Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 1080 Zhang Tian Pill

Chapter 1080 Qianzhang Tiandan (seventh update)
"There is internal turmoil in the human race, and there is no reason for it to be indestructible! In this case, my demon clan will help them." The ancestor of the blood demon sneered, and the blood mist covered the sky with a wave of his hand. Countless blood demons rushed out, letting the sky The blood red side.

"Jie Jie! No matter how strong the human race is, they can only be reduced to the blood of my monster race." The blood monsters laughed wildly.

Not as good as the top ten monster clans such as the Blood Monster Race, the Wild Monster Race, and the Barbarian Monster Race, who also rushed out crazily.

Bang bang bang! !

Puff puff! !Suddenly, countless monks from the ancient country died tragically, and the scene was in chaos.

A clan of stone demons, a clan of pupil demons, a clan of bone demons, and many demon clans came out, blood staining the land.

"I'm not reconciled!"

"Boom!" A cultivator of the Lin family roared, and with a bang, the divine essence exploded completely, killing the enemy by self-destructing.

"No..." Immediately, many Lin family disciples shouted.

After many years of cultivation in the Immortal Emperor Pagoda, their strength has reached the realm of the four realms, and even the realm of the gods. But despite this, they still feel powerless and hopeless in the face of the attacks of many powerful demon and monster clans.

What makes people even more hateful is that the powerful Ji family and barbarian clans did not kill monsters and other races, but slaughtered people from their ancient country crazily anyway.

In an instant, countless people gritted their teeth with hatred in their hearts.

"The heroic souls of the ancient clan that remain in this world, please help us!" Suddenly, a group of clansmen with bright runes between their brows and firm eyes came out.

They sat cross-legged on the blood-stained ground, scratched their hands, then dripped mysterious ancient blood, and then formed complex and mysterious seals.

If Wentian were here, he would definitely recognize them.

That's right, they are the descendants of the ancient clan.

Especially one of the children, the imprint between his eyebrows is the most mysterious, covered with countless runes, Xiao Jiu, a new generation of the ancient clan, with the purest blood and the most amazing talent.

"Boom! Boom!" As they formed seals, the entire sky began to boom continuously, and remnants of souls poured out from all sides, making amazing roars.

"The ancient clan is the oldest clan of the human race, inherited from the blood and will of the ancestors, and has the great responsibility of protecting the human race."

"Fight! Even if you fight to the death of your soul, you must swear to protect this world." The heroic souls of the ancient clan seemed to be summoned from unknown spaces one after another, and began to roar in this world.

Boom boom boom!They seemed to sense the aura of the demons and monsters, and rushed out crazily, as if they had only remnants of their souls, and they wanted to die with each other.

Such a crazy scene made the hearts of countless human races tremble.

"The ancients are not sinners, they are the heroes of the human race." Someone suddenly shouted out.

"Ji clan and barbarian clan, they are the traitors of the human race."

"Boom!" The disciples from the Holy Palace and the Desolate Race raised their heads to the sky and roared in response.

In an instant, the expressions of countless Ji family disciples, the cultivators of the barbarians, all changed suddenly.

Especially Man Jiu among them, his eyes were extremely vicious: "People of the sinful clan, you are courting death!"

With a flash of his figure, he stood above the heads of Xiao Jiu and the others.

Immediately, he stretched out a palm, and his palm rapidly swelled, and he suppressed it with a suppressive force, intending to kill all the ancient people below.

"Hmph!" But at this moment, a cold snort sounded, and at some point, the Holy Son of the Five Elements had appeared.

Despite the help of the temple and the help of the Desolate Clan, the ancient country was still in a life-and-death crisis, one monk after another fell, and nothingness was stained with blood.

The mountains collapsed, the major cities were split open, the pupil of the ancient sky screamed, and the oozing blood turned into a rain of blood, which seemed to indicate that the entire ancient country would be destroyed.

"On that day, my Guangming family owes you a favor."

"And I, the Demon Soul Sect."

