Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 1082 Ending

Chapter 1082 Ending ([-])

Outside the palace, many guards were prostrate, some of them were monsters and some were demons, but no doubt not all of them showed panicked expressions, as if a catastrophe was coming.

Not far away, there is a group of fat women with thick backs and very few clothes, revealing a pair of big white rabbits faintly. Their complexions are pale, and some pupils even reveal a trace of resentment.

In the palace, there is a strange formation here, which is a Taiji diagram, but if someone sees this scene, they will definitely show incredible eyes, because this Taiji diagram is actually a reversal.

In this formation, a quaint ring floated, emitting bursts of mysterious light.

Purple, red, gold, three colors of light.

A young woman looked at the flickering ring with a look of worry on her face, but what was shocking was that the coercion emanating from her body was extremely strong, which was the peak of the Dragon King.

That's right, she was Xiao Cai who had transformed into a five-clawed, two-winged true dragon.

And beside her, there was a middle-aged man and an elderly man.

The middle-aged man's eyelids kept twitching, and there was a strange blood-colored forbidden picture behind him, giving off a faint glow.

Forbidden pictures of bloodlines!
That's right, he is the eighth master who has changed his human form, and there is a line of tiny handwriting faintly appearing on the back, Lin Wentian's tortoise.

As for the other old man, he was the Xuanwu who was possessed by the demon and almost killed Wentian and others, but he appeared here for some reason, and the demonic thoughts in his body had been completely eliminated.

"Senior Wuming, can Daddy really be resurrected?" Xiao Cai said, looking at a middle-aged man sitting cross-legged on top of the Tai Chi diagram, with his hands in the seal.

This is a blind man, but strangely, he seems to be able to see everything, speculate on the future, and do things against the sky.

Mr. Wuming, the eldest disciple of old man Tianji.

"If an ordinary person is under the pressure of the emperor, it is impossible to have a chance of life, but he is different. He is a person who defies the sky and fate, representing variables."

"The three ancient and wild families are the direct bloodlines of the ancestors who created the world back then. The ancient ring, barren pendant, and wild chain are the sacred objects of each clan. The mystery of this ancient ring is that it can make the remnant soul immortal. It is a well-deserved holy treasure in the series."

"He was killed by the emperor that day, and the ancient ring attracted a ray of his remnant soul and a drop of blood from his body. Now, under the power of the ancient ring, the remnant soul has begun to gradually recover, and his body is also in the ancient ring. internal reorganization."

"But this matter is not something that will happen in a short period of time. Without ten years, or even a hundred years, he may not be able to recover completely." Mister Wuming murmured, with a look of powerlessness and unwillingness.

That's right!It's not reconciled!

Back then, he accidentally discovered the handbook of his teacher, the old man Tianji, and knew that the other party had been deducing the future for many years, trying to change this star field and the fate of the human race.

And the participants include the ancient master who fell back then, and even the strongest emperor in ancient times, the Immortal Emperor.

On that day, he was killed by his junior brother, and he became a lifeless person from then on. Since then, he has devoted himself to researching the art of changing fate against the sky, trying to get rid of the way of heaven.

It was also like this that he appeared in Lin's mansion that day, and even caused Wentian's parents to leave one after another.

Of course, he was not the only one who changed his fate for Wentian Defying Heaven, there were also three powerful figures.

First, Dan Daozi, the keeper of the world, used the method of Danmeng to make Wentian die once in exchange for a ray of life.

Second, one of the three fierce places, the old grave guard in the God Burial Battlefield.

Third, one of the three holy places of the human race, the Supreme Daochang, is known as the God Venerable.

These two big figures also vaguely calculated that Wentian would be the key person to change this star field and the entire human race through shocking means.

It is also for this reason that, for the sake of righteousness, they use their lifelong cultivation to help Wentian change their lives and be reborn.

The soul and the body are incompatible, he could not have lived beyond the age of three, but he still survived.

"What? Ten years... or even a hundred years, such an ancient country..." Hearing his words, Ba Ye let out a loud cry, and even Xiao Cai's expression changed drastically.

Although they are now in this barren sea, they already know the crisis facing the ancient country and the entire human race, so how can they not be anxious.

Especially the turtle demon, he is connected with Wentian's blood, if Wentian falls completely, then he will also be wiped out, and countless god-level beauties will also turn into bubbles.

On that day, at that moment of life and death, he used the power of forbidden map to try to rescue Wentian, but the emperor's power was so powerful that he killed Wentian with one blow before leaving.

Fortunately, at the most critical moment, Gu Jie protected his drop of three-color blood essence and his remnant soul.

"Brother, is this what you have been planning all these years?"

"No... This is the bureau that Master set up back then, and you are just an executor."

Suddenly, a strange voice resounded in the hall, followed by countless black and white light spots, condensing into a mysterious man wearing a mask.

Immediately, the expressions of Xiao Cai, Gui Yao and the others changed suddenly, and the widened pupils were full of inconceivability.

Because with their current cultivation base, before the other party appeared, they couldn't feel the slightest breath.

"You want to stop?" Mister Wuming frowned, his blind eyes seemed to be able to clearly see the mysterious person in front of him.

Desperate Heavenly Master, the second disciple of Old Man Tianji.

Unexpectedly, he didn't show the slightest sign, Xiaocai looked alert for a moment, and wanted to make a move.

However, he didn't say anything about his lack of life. He sat cross-legged in mid-air, and countless black and white light balls gushed out of his body when he raised his hand.

Heavenly Soul, Earthly Soul!
These souls of heaven and earth merged into the Tai Chi formation in an instant, and the next moment, the formation was extremely radiant, and its speed was ten times faster than before.

Not only that, but at this moment he suddenly said: "Come out, it's your turn!"

"Yi ai! Yi ai!" There was a burst of yelling, hearing this familiar voice, Xiao Cai and the turtle demon were dumbfounded.

The space distorted for a while, and a small animal the size of a leather ball appeared, yes, it was a small ball, but for some reason, it was together with this missing life.

Xiao Qiu yelled loudly, and his hands kept waving, as if he was forming some imprint.

"Buzz buzz buzz!" The next moment, its fur stood on end, its hardware, four whites, and nine halos were completely lit up, and it landed on the Taiji diagram in layers.

Immediately, amidst the ecstatic expressions of Xiaocai and the others, the ancient ring trembled violently, and the purple, red and gold three lights were extremely bright.

At the same time, in the ancient ring, a drop of blood essence of three colors kept changing, and finally turned into a huge light curtain, within which a naked man was faintly sleeping.


Bloody battles continued in Tianyuan Great World, blood flowed like rivers, and there were screams and screams everywhere.

"Is it true that the way of heaven is irreversible?"

"Haha...Under the Dao of Heaven, can our human race only be reduced to ants?" A monk laughed wildly with blood seeping his eyes.

boom!However, at the next moment, his entire divine body exploded, leaving no bones.

(End of this chapter)

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