Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 108 Major discovery!

Chapter 108 Major discovery!

Originally, in this Tianyue City, three months ago, some strange things had been happening in the city, that is, some civilians' livestock, or some monks' caves, were all attacked by inexplicable beasts, and the people in the entire city were attacked. , people panic, in fear all day long.

The livestock of the common people disappeared, leaving only the messy feathers on the scene, and the caves of many monks were vandalized wantonly, and all the things in the mansion were wiped out. hatred.

At the same time, everyone hated the murderer, and at the same time they were full of boundless fear for the murderer. As the situation became serious, the city lord of Tianyue was alarmed. Therefore, a large number of soldiers were sent to search for the murderer everywhere.

It's just that until now, let alone catching the murderer, they haven't even caught a trace of the murderer's shadow.

Therefore, many people were forced to pack up their belongings one after another, left Tianyue City, and wanted to live in other cities.

The lord of Tianyue City had no choice but to report this matter to the imperial court. However, until now, the Holy One still hasn't sent anyone, as if he had forgotten about it.

Regarding this, the city lord of Tianyue City could only sigh in his heart, and only hoped that one day the murderer would leave Tianyue City with kindness, then he would burn incense and worship Buddha.

"This place is weird, it's not suitable to stay for a long time!" Wentian quickly made a decision in his heart.

At dusk that day, he had already stepped out of Tianyue City. Seeing that the night was getting dark, he stopped and found a cave, intending to rest up a bit before rushing to the Lost Forest.

And at this moment, a terrifying roar came from the City Lord's Mansion of Tianyue City.

"Damn it, who the hell is that bastard who dares to steal into my city lord's mansion? If the city lord catches him, he will be cut to pieces."

A man with a slightly fat body opened his mouth to roar, revealing boundless anger, as if it was about to resound throughout Tianyue City, some people suddenly raised their heads when they heard the words, and looked in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion with horror.

"Could it be that even the City Lord's Mansion has been "patronized" by the murderers?" Someone said, and immediately, a gloating smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It seems that the city lord of Tianyue is not very popular.

"My lord, I have found something, I have made a major discovery!" Suddenly, a soldier looked ecstatic, and rushed into the room of the city lord and said excitedly.

"What? Is this really the case?" The city lord trembled all over his body, appearing very excited.

Immediately, his face became rampant, and he shouted loudly: "The Lord of the city wants to see who it is, how bold he is, who dares to enter my mansion and commit murder."

His figure shook, as if he was about to reveal his arrogance, before the soldier could finish speaking, he had already stepped out of the room quickly...

Seeing this, the soldiers followed quickly.

However, it didn't take long before I saw the city lord's roar from embarrassment and anger again in the city lord's kitchen: "Waste, all of them are waste, this is what you call a huge discovery?"

"Scroll to the city lord, as far as you can..."

The face of the city lord was very livid, looking at his subordinates, he couldn't help kicking them twice.

On a wooden table in the kitchen, a large black object was emitting an astonishing stench, "vomit", looking at this object, the city lord's face suddenly turned pale, and he began to vomit.

"My lord..." Seeing this, everyone panicked.

However, the city lord was so angry that he kicked the soldier who had reported before, and shouted loudly: "Get lost..."

When he thought of the important discovery that the other party said, it was actually a lump... when it was a pile of dung, he really had the urge to kill.

This is also called a major discovery...? ?

Just as the city lord was roaring, a vague figure appeared behind him, and there was a faint sneer.

But the strange thing is that everyone seems to not be able to hear its laughter...

Not long after, that blurry figure suddenly flashed and disappeared instantly...


In the cave, Wentian suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes looked very peaceful, suddenly his expression changed, his figure flickered, and he rushed out of the cave in an instant.

After a short while, he returned to the cave again, but he had a slaughtered hare in his hand.

Although with his current cultivation base, even if he does not eat for a period of time, there will be no major problems, but in the end, he is still a mortal, so it is inevitable that he needs to eat.

A bonfire rose in the center of the cave, slowly illuminating the entire cave red, and made Wentian's face flush with sweat.

The hare was roasting in the flames, the oil dripping from the roasting dripped on the flames, and there was a sizzling sound, and after a while, there was a burst of meaty aroma.

Smelling the tempting aroma of meat, he couldn't help sniffing a few times vigorously, which even stimulated his appetite, causing a hungry sound in his stomach, and he couldn't help but licked his lips.

Immediately, with a sudden wave of his hand, a burst of white light burst from the ancient ring, and an exquisite wooden table appeared on the ground. However, he didn't stop there, and saw white light flashing continuously from his hand.

A table, a pot of sprinkles, and a slightly larger wine bowl.

"Fortunately, there are still some deposits in the ancient ring, but it's a pity!"

"Taste the fine wine alone, and look up without the moon."

A trace of loneliness appeared in his expression, and the figures of young master Qian, his third uncle, grandfather and others flashed in his mind.

He poured a bowl of wine, and immediately tilted his head, murmur, murmur, the wine swam down his stomach, and not long after, a tinge of red appeared on his face.

"Fine wine and delicious food!" he murmured, and suddenly turned around, wanting to get the roasted rabbit, but the next moment, he was completely stunned, his eyes full of unimaginable, because the roasted rabbit on the firewood branch disappeared. up.

Although his expression seemed very loose, in fact, he had been separating out a ray of spiritual consciousness to monitor the movement within a radius of 500 meters, but it was because of this that his heart was so turbulent.

"Who?" He shouted in surprise.

Because in his perception, without anyone noticing, stealing his roasted rabbit, the other party is definitely a strong person!
Thinking of this, his nerves tensed up, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

However, one moment passed, two moments passed... Time passed like this, but the opponent still didn't make a move, but he didn't relax his vigilance because of this.

After a long time, his eyes flashed suddenly, he clasped his fists directly, and said to the void: "I don't know which senior is here, if the kid disturbs the senior, please forgive me."

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up from outside the cave, blowing up a few dead leaves and sucking them into the cave, but there was still no echo and no one was seen.

In this regard, he couldn't help frowning, and doubts flashed across his eyes.

Immediately, his figure flickered, he left the cave directly, stood in the air, and his spiritual sense fully dispersed his perception.

After he felt it, his expression became more and more weird. Suddenly, he thought of a possibility, and he clasped his fists again and said: "Since the senior likes the hare roasted by the kid, then just take it, even if you are a kid to the hare." Senior apologizes."

After the words fell, a chilly wind blew across the air, shaking his clothes and hair, but still no one echoed.

In this regard, his eyes were fixed, and immediately, as if he no longer intended to pay attention to it, his figure froze and disappeared from the spot in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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