Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 111 Chasing and Killing

Chapter 111 Chasing and Killing
His eyes revealed true feelings, recalling the scenes in his previous life, he seemed to be able to see the kind face of his master.

At the saddest and lowest time in his life, it was his master who pulled him up from the dark abyss, which gave him the idea of ​​cultivating and wanting revenge.

After a while, he slowly restrained his emotions, his eyes became firm in an instant, and with a flash of light on his body, he rushed into this mysterious lost forest.

At this time, Lin Yefeng and the others happened to come to a valley, but their expressions were full of caution, just because this valley was not an ordinary valley.

The place where they were standing at this time was already approaching the inner edge of the Lost Forest. It could be said that if they went any further, it would be the mysterious place that was rumored to make people fall into reincarnation and be trapped in the forest forever.

That's where the truly frightening part of the Lost Forest is, because it's full of unknowns, and there's even faint roars of shock.

The spiritual mist is thick, as if it could be turned into spiritual liquid. Everyone can clearly feel that the concentration of spiritual energy here is probably several times that of the surrounding areas.

Thinking of this, everyone was excited, but thinking together, the strangeness of the Mizong Forest made everyone tremble as if a plate of cold water had been poured on them.

"This valley is already within the range of the forest. If we move forward rashly, I am afraid that there will be many crises waiting for us. I hope the third master will think twice." One person said, there was a hint of fear in his words.

Others heard this and didn't say a word, but including Shi Zhong and those hidden guards of the Lin Family, they all looked apprehensive.

"Third Master, why don't we stop here! This place is close to the inner circle, I'm afraid those people won't have the guts to chase after it, and we don't have to make such a face, after all, this trail is so weird, there is no People can see through it completely, just in case..."

Another person hesitated to speak, but this person was a hidden guard of the Spirit Transformation Realm.

After hearing this, everyone suddenly turned their heads and looked at Lin Yefeng, as if they were waiting for his decision.

Lin Yefeng took a deep breath, immediately took out something from his bosom, put it in front of everyone, and said with a complicated expression: "You guys come over and take a look at this first."

Um?Everyone was puzzled and gathered around to watch.

"What the hell is this?" Not long after, someone suddenly exclaimed, their eyes full of disbelief.

The map, which appeared in Lin Yefeng's hands was clearly a map.

And with the eyesight of everyone, it can be seen at a glance that the road they traveled before is [-]% consistent with this map. Could this be the map of the Lost Forest?
Thinking of this, everyone looked horrified, and couldn't help but gasp.

The reason why the Lost Forest is mysterious is that it is covered by spiritual mist all the year round, making it difficult to distinguish between east and west, but the most important thing is that its existence is like a living body, changing every moment.

Now that someone actually roughly plotted out most of the routes, this is absolutely shocking, and no one will believe it if they say it.

"He gave you this map?" Ye Tian, ​​who had always seldom said anything, asked at this moment, his pupils flickering.

Lin Yefeng raised his head and looked at the man in front of him with a solemn expression, because his intuition had been telling him that although the man in front of him had no fluctuations in Yuan power, this man was definitely not simple, as if he possessed the power of Mount Tai. , appearing very calm.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's brains flashed, and they seemed to be able to guess who the person Ye Tian was talking about was.

"That's right! It was indeed given to me by Wentian. Although what is drawn on this map is not exactly the same as this Lost Forest, at least seven points are roughly the same. Next, would you like to take a gamble? It's all up to you to decide." Lin Yefeng said.

When everyone heard the words, their eyes flickered, as if they were thinking deeply in their hearts.

In this brief silence, Ye Tian stepped forward resolutely, holding Ye Feng and Ye Xue in his arms, and stepped into the mysterious and dreaded Lost Nei Lin.

Yefeng and Yexue's eyes were as bright as stars, looking at the valley with dense spiritual mist in front of them, there was no trace of fear in their eyes, as if in their eyes, as long as they stayed in their father's embrace, they would be the best. Safe to lean on.

Before everyone could react, the three of them, Ye Tian and Ye Feng Yexue, had stepped into Gushan, and were instantly covered by the spiritual mist, completely disappearing from everyone's sight.

"This..." Everyone hesitated to speak, their expressions kept changing.

One person's eyes suddenly turned hard, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Instead of staying here and waiting to be hunted down, it's better to fight. Maybe this step will lead to another world. Even if it's unlucky, so what? 18 Years later, he will be a hero again."

This person decisively chose to step into this unknown valley, and disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant.

"Let's go, we trust Teacher Ye Tian, ​​and even more, the young master." Suddenly, a large group of teenagers and girls said in unison, their eyes full of determination and blind faith.

They are the group of young girls brought by Ye Tian.

I saw that because of the recent battles, their cultivation has improved a level, and many of them have broken through to the late stage of Yuan Lian, and they naturally exude an aura that is stronger than ordinary people.

In the blink of an eye, these boys and girls also stepped into the valley one after another.

Seeing this scene, some people who were still hesitating suddenly felt hardened in their hearts, and said loudly, "Count me in!"

In less than a moment, everyone stepped into this valley one after another, which is the rumored and dreaded Lost Lin Neilin.


The two elders of the royal family, leading a group of strong men, were still looking for traces of Lin Yefeng and others in the outer forest, but after several days passed, they still did not find anything.

Therefore, some members of the sect, or the monks of the rivers and lakes, have thought of retreating in their hearts.

Here, the faces of the two royal elders looked very gloomy, as if they could wring out water.

"Seniors, in my opinion, the bereaved dog of the Lin Mansion may have fallen into some phantom or was in some danger. Otherwise, we searched for several days, why didn't we see any trace of them?" a monk asked.

"Brother Fang is right. This place is weird. No one knows what will happen. Why don't I leave first and make plans later. This is not the way to go, it's like finding a needle in a haystack!" Another humane said.

"Yes! I also agree with this statement."

Immediately, many casual cultivators began to talk one after another. As for the palace soldiers, although they didn't say anything, their expressions said everything.

Seeing that everyone was chattering, one of the two royal family elders suddenly turned cold, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and he suddenly shouted.

"That's enough! If you want to go, you can go by yourself, but don't blame the old man for not reminding you, my Ji family royal family is not someone who comes and leaves whenever they want."

boom!In an instant, the berserk aura rose from this person, exuding an astonishing killing intent.

Threat, this is definitely a naked threat!
Feeling the murderous intent on his body, many casual cultivators' complexions suddenly changed, and fine sweat could not help oozing from their foreheads. Until now, they have fully awakened, and they can no longer turn back.

Under the imperial power of the Ji family, those who follow will live, and those who rebel will perish!

Thinking of this sentence, they felt bitterness in their hearts. If they knew it earlier, they shouldn't be in this deep water. The Lost Forest is not a place for good men and women.

(End of this chapter)

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