Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 1083 Ending

Chapter 1083 Ending ([-])

"Jie Jie, the ancient country will surely perish today! And you and others are stubborn and doomed to die."

"Kill that baby, and that woman, they are Lin Wentian's wife and son." Suddenly, there was a burst of cruel laughter.

Immediately, many people's expressions changed drastically, and they yelled wildly: "Fang family, damn traitor."

The once first-class power, the Fang family, had long betrayed the human race, and took refuge in the demon race and the Black Palace. It can be said that countless cultivators of the ancient country died in their hands.

"Hurry up and protect the little princess and the ancient queen."

"Yun'er, run away!" Everyone shouted, and at this moment, Qingshuang showed a sad smile, took a deep look at Wa'er, and then sent her out of her arms.

"Don't..." Wa'er cried loudly.

boom!Immediately, the earth with a radius of thousands of miles collapsed, and blood mist filled everywhere, and a huge palm print appeared under the earth.

Qingshuang, who was about to embrace death, suddenly looked stunned, and then looked up at the sky.

I saw a huge statue falling from the sky, and the heavy momentum caused the earth to collapse continuously. Even the mountain peaks and ancient trees outside the ancient world area were also blown away by a storm of weather.

Since the great war, half of this newly born Tianyuan Great World has become a battlefield, and the screams and roars are shocking.

"Look, that's a Taoist image!" a Taoist disciple shouted.

At this moment, Qingshuang seemed to think of something, and her expression suddenly changed: "Junior Sister Qinglian, you..."

"Senior sister, this may be Qinglian's fate." A stunning woman appeared on the head of the Taoist statue, but this is not a real body, but an illusory body.

To drive the Taoist image, it must use flesh and blood as the source.

"Can a mere afterimage turn the sky upside down?" A demon emperor sneered and rushed out with a bang.

However, the moment he rushed out, the entire sky was suddenly sealed, and a cold voice rang in his heart: "Do you still remember me?"

In the frozen space, a beautiful woman appeared, she has a perfect body, a pair of amazing face, especially the three thousand blue silk is like three thousand worlds, the whole body is inflated with a force different from demons and gods. The breath of ghosts and Buddhas.

This is Xianli!

"What? It's you?"

"The wife of the Immortal Emperor back then, the Immortal Emperor!" The Demon Emperor opened his eyes in fear, his expression full of unimaginability.

Anyone here will definitely be shocked to find that this blue-haired woman who suddenly appeared was called a fairy queen by a demon emperor. Her appearance and temperament are [-]% similar to those of Lan Meng, Dao Meng, and Linglong, as if She is a fusion of women.

"Immortal! When did you perish! He will return!" the woman murmured, with a trace of extreme complexity in the depths of her eyes.

A barren land a million miles away from the ancient country, here is one of the three fierce places, called the God Burying Battlefield, this is the burial place of the God of Death during the war between humans and monsters.

At this moment, a woman stood in nothingness, her expression revealing nostalgia.

"Tian'er, you are the son of the ancient clan with a great mission. Mother believes that you will definitely come back and change everything." Her eyes were red.

If Lin Yefeng sees this woman here, he will definitely be shocked, because she is the mother that Wentian has been looking for for many years.

Unexpectedly, she has been hiding in this fierce place, the God Burial Battlefield.

"Seniors, the human race in this star field is at the moment of life and death again, please fight with me!" Soon she withdrew her emotions, showing firm eyes, and waved a bloody banner in her hand.

In an instant, the entire land continued to rumble, and there was a burst of landslides and ground cracks, and immediately a pair of huge skeletons rushed out of the ground.

This is the remains of the gods after the fall of the God of Punishment during the human-monster war in ancient times. They were buried here, as if they were waiting for this moment.

Boom!As Mother Wentian waved the bloody banner in her hand, the skeletons of the gods rushed out one after another, fighting with demons and ghosts and other races.

At the same time, in one of the most mysterious supreme dojos in one of the three holy places, a man suddenly looked up, his eyes seemed to be able to see the woman who was waving the blood flag and commanding many gods to kill the enemy, and then he showed a smile.

"Don't worry! Our son has already grown up, he is the strongest person under this starry sky, and he is our pride." After speaking, he slowly raised his hand.

"Om!" Immediately, the whole land below him was radiant, and then it was suspended.

This is a huge dojo, and he just now is not a body of flesh and blood, because he is integrated with this supreme dojo, he is a weapon spirit.

He is the price, the price for changing his son's life against the sky.

All the details of the human race are revealed, and they compete with the destiny.

a day has passed...

Two days have passed...

three days passed...

On the seventh day, the entire Tianyuan Great World became a battlefield, with rivers of blood flowing everywhere and corpses strewn across the field.

"Master!" Gu Jian hissed and roared, his eyes were extremely blood red, and his expression was extremely crazy.

"Did you see that sword clearly just now?" An old man turned his head suddenly, a smile appeared on his wrinkled face.

On the seventh day of the war, the sword-crazy old man who was the guardian of the human race finally fell.

"Ah..." Gu Jian roared, the hatred in his heart reached an extreme.

The soul of the Six Paths was blood red, as if he had just stepped out of hell, and then a frightening madness began to erupt from the blood red body of the real body of the Six Paths.

"What? This is..."

"Not good! This is the potential of the sword domain, stop him quickly." Some demon kings and demon kings sensed it and rushed out violently, trying to block Gu Jian's breakthrough.

No. On the 15th day, Taoist Qingfeng fell, and the people of the whole world cried out in mourning.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed, and more than half of the cultivators of the human race were slaughtered, and they were gradually dying.

No. 20 Five days, the Yitian Sect, who was the head of the Seven Sects, suddenly rebelled and took refuge in the Black Palace, becoming the opponent's minion.

In an instant, countless people were angry, and they began to feel desperate again.


A piece of broken land, full of dead bodies.

"Woooo... Where are you, mother? Daddy is gone, grandpa is dead, aunt is dead, you can't leave your baby behind."

"Mother, baby misses you..."

Among the countless corpses, there was a girl with bloody hands and a dirty body. She kept crying and moved the corpse in front of her desperately, as if she was looking for something.

This search lasted a day and a night, her hands were bloody and her tears seemed to have dried up, but the corners of her eyes were marked with tears.


"Haha, there is really nowhere to look for, and it takes no effort to get here. I never thought that I would meet you here. If I can hand you over to the emperor, this genius will definitely be reused in the Black Palace." Suddenly, nothingness came. A burst of wild laughter instantly startled the baby below.

The Son of Heaven of Yitianzong, Tian'e.

Although the baby is extraordinary, but with his cultivation base of the second stage of the god, he can easily capture the baby.

Looking at the girl who was imprisoned by him, the corner of Tianzhizi's mouth formed a sneer, imagining in his heart how the emperor would reward him, and the excitement in his eyes became more and more intense.

"Where are you, Daddy?" The strength of her whole body was imprisoned, and the baby's thoughts finally completely collapsed. She called out frantically, and only hoped that that person would appear and hug her in his arms.

Because she was tired, really tired.

(End of this chapter)

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