Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 1069 One against the crowd

Chapter 1069
"Today I want you to die!" Man Jiu roared, with strong murderous intent.

After saying that, he bit his fingertips and drew a strange talisman in the violent nothingness.

The next moment, the rune burst out on his forehead, the barbarian imprint appeared, and its aura began to increase sharply.

But not only that, he suddenly smiled strangely at Wentian, and then a blood-red bottle appeared in his hand, and he opened his mouth to swallow the blood in the bottle without the slightest hesitation.

"Roar!" In an instant, he roared wildly, and his whole body was like a beast or a demon, exuding a violent and thunderous aura.

Boom boom boom!In the dumbfounded eyes of everyone, his cultivation base continued to increase rapidly, causing the ground to tremble, and nothingness continued to distort.

boom!A wave of Wang Wei overwhelming, let everyone change color.

The first stage of the god king, the middle stage of the god king... After he roared again, his aura was like a rainbow, with boundless divine power, and he burst out with the aura of the second stage of the god king.

"Queen of God, how is this possible? Could it be that I'm dreaming?" Someone screamed.

"That's the blood of the barbarian emperor. With his pure barbarian blood, his cultivation can increase dramatically in a short period of time, but it's not his own power." The son of the barbarian said with an incomparably dignified expression.

It's just that Man Jiu, whose power has soared, has no intention of explaining this.

"Kill!" He roared, and he rushed to kill with a terrifying power of the god king. This time, he was determined to kill the son of the dragon, the son of the sword, and the two ancient arrogances, no matter what the cost.

Because of the shocking talents of the two of them, he felt intimidated.

Not only him, but other barbarian geniuses also had their eyes flashing fiercely. They took out a bottle from their arms and devoured their blood. After a burst of breath, they rushed out like raging beasts.

"Lin Wentian, today is the date of your death!" The Holy Son also shouted coldly, full of murderous aura.

The son of heaven waved his hands and shot decisively. The grievances between Yitianzong and the person in front of him have already accumulated deeply, and this is an unsolvable enmity.

"Om!" The holy light dazzled, and Guangming Daoxuan made a move, as if he wanted to wash away his shame.

Daozi Shangguan rushed to him with an extremely terrifying face, showing two expressions, as if there were two souls hidden in his body.

"You and I will settle our grievances together today." He roared, his voice full of boundless hatred, if it wasn't for the person in front of him, he would still be the most outstanding genius in the mortal world, let alone be occupied by monsters.

"This underground palace is about to collapse, and there are many kings gathered in the outside world. No matter how powerful this beast is, it won't be able to cause much trouble. The barbarian king alone is enough to suppress him. Now is a great time to kill Lin Wentian."

"Lieyang Sect listens to the order, help me kill the enemy!" With the determination in his heart, Jiuyangzi also yelled.

"Buzz buzz buzz!" In an instant, the other Tianjiao of the Lieyang Sect formed seals with both hands, fully displaying the Nine Suns Divine Art.

In the next moment, one... two... eight yangs gathered together.

No... After merging with the power of the crowd, Jiuyang also condensed behind Jiuyangzi, causing his aura to surge wildly.

The scene became murderous in an instant, and even the ferocious beast suddenly changed color, eyes full of fear.

Obviously, it didn't expect the young cultivators of the human race in front of them to reach this level of strength once they played their cards.

"Boom!!" Immediately, a series of berserk attacks slammed into Wentian, causing the world to collapse continuously, causing the mountains to shake.

"Brother Wukong, brother Chichen, you go first." Wentian said coldly, and then his black hair danced wildly, and the murderous intent in his body exploded completely.

"No... Junior brother, if we go, let's go together, otherwise we will work together to kill these bastards first." Although his face was pale, Wukong still roared, his eyes were extremely sharp.

Not only him, but also Yichen didn't have the slightest intention of leaving.

"I can handle it here, but what I'm more worried about is that since the Black Palace has accumulated so many years of hard work, I'm afraid there will be a rain of blood outside the underground palace now." Wentian said solemnly.

Sure enough, when Wukong, Yichen, Gu Jian and others heard this, their expressions changed drastically.

But they were not ordinary people, and after a while, a fierce light flashed in their eyes, and they rushed out with a whoosh.

"Jie can't escape!" The ferocious beast smiled wickedly.

boom!It was shocked, and then chased after it.

"Just because you want to take my life!" Wentian roared up to the sky, and then his whole body was shining with golden light. The next moment, he was covered by the Dragon Emperor's armor, with yin and yang wings on his back, and he looked like a golden dragon and war god.

"Kill!" Without the slightest hesitation, he flapped his black and white wings fiercely, and the man turned into a beam of light and slashed out.

Bang bang bang! !
Destruction Fist!
Extinguishing legs!
Star Picker!
All kinds of powerful means were used by him, causing the world's pride to continue to be lost.

"Man Jiu, kill you first!"

"One finger to destroy the immortal!" Boom!A terrifying finger strike rushed out, and the nothingness it passed was pierced, and its power was enormous.

"Pfft!" Even though his cultivation had increased to the second stage of the god king, it was not his own strength and he could not exert it to the extreme. Manjiu was blown out of his arm with one finger from Mie Immortal and sprayed three mouthfuls of blood in a row.

Because of this, his surged power began to decline rapidly.

"No... I, Man Jiu, am the strongest genius, I will not lose to a mere descendant of the criminal clan like you." He roared heart-piercingly, his pupils blood red like a beast.

"Buzz!" Suddenly, nine yangs connected to form a yang ring, pressing down with a condescending momentum.

Wentian's face darkened, and then he shouted coldly: "Black and white cauldron!"

"哐!" The black and white tripod was sacrificed, and it rapidly grew in size, one black and one white pair of dragons guarding the tripod, knocked out with heavy energy.

"Punishment of the Sky Eyes!" The other side cast the Yitian Divine Art to the Son of Heaven, and countless regular forces frantically gathered and turned into a Sky Eye.

Tiantong opened his eyes, and suddenly a gaze shot out mercilessly.

"Light of Destruction!" Wen Tian's right eye turned red, shooting out a blood-red beam.

Boom!The whole nothingness exploded, even though he was physically strong and wearing the Dragon Emperor's armor, he couldn't help but feel a surge of energy and blood, and blood oozes from the corner of his mouth.

However, Tianzhizi, Manjiu, Jiuyangzi and other Tianjiao have already trembled in their hearts, and their expressions are full of disbelief.

Unexpectedly, many of their young emperors joined forces, and they could not suppress the person in front of them even if they each played their trump cards. Could it be that the other party is really the reincarnation of the immortal ancestor or the reincarnation of the immortal emperor?
On the blood-stained land, Shangguan Chong's whole body shone brightly, and blood burst out.

When everyone noticed it, their hearts jumped.

"Is this the breath of the blood demon clan?" Someone yelled strangely.

But Shangguan Chong here seemed to have no fear, he was covered in blood mist, his eyes flashed with blood, and he pressed his palms hard against the blood-stained ground.

"Buzz!" With one press, a strange blood mist gushed out from his palms. Where the blood mist melted, all the blood on the ground disappeared, and then it turned into blood mist and was swallowed by him again.

The naked eye can see that his long black hair has rapidly transformed into a blood red, and his whole body is menacing, giving people a creepy feeling.

Swallowing the blood of the heavenly pride, let his power increase dramatically.

"How is it possible?" Someone screamed.

(End of this chapter)

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