Chapter 1078
"Ho Ho!!" Suddenly, two horrifying roars of beasts came, and the beast's power was overwhelming. In that instant, thousands of people from the ancient kingdom were wiped out, their souls scattered, and they turned into a cloud of blood and covered the earth.

"That is……"

"Not's the Black Demon Dragon Emperor and the White Tiger Emperor." The roar of the beast was shocking. Seeing the head of the nearly million-foot-high Black Demon Dragon and the fierce White Tiger Emperor, countless people screamed, their widened pupils filled with tears. despair.

The Black Demon Dragon Emperor is alright, even though he has retreated and cultivated for many years, he still has not taken that half step, he is only a half step emperor.

But the White Tiger Emperor was the peak demon emperor, with his roar, mountains and rivers shattered, countless people were slaughtered, blood flowed like rivers, and bones were like mountains.

"Rebellious Dragon, today is your day of death, the Dragon Clan is destined to honor the Emperor." The black demon dragon roared, a pair of dragon eyes like two stars.

He came here this time not only to kill Gu Tian, ​​but also to kill those real dragons who betrayed him back then.

"Black Demon Dragon Emperor, if you want to fight, fight!"

"Only a five-clawed and two-winged true dragon can rule the entire dragon clan, you are not worthy!" Qinglong King, Thunder Dragon King, White Dragon Great Elder, Tyrannosaurus King and other kings appeared.

"Ho Ho Ho!" The next moment, the real dragons of the Qinglong family, Thunder dragon family and so on roared and killed, and fought with the real dragons of the Fire dragon family, Black dragon family, and Ice dragon family.

This is not only a heaven-killing war, but also a battle for dragon hegemony!

Boom boom boom! !One after another monstrous aura began to gushe out crazily, this is the peak imperial prestige.

The Desolate Demon Emperor, the Blood Demon Emperor... the Demon Emperor with Thousand Eyes, the Demon Emperor... the Soul Eater Ghost Emperor, the Heavenly Ghost Emperor... the Heavenly Emperor from other territories and other emperors all set off.

They stomped their feet lightly, countless cities collapsed, and countless civilians were instantly plunged into the ground, buried alive, filled with resentment, screaming continuously, and the sound was horrible.

"Lin Wentian, today is the day when your ancient country perished, and I want to avenge the death of my arm." A sinister laugh sounded, and then the remnant soul was torn apart, revealing a man.

If Wentian were here, he would definitely recognize this person, Qian Qianqian.

Nuoda's Qian family was also almost extinct because of his rebellion. Now he is not like a human race, but more like a ghost clan.

Unexpectedly, this time when the ghost clan came to slaughter, he was actually the main force, and his cultivation base was so unpredictable that even many ghost lords would obey him.

Some of the monks who recognized him opened their eyes wide in an instant, filled with unimaginable wonder.

"A group of ants will go to hell!" He sneered, then waved his hand abruptly, and immediately, dense swarms of fierce ghosts roared out, making countless people look shocked and their bodies shudder.

"Naughty animal! Today I will do justice for the heavens and bring back justice for all Qian's family members, so that their souls in heaven can rest in peace." A roar suddenly burst from afar.

Boom!Boom!Immediately, the entire land trembled, and even some god kings, ghost kings, and demon kings were shocked.

"My God... what is that?"

"How is it possible? This is the ancient giant family, isn't this family already extinct?"

"Look, he is the rich and fat man from the Qian family back then, and he is indeed the reincarnation of an ancient giant!"

A monstrous giant roared and charged violently. With a wave of his hands, the giant peaks in all directions were blasted away. The huge body shook slightly, and the whole earth continued to rumble and was covered with countless cracks.

That's right!This is the fat man who has disappeared for many years.

Unexpectedly, the current him has reached one step, his huge body is not much weaker than that of the Dark Demon Emperor, and even the newly born Tianyuan Great World seems to bear his huge weight countless times.

Not only him, but also many figures with blood-red pupils and hideous expressions flew out of his huge body.

This is the remaining strong man of the Qian family.

"Kill, kill!" They yelled wildly, all these years filled with hatred in their hearts, if Qian Jinyin hadn't colluded with the ghost clan back then, their Nuoda Qian family would not have fallen to such a state.

They hated it.

"The remnants of the Qian family! It's just in time for you to come, and we'll settle it today."

"Pfft!" Qian Jinyin's eyes were extremely vicious, his back split open suddenly, and a huge wing grew out.

However, what is shocking is that his pair of wings not only cover the sky with a ghostly aura, but also condense countless ghost faces, which are formed by the gathering of thousands of souls.

Boom!This is a brother's war, but also a family feud.

In the past, Qian Fugui might have had a little bit of sympathy for this younger brother, but since the family accident and the fall of the old man of the Qian family, his hatred for this younger brother has also reached an astonishing level.

In an instant, the two brothers with the same blood in their bodies staged a shocking battle.

"Jie Jie! The mere remnants of the Qian family don't care about life, but they still want to take revenge. They really don't know the heights of heaven and earth."

"Kill them all!" Some ghost kings laughed evilly.

"Hahaha...Kill, kill!" In an instant, many powerful ghost clans rushed out, looking at the Qian family's cultivation like a piece of fish.

"Dong Dong!!"

"Amitabha, the birth of the ghost clan back then is inseparable from our Buddhist clan! Sins and sins..." A burst of Buddha bells sounded, and then the west of the ancient country suddenly shone with Buddha light, and a statue of Buddha appeared. Between the heaven and the earth, it turns into countless Buddhist scriptures and binds many evil spirits.

In particular, on the head of one of the million-foot-high holy Buddhas, there was a fat figure sitting cross-legged. This man was bald and gleaming, bright and eye-catching. He closed his eyes, showing an incomparably solemn appearance.

However, the moment he opened his eyes, there was a hint of greed in the depths of his pupils.

If Wentian was here, he would definitely recognize him, and he was shocked, he was the Wukong monk who claimed to be a holy monk.

"Ghost clan, you were born entirely from greed. My Buddha is merciful, and I wish to save all sentient beings. Today I will collect the source of your evil, greed." The emperor also suddenly changed his expression.

"Is this little bald donkey the reincarnation of Lord Buddha?"

"Damn it, if he hadn't suppressed us back then, our ghost clan would have appeared long before the rise of humans and gods."

"Kill! Kill these hypocritical big Buddhas for me." Soul Eater Ghost Emperor and Sky Ghost Emperor suddenly roared loudly, their eyes filled with extreme hatred, even for Monk Wukong, or for the million-foot-high holy Buddha on his body The hatred is monstrous.

"Amitabha, my Buddha is kind and does not want to kill, but since you are stubborn, the holy monk has no choice but to kill you." Monk Wukong put his hands together, and immediately threw out the beads in his hand.

"Boom!" Immediately, the Buddhist beads formed a vortex, and a Buddhist staff suddenly fell from the sky.

"What? This is a pinnacle imperial weapon, a sacred object of the Buddha clan." Feeling the monstrous power of this Buddhist staff, countless creatures screamed, showing a state of panic.

Puff puff! !

Bang bang bang! !

Just the energy leaked from the buddhist staff killed countless ghosts in an instant.

"Hiss..." Seeing this scene, countless people's hearts were shaken, and turbulent waves were set off in their hearts.

Although there are rumors that Monk Wukong has a lot of background, but I didn't expect him to be the reincarnation of the original Buddha.

(End of this chapter)

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