Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 1070 Shocking Change

Chapter 1070 Shocking Change (Fourth Update)
"Lin Wentian! Die!" Shangguan yelled angrily.

"Roar!" A ferocious beast transformed from blood mist opened its ferocious mouth and rushed out ferociously, intending to swallow the person in front of it.

The ferocious beast transformed by the blood mist is the true body of the blood demon clan.

Faced with this blow, Wentian's face also revealed a savage look, and his black and white wings slammed fiercely on his back.



Immediately, two extreme forces surged violently, one was blue and the other was red. They quickly condensed and turned into two huge dragons, one ice and one flame.

"Ice Dragon, Flame Dragon, strangle!"

Following his roar, the two dragons, one ice and one flame, roared out in an intertwined manner, forming a frightening storm of ice and flames, which made the whole world violent, and many people felt dizzy and even coughed up blood continuously .

"Not good! This underground palace is about to collapse completely!"

"Go! Otherwise, if I stay here, I will escape to my death. Besides, the emperor outside the territory will also escape. With my strength, I will undoubtedly hit the stone with an egg." Someone screamed, and they rushed to escape.

Even Man Jiu, Tian Zhizi and others suddenly changed their colors, and although they were unwilling, they had no choice but to run away.

The most important thing is that the son of the dragon is so powerful in front of him, even if they continue to entangle, it will be difficult to kill each other, and they will even fight back.

In the blink of an eye, everyone fled away one after another, leaving only Wentian and Shangguan Chong.

Shangguan Chong didn't seem to have any intention of fleeing. His face was extremely ferocious, and his eyes were bloody and vicious. It was a kind of shocking hatred.

That's right!He hates it!He hated the man who had taken his life before him.

Coupled with the awakening of the blood demon patriarch, he is also doomed to die, and his only wish is to kill the person in front of him.

"Hahaha!! The human race is destined to be exterminated, but don't worry, you won't be able to see it this day, because even if you die today, I will drag you to be buried with you." He suddenly laughed wildly, his face covered with strange runes .

Seeing these runes, Wentian finally felt relieved, and he said calmly, "So it's like this..."

The original sentence was like this, but it contained many meanings, but Shangguan Chong didn't have the heart to guess.

"Death!" He roared loudly, and with a bang, he turned into a cloud of blood and swallowed towards Wentian.

"The world of life and death!" Wen Tianji sacrificed the world of life and death, instantly covering the blood mist, and then his left pupil quickly turned blue, and a frightening cold air leaked from his body.

He has fought against the blood demon clan many times, and he already knows the opponent's methods like the back of his hand.

"Frozen Pupil!"

Click!Click!Immediately, the entire world of life and death continued to freeze, and within just a breath, the blood mist melted by Shangguan Chong had turned into an ice sculpture, and it was faintly visible that there was a strange face showing two expressions inside the ice sculpture.

"No... I'm not reconciled!" Even though his body was frozen, he still roared unwillingly.

"No matter how strong the rebirth ability of the Blood Demon Clan is, they are no match for a blow from the peak imperial weapon."

"Overlord's Sharpshooter!"

Buzz!With the Bronze-colored Overlord's Sharpshooter in his hand, Wentian's aura suddenly became fiercer and more violent, and his figure froze, and he stabbed fiercely with the gun.

"Lin Wentian... I, Shangguan Chong, is the proud son of heaven, and I will never die in your hands."

"Damn boy, just wait for me. One day, the ancestor of the blood demon will seek revenge on you."

Suddenly, Wentian's expression changed drastically.

Boom boom boom! !
As a Taoist, Shangguan Chong actually chose to blew himself up to protect his dignity, because he didn't want to admit that he lost to a former trash, former playboy disciple.

He is the pride of heaven...

Looking at the glittering nothingness of the ice shards, Wen Tian's eyes flashed such a complicated light, but it disappeared completely very quickly.

"I am the emperor, the strongest emperor in the world, and I will be in charge of everything from today on!" Suddenly, a voice containing supreme divine power resounded throughout the underground palace.

Buzz buzz!Then a boundless monstrous aura filled the sky and covered the entire underground palace in an instant.

In an instant, Wentian's heart skipped a beat, and he even felt a breath of death.

However, at this very moment, in a strange space, a man in a black coat with a magic mask slowly opened his eyes.

Immediately, he seemed to have noticed something and suddenly raised his head, and then lifted the devil's face, revealing a face that was extremely cold, as if without a trace of emotion.

"Master! If you pass on my inheritance that day, perhaps all this will change."

"But it's too late. For the sake of my hometown, for the son of destiny in the future, and to be able to dominate the entire universe, this star field must be controlled by me, and anyone who stops me will die!"

After the words fell, he slowly raised his hands.

Boom!Boom!In an instant, the entire space buzzed, the ground suddenly split open, and then black light bloomed, rushing out huge black pillars one after another.

What is shocking is that these black pillars are wrapped in chains, like the entangled black dragon, and the black runes are spreading like life, and seem to change into a strange devil face.

At the same time, the star positions in all directions in Tianyunhai also burst into black light, and huge black pillars burst out one by one, as if they had been lurking for tens of thousands of years.

The entire sky and sea of ​​clouds trembled, the wind and clouds changed color, and the earth continued to shatter, as if it was about to be completely destroyed.

The era will end!

"What? What the hell happened?"

"My God! What are those giant pillars?"

"Could it be that the era is over and this star field is dying?"

Boom!Countless monks noticed it, their faces turned pale in an instant, and their hearts were terrified to the extreme.

"No... If you count the time, there is still some time before the end of the era. These weird black pillars are the means of the black temple outside the territory. They used the monstrous secret method to make the era die early." An old monk opened his eyes in fear. , screamed in despair.

"What? Is that the black palace doing something wrong?"

The dignitaries of the seven sects and five clans also changed their complexions suddenly at this moment, and were enveloped in a strong sense of uneasiness.

Not only that, but earth-shaking changes have taken place in the world of ghosts, dragons, demons, demons, and even Buddha.

The ground broke, and strange black giant pillars broke through the ground one after another, bursting out with monstrous black light, and connected together to form a strange formation.

In an instant, the powerhouses in Heaven and Myriad Worlds were alarmed.

"Are you finally awake?" In the demon world, a monstrous troll slowly opened its eyes.

boom!A monstrous and boundless energy erupted from his body like a volcano, especially his black hair was entwined with demonic faces, as if one hair turned into a demon, and the demonic power was shocking.

The strongest emperor of the demon clan, the emperor of all demons!

"Mere monster race, do you really think you can stand shoulder to shoulder with our demon race? If it weren't for the fact that the demon emperor has an appointment with the emperor, and the time is not ripe, the emperor's army has already crushed your monster race." At the end of the sentence, the corner of his mouth drew a touch laugh at.

Countless years ago, when the ancient immortal emperor was around, he reached an agreement with the emperor from outside the region. The alliance between the two races of monsters was just a means for him to deceive others and try to use the opportunity to kill the immortal clan.

(End of this chapter)

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