless.

"'s absolutely impossible...with my current strength and cultivation, I can definitely rescue Meng'er." He lost his usual calmness and started talking to himself, even his pupils were blood red.

Suddenly, blood flashed in his eyes, and he clapped his hands hard.

"Kang, kuang, kuang!" Suddenly, the three ancient steles shone brightly.

"Pfft!" The power of the stele increased sharply, but Meng'er spat out a mouthful of blood, with an extremely stern look on her face.

"No... Meng'er!" He came back to his senses and screamed wildly.

But the strange thing is that at this moment, his eyes suddenly blurred, and he found that Meng'er's appearance had changed, as if she had become another person.

"Linglong?" His heart was beating wildly, his expression was full of unthinkable.But the strange thing is that the scene just now disappeared without a trace like a flower in a mirror.

Menger is still Menger!
Dao Meng is still Blue Dream!
Linglong, it was as if she had never appeared before, and there was no breath of her in the entire world of life and death.

Seeing Meng'er coughing up blood continuously, his expression getting more and more grievous, he finally woke up.

"Damn it!" He yelled up to the sky, as if wanting to vent his unwillingness, but the next moment he waved his hand vigorously, buzzing... When the three heaven-reaching stone monuments buzzed, they turned into three beams of light and sneaked into his body again.

"Master... Meng'er misses you, has been thinking about you all these years, sister is actually not bad, she just seems to have lost her memory..." Meng'er's voice made Wentian's heart ache like a strangulation.

At the beginning, he thought that this dream was just lurking in the dream sea in the state of a soul, but he never imagined that the two of them were actually one body and two souls.

"Xianli - Ice Realm!" Suddenly, an extremely icy voice sounded like it came from the Eternal Ice Realm.

I don't know when, Meng'er's consciousness fell into a slumber, and was completely controlled by Dao Meng again. She waved her hands, and the blue crystal block was shining brightly, bursting out a burst of ice power like the ancient ice emperor.

Click!Click!The world of life and death shattered again, and finally turned into a huge star of ice, even Wen Tian couldn't avoid it in time, and was completely frozen in the star of ice.

A moment passed... two moments passed... it seemed like a long time.

boom!A heaven-shattering, weeping sound exploded in the entire sky, and the terrifying ice star exploded completely, turning into countless ice chips and disappearing between the sky and the earth.

With a flash of golden light, Wentian's figure appeared again, but his face was so gloomy, as if he could drip water, Meng'er and Daomeng disappeared completely, even with his perception, he couldn't detect each other No breath.

"Daomeng... Lanmeng... Immortal Crystal... Immortal Power..." He muttered to himself, and then he closed his eyes, as if in deep thought.

Not long after, the Azure Dragon King returned, but the Seventh Patriarch of Light escaped.

Of course, he was not surprised by this result, because this was what he meant, and in the current chaos, he would not kill any human god king unless he had to.

It seems that they have already noticed the result of the battle, and the monks of Wanshouzong and Guangming family have already fled.

As night fell gradually, everyone's perception was completely lost, so of course they didn't surround Wentian.

In an open place, everyone gathered together with Wentian at the center. Although most of the people had fallen into trance, there were still quite a few monks who opened their eyes happily and looked at him in the center.

Although a period of time has passed, their hearts are still trembling, and their eyes are full of awe when they look at Wentian.

Wentian didn't say anything all night, until the first sun rose in the sky.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and said calmly, "Elder Gui, spread the news that we have found a huge spiritual vein."

(End of this chapter)

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