Chapter 112

At the same time, Wentian was moving quickly through the forest. Although the spiritual mist was thick enough to almost completely cover his sight, and could even block some spiritual probes, he was as relaxed as a fish in water in this forest.

If people saw this scene, their jaws would definitely drop, because it was so unbelievable.

Suddenly, his expression changed, his eyes shrank, and a cold light flashed. At this moment, he sensed the aura emanating from that royal elder.

"Since you guys want to come to die, then I'll give you a good ride!" After sensing the other party's aura, he was not afraid or happy, and the corners of his mouth were drawn together, revealing a wicked smile, as if he had some good plan in mind.

Immediately, his figure flashed, and he quickly disappeared from the original place. Even if he found the elixir that was more than a hundred years old while running, he didn't pay any attention to it.

Not long after, he jumped onto a towering ancient tree, looking down at the group of people below, it was the powerful team led by the two royal family elders.

However, even though they were only a few hundred meters apart, the other party didn't seem to notice him at all, which seemed very strange.

His eyes flashed, and immediately, the aura on his body was completely restrained, as if he had completely merged with the entire Lost Forest, turning into a part of the forest.

The next moment, he floated lightly like a ghost, disappeared from the tree trunk in an instant, and began to sneak downward.

"Damn it, where are Lin Wentian and the bereaved family members of the Lin Manor hiding? If I find them, I will definitely tear them into several pieces, so that I can vent my anger for several days."

"That's right! It's all because of Lin Wentian that we got into this damned place. If he dares to show up, I'll shatter his soul with an iron rod and turn him into a soulless ghost. Let's see how he reincarnates."

After several days of searching, many people were full of resentment, and developed a strong hatred for Wentian and others.

But they never thought that Lin Wentian had no enmity with them, and they just participated in the pursuit to get rewards from the royal family. Who is right and who is wrong...

However, they never thought about it.

Just when everyone was complaining, a cold voice full of murderous intent suddenly sounded from their ears.

"I, Lin Wentian, have no grudges against you, but..."

The voice was drawn out, afterimages flashed, and Wentian appeared strangely next to a monk who was extremely arrogant before.

"Boom!" In an instant, before the cultivator could react, his strongest physical strength exploded, and he clenched his fist and blasted out with an invincible force.

With one punch, as if with the power of a dragon to overturn the sea, the cultivator was completely blasted hundreds of meters away, hitting a towering ancient tree in the forest.

"Bang!" There was a violent collision, and immediately the blood scattered and penetrated into the spiritual mist, immediately bringing a smear of blood.

It was also at this moment that everyone came to their senses in an instant, and they all showed inconceivable horror.

"That is……"

"He is Lin Wentian...he appeared..."

"Kill him, whoever can kill him will become the general of a country, and will have the supreme status in Chiyue in the future, able to unify hundreds of thousands of troops."

Someone roared wildly, and the whole person seemed to have fallen into madness because of being too excited.

They didn't think about it at all, just when they were looking for each other hard, the other party suddenly appeared in front of them. This was definitely a big surprise for them, and it was a great opportunity given to them by God.

In an instant, everyone looked at Wentian like a wolf staring at a little sheep.

"He belongs to me and me. Whoever dares to snatch it from me, don't blame me for being rude to him." A stout monk roared with a huge black ax in his hand, as if he had the aura of breaking the world.

With a bang, when this man's figure exploded, he swept up a storm like a monster, and struck Xiang Wentian. The seemingly domineering black ax raised high above his head and slashed down.

"Hmph..." A cold snort came from Ziwentian's mouth.

Afterwards, his expression became completely icy. Seeing the opponent's fierce attack, he didn't move too much, just swung his fleshy palm, and moved towards the black ax with a domineering momentum.

"Bang!" The fleshy palm was printed on the ferocious edge of the black axe, and there was a metallic sound, but at this moment, the monk's arms shook suddenly, and he suddenly felt a powerful and huge attack.

In an instant, he opened his eyes in fear, his eyes filled with boundless fear, and he shouted: "Impossible..."

"Nothing is impossible!" Wen Tian said coldly.

In an instant, the monstrous force in his palm exploded, and with the force of a bamboo, he directly shattered the opponent's giant ax with great force. His afterglow flashed, and under the opponent's horrified eyes, he stamped his chest with his palm.


The monk flew upside down, spurting blood wildly from his mouth, feeling that the internal organs in his body were destroyed, his eyes lost their focus for an instant, and then lost their color.

Before he died, maybe he thought of something, but besides the look of horror, there was also a touch of remorse on his face.


With one palm, he actually destroyed the opponent's weapon, and killed a cultivator in the late stage of spiritual transformation. For a moment, everyone looked shocked, and there was a storm in their hearts, and a coolness rushed into their minds.

Although they had heard before that, although Lin Wentian's cultivation was only in the early stage of spiritual transformation, his strength was enough to crush the late stage of spiritual transformation, and he could even compete with the Vientiane Realm. Everyone made falsehoods, but they didn't expect that the strength of the opponent was more terrifying than the rumors.

In some people's hearts, at this moment, there seems to be a panic.

However, the greed in their hearts completely defeated their fear. After they came back to their senses, many people showed ferocious expressions and shouted: "Kill him... No matter how strong he is, he will only be one person."


Fluffy! !The energy of the crowd rose violently, and the momentum roared out, causing the ancient trees in the forest to shake, and the sand and stones to fly.

The strength of this group of people in the Spirit Transformation Realm is all in the Spirit Transformation Realm, and most of them are in the middle and late stages of Spirit Transformation. With such a strength, even the strong in the Vientiane Realm may have to be afraid Seven points.

However, Wentian looked as usual, as if Mount Tai would not collapse.

At this moment, he didn't use the ancient spirit to enter the body, nor did he use the power of ice cold, only saw the dragon shadow flashing under his feet.

Although Longyou's Taixu Step is a remnant, but when he uses it at the Spirit Transformation Realm, his speed can directly catch up to the Vientiane Realm.

The dragon shadow flickered, and disappeared like a ghost, and his person had disappeared from the spot in an instant, as if he had never existed at all.

"Boom!" Everyone's critical strikes blasted out, and there was a loud bang, with a radius of ten miles, there was a strong vibration in an instant, and the howling wind blew up the roots of the deep-rooted ancient trees. Many birds and animals that inhabited the forest were frightened one after another. , began to run away desperately.


The explosion here seemed to startle some giant monsters, faintly coming from the depths of the forest, one after another startling roars of beasts...

(End of this chapter)

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