Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 1079 Master and Apprentice

Chapter 1079 Master and Apprentice (six more)

In a void, the three terrifying figures remained motionless like a mountain. At this moment, the Emperor finally said, "It's your turn!"

Hearing this, an inexplicable smile suddenly appeared on the corner of the Emperor of All Demons' lips, and immediately waved his hand: "Motian!"

"Kuuuuuuuuuu!" The sky split open suddenly, followed by a huge black pupil.

The pupil of the devil sky is also the pupil of the devil world.

"Demon God!"

"Ghost Heaven!" At this moment, the sky in other directions also split open, and pupils of the sky appeared out of thin air.

"Buzz buzz buzz!" In an instant, the power of the rules in the entire world frantically condensed, and in the next moment, in the shocked eyes of all living beings, these so-called Heaven-Puting Eyes, they were constantly changing, and unexpectedly turned into mysterious figures one after another.

These figures look like human beings, but they are full of regular power, especially the appearance of the facial features, which makes it impossible to see clearly.

"Slay Gu Tian first!" Soon, these "heaven" reached a consensus, charged out with a bang, and killed Gu Tian who was hidden deep in the sky.

"Swear to protect Gu Tian to the death!"

"The ancient sky is immortal, the ancient emperor is immortal!"

"Stop them!" The cultivator of the ancient country noticed that his expression changed drastically in an instant, and his pupils were blood red, and he rushed out with the intention of burning everything.

"A group of ants!" The emperor of all demons looked extremely disdainful, and then one of his demon hairs shot out.

Puff puff!Immediately, countless monks were pierced through their hearts, and the blood was stained everywhere.

Facing the Emperor of All Demons, they seemed so insignificant like a speck of dust in the world.

Boom boom boom!
The entire sky trembled, and there was a sound of heavenly sorrow. Under the strong attack of the heavens, Gu Tian was quickly injured. One of the sky pupils was blown out, leaving only the other sky pupil.

But even so, this sky pupil still resisted tenaciously.

"Cultivators of the ancient country, not a single one will be left behind!" The lord of the Heidian, his expression turned cold suddenly, and then he waved his hand gently.

"Kill, kill, kill!" Immediately, all the powerhouses from the Black Palace rushed out, especially those god-king powerhouses, killing countless monks from the ancient kingdom with a wave of their hands.

"Master, all this will be over!" He raised his head suddenly, then looked in the direction of the Mizong Forest, and immediately stepped out, the person disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he had landed in front of the sky-reaching giant peak.

"You're still here!" Dan Daozi murmured from the top of the giant peak.

"Om!" After that, nothingness twisted for a while, and his extremely pale figure stepped out.

Seeing his disciple again, he had no hatred in his heart, only a kind of regret.

"Are you going to stop me? But your lifespan has expired early, and you can't even leave this forest if you only rely on this lost forest. What did you do for my junior brother back then?" Hei Dian muttered, and then he took his own magic mask.

He still remembered that ever since he inexplicably had a strange dream, the master in front of him ignored him and was indifferent.

Not long after, he finally realized that it was not a dream, but an existence between dreams and reality.

Not only him, but his other two senior brothers also had a strange dream inexplicably. As the reincarnation of the emperor's soul, he soon knew that this was a shocking method of the old man in front of him. Peek into their future.

Perhaps it was because of this that the secret of him being the soul from outside the territory and the avatar of the emperor was also noticed by his unfathomable master, so he was unwilling to pass on his elixir.

But unexpectedly, the other party didn't suppress and kill him. At that moment, there was also a feeling of something that shouldn't exist in his heart.

The next day, he chose to leave.

But what puzzled him was that within a few years, he had a strange dream again, and then he had some feelings that shouldn't exist.

He was forcibly influenced by a mysterious force, and at that time, he knew that he had an extra junior.

The old man created a unique dream for his junior brother who had never met before. This dream seemed to be real and could affect fate, the rotation of time and reincarnation.

But on that day, he felt that the old man's lifespan was over, but he used a special method to stay in this world temporarily, as if some wish had come to an end.

"He will be the one who can change this war." Daozi Dan opened his eyes slightly.

But for this, the Lord of the Black Palace, the third disciple in front of him looked full of disdain: "He? He has long since fallen! My deity has already killed him with crushing force when I broke the seal, and now this ancient sky is nothing but him The last sliver of consciousness."

"Eldest brother, did he leave this star field, or did he die?" He suddenly frowned.

Because from the beginning to the end, he didn't feel the aura of his senior brother again. In terms of his talent, his senior brother was not inferior to him.

However, Dan Daozi didn't seem to have the slightest intention of answering this. He suddenly raised his head with a hint of determination in his eyes.

"Tian'er, as a teacher, today I will use my last thought to refine another "Heaven" pill for you."

After the words fell, he slowly raised his hand, and then moved forward a little.


"no, do not want!"

"Old guy, let go of me quickly."

"This king is about to set foot on the pinnacle of the existence of the throne, how can you make you into a heavenly pill!" Following his emptiness, three terrifying roars came, full of boundless hatred, anger, and that A touch of extreme fear and unwillingness.

However, these three roars came from the three peerless kings who had been trapped for countless years.

"What? You want..." Even he, who is the clone of the emperor, suddenly changed his color.


"The descendants of the sin clan, they should be killed!"

"What's the use of keeping the country of traitors from the human race!" Suddenly, two cold voices enveloped the entire ancient country.

Immediately, everyone's expressions changed drastically, because the two voices contained overwhelming coercion, and they were the voice of the God Emperor.

"Boom! Boom!" At the same time, two waves of human armies rushed from the sky with extreme murderous intent.

"That's the Ji clan, the barbarian clan!"

"Not good! Emperor Ji and Emperor Man are here in person, do they also want to destroy my ancient country?"

Boom!In an instant, the faces of the cultivators of countless ancient countries were pale, and their hearts were terrified to the extreme.

Even Gu Jian, Wukong and the others couldn't help their hearts jumping.

"Hey...Brother Man, do you really want to make the same mistakes again and again?" Just as Manhuang and Jihuang appeared, a sigh followed.

Immediately, an old man stepped out.

"Desolate Lord!" When Gu Jian saw the old man, his expression suddenly became overjoyed.

That's right, the old man in front of him is the strongest of the Desolate Race, one of the Human God Emperors, the Desolate Lord.

Not only that, when he appeared, a holy light suddenly fell from the sky.

One of the three holy places, the pinnacle giant of the temple, Holy Master.

Along with his appearance, the temple powerhouses such as Wentian, Wukong's second senior brother, and the Son of the Five Elements also appeared.

"Mistake again and again? Hmph...why did this old man make mistakes?" the Man Emperor snorted coldly.

The revived Emperor Ji also looked cold: "This country shouldn't exist and is doomed to perish. Could it be that you want to be our enemy?"

He looked at the Holy Master, revealing a murderous intent.

In terms of his seniority, the Holy Master is far inferior to him, but he has just been resurrected, and his strength has not yet reached the peak. If there is a real match, the outcome will be unpredictable.

"Senior Jihuang, I have no intention of going against you, but I would like to discuss with you." The Holy Master said, his position was obvious.

What kind of person is Ji Huang, who is so provoked by others, how can he not do anything.

Boom!Immediately, the four emperors of the human race fought fiercely, causing the world to tremble. If it wasn't for the great changes in the sky, just the aura they leaked would destroy the ancient country.

(End of this chapter)

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