"My Lieyang Sect was founded by the Nine Suns God Emperor, and I swear to protect the human race to the death."

Suddenly, there was a roar from the void in the distance, and countless gods rose up. It was a cultivator of the human race, a member of five clans and seven clans.

Powerhouses from the Guangming Family, Nalan Family, Blade Sect, Thunder Cloud Sect, etc. all charged forward.

Even though they forged grievances with Wentian back then, they still choose righteousness in front of the enemy.

Because they know that once the ancient country is destroyed, the ancient sky is killed, and its demon sky or demon king becomes the sky of this new world, then the human race will be reduced to slavery, and even be threatened with genocide.

If Yaotian or Motian controls this new Tianyuan Great World, they will be suppressed by "Heaven" at that time, and their cultivation and strength may only be able to exert [-]% of their strength. This is undoubtedly the beginning of their extinction.

"All Leiyun disciples, follow me to kill!" Shen Hu roared, he took off his previous black robe, revealing a face full of hatred.

Boom!Yichen, who was beside him, rushed out immediately.

"Tongguan Demon King, Feather Demon King, I am here at Xingguan, how dare you fight!" A domineering roar resounded through the world, and I saw Xingguan's expression was furious, and the blue veins in his arms were bulging, as if containing the power of ten thousand savage dragons. force.

"Xingguan, since you are seeking your own death, I will fulfill you."

"Boom!" Pupil Demon King and Feather Demon King appeared.

Wow!Wow!The blood rain kept falling, dyeing countless creatures bloody, as if they came from hell.

"Blue sky!" Suddenly, an ancient roar came from the sky.

I saw that Qingtian appeared at some time, holding a spear in his hand, and pierced Gu Tian's last pupil fiercely, making it drenched with blood, and his breath became weaker and weaker.

Faced with the cooperation of the heavens, Gu Tian was defeated, and the defeat was extremely complete. Seeing that its vitality would disappear completely, in an instant, the expressions of countless people changed drastically, and General Lei and the others roared crazily.

"No... Gu Tian must not perish."

"Puff!" General Lei, Ye Tian and others rushed out frantically at this moment.

"Ants and more, they are simply beyond their control." But at this moment, the emperor made a move, and he lightened a finger.

boom!In an instant, a frightening beam of light rushed out crazily, and everywhere, the entire space distorted and exploded continuously, making it difficult to bear his power.

"No... I'm not willing!"


Puff!The next moment, the blood mist filled the air and fell with the blood rain.

"Father..." Not far away, Ye Feng and Ye Xue noticed it and roared like crazy.

Fallen, with the snap of the emperor's fingers, Ye Tian, ​​General Lei, and many monks from the ancient country were instantly wiped out.

In an instant, countless people's pupils were red with blood, and they were extremely sad.

Xiaoling roared, he showed his real body, and now his strength is comparable to that of the demon king, but even so, his ape body was cracked and bloody.

Because their opponent is not a demon king.

Even Ling Qi, who had always been cold and arrogant, went crazy, his pupils were bloodshot with terror.

"Swallow it!" At the same time, the other Zhu Tian sneered, rushing out like one another, trying to devour Gu Tian's power.

"The Forbidden Pill, the Heavenly Pill is successful!" However, at this critical moment, a pale voice came from the depths of the Lost Trace Forest.

"Om!" Immediately, a elixir with the size of a thousand feet suddenly rose from the sky like a star, and went straight to Gutian, where the vitality was about to dissipate.

"My God! What is that?"

"Thousands of feet of pill..." The huge heavenly pill flitted across the void, and immediately caused countless people to be in an uproar, their expressions full of extreme shock.

Also at this moment, the expressions of the two peak emperors, the Emperor of Demons and the Emperor of Heaven, suddenly changed drastically.

"Not good! Stop it!"

Boom!When the two set off, the aura was so huge that the whole world trembled.

"Don't even think about it!" But at this moment, two old figures appeared.

Old Man Jian Crazy and Taoist Qingfeng.

The two have never shown up, it seems that it is only for this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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