Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 1081 Ending

Chapter 1081 Ending ([-])


Although it is difficult for Taoist Qingfeng or old man Jianmao to crush the Emperor of All Demons and the Emperor of Heaven with their power, they can sit on the seat of the Emperor of God and become the defenders of the human race. Their means are naturally extraordinary. question.

Also at this moment, with a chirping sound, the Qianzhang Tian Pill rushed out quickly, and before Zhu Tian could react, it transformed into a ray of light and instantly merged into the pupil of Gu Tian.

"Buzz!" Immediately, the entire sky trembled violently, bursting out with monstrous rays of light, followed by countless alchemy and regular forces gathering together, and finally turned into a huge light curtain to surround Gu Tian's pupil.

It didn't take long before there were crackling sounds from this huge light curtain, and cracks were all over his body.

At the same time, a ray of Qi that was dozens of times stronger than before began to rise from the cracked light curtain.

Sensing this powerful aura, not to mention all beings and spirits, even Zhu Tian suddenly changed color, showing an illusory face for the first time.

boom!When the crack reached its peak, a dazzling ray of light bloomed, and a slender figure stepped out after that.

"That is……"

"Oh my god! He is the ancient emperor!"

boom!When everyone saw this person's face clearly, they were all shocked and shouted in dismay.

"No... this is not the real body of the ancient emperor, this is the ancient sky." Someone said solemnly.

Sure enough, as the person finished speaking, the eyes of the others shrank.

Although the man in front of him had the appearance of an ancient emperor, his expression was cold. It was obvious that this was not the ancient emperor that everyone knew.

"What a heavenly pill, it can make Gu Tian reach the peak of King Realm, but even so, you have no chance of winning." The Emperor of Ten Thousand Demons snorted coldly, and then slapped him hard.

"Bang!" Taoist Qingfeng was repelled, not only that, his complexion turned pale, and blood oozes from the corner of his mouth.

In the previous battle with the Blood Demon Patriarch and the Desolate Demon Emperor in Xingdao, he was already injured, but now that his injuries were added, his breath began to become messy.

"Master, let me help you!"

"Father, my daughter begs you to stop! You are already the king of the demon clan, so why bother to start a rain of blood."

Suddenly the nothingness split, and a colossal object suddenly descended from the sky. Its extreme aura was overwhelming, crushing the entire world, causing the void to collapse continuously, and the earth was shattered inch by inch.

"This is……"

"Wow! Could it be that this is Daozong's Emperor Zhenzong Dao Prison?"

"Look at those two!"

"Oh my god... Li Xiaoyao, the God King in white clothes, and his partner, the daughter of the Emperor of Demons."


Looking at the Dao Prison that suddenly fell from the sky and a man and a woman in front of them, countless people felt thunderbolts and turbulent waves in their hearts.

"Stop it? It's ridiculous! Father has waited countless years just for today. As long as this star field is unified, Father's power will go further, and even surpass the Immortal Emperor back then."

"Don't forget that you are the demon clan, or the daughter of my emperor of all demons." The emperor of all demons said, looking at the daughter who appeared with Xiaoyao, his expression was completely cold, and he could not see the slightest affection between father and daughter .

After the words fell, he suddenly waved.

"Boom!" Immediately, a powerful demonic energy swept out in a terrifying storm and rushed towards Xiaoyao with a strong murderous intent.

Obviously, he wanted to kill Xiaoyao.

At the beginning, if Nuo was not the person in front of him, his daughter would not abandon the demon clan and leave. She was suppressed by Daozong for countless years, and now it even hinders his great cause of dominating the world.

Facing his attack and killing, Taoist Qingfeng made a decisive move, and Li Xiaoyao sacrificed his life in Dao Prison.

boom!In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, and the aftermath was so overwhelming that even the stars in the starry sky were blown out one after another.

"Roar!" A terrifying roar came from afar, followed by countless purple flames rising up and turning into a large flame.

"No... bastard!"

"Damn the Qilin family." There were constant screams and roars, and under this sea of ​​purple flames, many monsters, ghosts, and devils were suppressed and killed.

Seeing this scene, Xiu Xiu of the human race was overjoyed.

"Look, it's the Qilin family." Someone shouted excitedly.

"Boom!" Suddenly, there was a shocking explosion in a certain place in the sky, everyone was shocked, and then looked up, only to see the fury of thunder in the sky in the distance.

Golden Thunder.

"The White Tiger Emperor, and the Thunder Cloud Sect's holy beast, the Alicorn." Someone shouted absentmindedly.

The Alicorn is the mount of the Immortal Patriarch. Its strength is so powerful that it has reached the state of a half-emperor. It has been sneaking into the holy peak to protect the Thunder Cloud Sect, but even so, it is still not the opponent of the White Tiger Emperor.

Besides, the two have long had grievances, and the White Tiger Emperor has strong murderous intentions, and every move wants to take the life of the Alicorn.

Because of this, it didn't take long for it to bleed all over its body and scream, and even the huge golden horn began to be covered with cracks.

Fluffy!As the battle became more intense, the ancient demon clan began to show up, especially the ancient demon emperor, who was so powerful that he was not inferior to the emperor of all demons.

Puff puff!Just breathing kung fu, countless cultivators of ancient countries, disciples of seven sects and five clans were killed.

"No... I'm not reconciled!"

"The human race cannot be destroyed!" Countless people screamed, their voices full of hatred and misery.

Because even though they resisted with all their strength, the demons and ghosts had a profound background, especially the strong demons, who slaughtered the clan like ants, causing the bodies of countless people to explode and their souls to perish.

awful!The extraordinary tragedy was many times more tragic than that of the monster war.

Suddenly, a huge vortex gushed out from the nothingness of the imperial capital, and the divine light was so powerful that a divine seal that seemed to be able to destroy the world suddenly fell from the sky.

Immediately, the expressions of the people below changed drastically, and their entire bodies stiffened, as if they were being suppressed by thousands of stars, and they couldn't even move at all.

"What? This air machine..."

"Not good! This is the Immortal Immortal Seal of the Immortal Patriarch!"

"Emperor Lin, run away!" Countless people roared and screamed continuously.

"Om!" The light bloomed, and then a middle-aged man appeared, the former Lord of Thunder Cloud, Lei Guangxuan.

"That damned kid left me with nothing back then, and was ridiculed by all the people in the world. Today, I will repay him twice as much. You all go to hell!"

Boom! !bang bang! !
Immortal Immortal Seal was crushed, and its terrifying aura seemed to be able to kill everything. The cultivation of the ancient country below, Lin Fu and others had no power to resist, and they were smashed to pieces, and the blood mist filled the air.

Lin Yefeng yelled frantically: "Protect the little princesses."

Peng!In that flash of light, he burst out with his final strength, sending Nianyunwa'er, Princess Muli, Qingshuang, Lin Yexiang and others hundreds of miles away.

"Pfft!" Facing the Immortal Immortal Seal, even though he was Emperor Lin and his cultivation had increased dramatically over the years, he was still ruthlessly suppressed and killed.

In an instant, thousands of people screamed and roared heart-piercingly.

"Emperor Lin!"

"Grandpa..." Wa'er cried wildly.


At the same time, here is an endless sea.

That's right, it was the barren sea before.

This sea is extremely mysterious, even if the world changes drastically, it will still not be affected in the slightest.

I saw a palace floating with the vast sea, but what carried the palace was a huge monster, a sea turtle.

No, this is not a sea turtle, but an extremely peculiar, almost extinct Xuanwu.

(End of this chapter)

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