Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 109 Seniors

Chapter 109 Seniors
Not long after, he returned to the cave again, but there were two hares and a fish weighing more than ten catties in his hands. Obviously, he planned to roast it again.

The next moment, he started again...

Until bursts of fragrance came, his eyes suddenly lit up, but at this moment, all his spiritual senses were scattered and sensed.

However, he still didn't notice anything strange.

In this regard, although he did not completely let go of his guard, the previously tense nerves have relaxed a bit.

This time, he didn't take his eyes off the roasted fish and the roasted rabbit. The feeling of hunger struck him. He quickly took a roasted rabbit and started to gobble it up.


Because he was too impatient, the heat of the roasted rabbit did not dissipate, making his mouth whirring...

"What?" He exclaimed suddenly, his expression extremely horrified.

Because when he ate a roasted rabbit and was about to turn around and take two sips of fine wine, he was horrified to find that the jug of wine on the table had disappeared like the previous roasted rabbit.

Maybe he was careless before and didn't disperse all his spiritual knowledge, but now, with all his spiritual knowledge dispersed, the other party actually took away his wine like a dream, which was a blow to him. More like a provocation.

However, during this time, he didn't have the intention of revenge, but the turmoil in his heart could not be calmed down for a long time.

One must know that even some Vientiane realms might not be able to be so ignorant and invisible under his nose.

"Jie Jie..." Suddenly, his ears twitched, and he seemed to hear some evil laughter. In an instant, his soul trembled, and he couldn't help feeling a chill behind his back.

"No..." As if he felt something, his expression suddenly changed, and he turned around quickly.

"What?" He exclaimed again, and he stood up in an instant, because another roasted rabbit and another roasted fish disappeared again.

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through his mind. Immediately, his eyes flashed, his expression was dignified, and he bowed his hands to the void and said: "It's really a sin, kid, to break into your place rashly and disturb the senior Let's leave now, senior, take care."

After saying that, he suddenly waved his hand to extinguish the flames in the cave, and then rushed out of the cave in a blink of an eye.

In the meantime, the sky and night were already dark, the wind blowing outside was already carrying bursts of chill, a round of silver moon began to slowly rise, and countless rays of moonlight fell down...

He froze, and flew across the void in an instant... the target, pointing directly at the Lost Forest...

However, just as he left, an inexplicable gust of wind suddenly gushed out of the cave, blowing fallen leaves and fluttering, and a huge, creepy phantom flashed across the cave, more like a burst of wind. Evil laughter...


There was still an uproar in the capital, and people were heard everywhere talking about his rioting in the palace.

In the imperial palace, in the Golden Dragon Hall, there was an astonishing roar of anger: "Check! Give me a quick check! I have ordered that all cities be completely sealed off. Be sure to find out the whereabouts of the people in the Lin family. I don't believe it. In my world! , They can still fly into the sky."

Ji Zhuoyang shouted angrily, his expression was ashen, but here, his aura was as calm as a mountain, as if he had fully recovered from the injuries he suffered before.

"Sir, obey!" Below, Fen Fangying replied, his face has also improved a lot, it seems that his injuries have also recovered to a minimum.

However, he still couldn't let go of it in his heart, as if there was an insurmountable psychological barrier.

For him, it was definitely a shame among shames that a kid in the Spirit Transformation Realm almost killed him.

And this person is still his former opponent, Lin Yefeng's nephew, when he thinks of this, his heart feels like being stabbed by thousands of needles...

"Lin Wentian, you cunning brat, one day, I, Fen Fangying, will ask you to kneel in front of me and return the shame you gave me a hundredfold." A vicious light flashed in his eyes.

Money mansion!There was an astonishing roar faintly, and the sound of wine glasses and vases breaking from time to time.

"What about the Holy One? What about the Ji family's royal family? If you want to touch my elder brother, you have to ask the fat man first. If something happens to my elder brother, when the young master takes power in the future, you people will definitely be sent to hell."

Young Master Qian roared wildly, and his mountain-like body caused a strong tremor in the room, as if the room was about to collapse.

"The Qian family is in power, and I want to be the next person in power in the Qian family." Young Master Qian clenched his fists, his eyes full of longing and firmness.

Only then did he realize that even though he had the status of the young master of the Qian family, he was still not good enough for the royal family of last Ji's family. It was the first time that he had such a strong desire in his heart to become the next person in power of the Qian family.

Just as he was roaring and venting his anger, in a room of Qian's house, a young man suddenly opened his eyes, and the corners of his mouth were outlined in a sneer.

"The future ruler of the Qian family belongs to me, Qian Jinyin..."


In the past two days, the entire capital city and even the entire Chiyue were completely in a state of flux. No matter if it was those sects or those casual cultivators, they all mobilized one after another and began to search for traces of Lin Wentian and others.

"Boy, let me see where you are going!" A big man let out a bang, and with a violent force, he picked up a giant hammer and blasted it out.

"Bang!" A discomfited figure with a pale complexion was knocked into the air like a cannonball, and with a puff, there was a big puff of blood, and his eyes were horrifying.

Immediately, he exclaimed in surprise: "I am no longer from the Lin family, and I have nothing to do with the Lin family, why are you still biting me..."

There was a strong unwillingness in his eyes.

This person is exactly one of the guards who chose to leave the Lin Mansion.

He thought that as long as he left Lin's mansion, he would not be implicated in the slightest, but he did not expect that those people would be indiscriminate, and they would attack him crazily as soon as they saw him.

He hates it!

"Quickly tell us the whereabouts of Lin Wentian and others, otherwise, don't blame the uncle for being rude and smashing your fragile head." The hammer-carrying monk shouted, his face revealed a ferocious expression, and his eyes were full of cruelty.

Hearing this, the cultivator who used to be the guard of the Lin residence turned pale, and roared in his heart: "Master... no... Lin Wentian, it's all his fault. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have fallen into this situation!"

Unknowingly, he began to resent Wentian, his eyes were full of resentment, as if Wentian had brought him into the abyss.


In the blink of an eye, six days have passed.

On this day, Lin Yefeng and others stopped in front of a large forest surrounded by mist. During this time, their expressions were full of exhaustion, and many of them had wounds of different sizes on their bodies, as if they had died in the near future. Before, they seemed to be in trouble.

"Are you there?" An elderly man murmured, but just as he finished speaking, his body suddenly softened and he fell to the ground inexplicably.

"Uncle Chen, what's the matter with you?" Suddenly, someone exclaimed, and many people gathered around one after another, especially Meng'er, who was a step ahead, picked up the old man in an instant, began to pat his body, and whispered.

Lin Yefeng frowned suddenly, but after a short while, as if sensing something, he slowly relaxed.

Then he said: "Don't worry! Uncle Chen is fine, he is only in a state of tension due to his old age, coupled with the past few days of running around, and now he suddenly relaxes, which made him fall into a coma."

"So that's it!" Everyone relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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